Chapter 96-Robin

Robin raised his head, his little face was full of surprise and said, “What did you say? You know my mother, are you lying to me?”

Doflamingo smiled and said, “Of course not! You will be able to see her in a few days, and then you will know.”

Originally, Doflamingo and Orovia came together. But on the way, Doflamingo suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Orovia and his party are not only seven.

If you remember correctly, there are more than 30 historians who have searched for the text of history!

Now that seven people have been arrested by themselves, what about the rest?

Orovia and they couldn’t contact each other, they lost contact.

Doflamingo made a decisive decision and disembarked midway, and drove over to Ohara alone.

What if the remaining pits are caught by Marine, and Marine kills Ohara before he arrives?

The spider’s silk fluttered, Luffy galloped, and Doflamingo finally arrived at Ohara. Then, there was the scene just now.

Doflamingo started to dye Robin black. Although the progress was relatively slow, it was not completely ineffective. Doflamingo was confident and turned Robin into a dark rose.

Robin looked at Doflamingo, still wary in his eyes, and asked, “You know my mother, do you know her name? What does she look like?”

Doflamingo smiled, looked at the shrewd little Loli in front of him, and replied: “Her eyes are the same as you, and they look similar to you.”

Robin frowned slightly, seemingly not satisfied with the answer.

Doflamingo continued: “Her name is Nicole Orovia, and her hair is silver.”

Little Robin breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, “Are you mom’s friend?”

Doflamingo said: “No, your mother is my subordinate.”

Little Robin was taken aback, his expression became a little nervous.

Doflamingo smiled and said: “You don’t need to be nervous, your potential is higher than your mother. I am looking forward to you. Are you willing to be my subordinate?”

Robin tilted his head and asked expectantly, “Are you the same as your mother? Can I see her Tenten?”

Doflamingo smiled and said, “As long as you are obedient, it is easy to see her.”

Robin smiled happily: “Then I would!”

Doflamingo shook his head secretly, now Robin is just a child who longs for motherly love!

But education should be as early as possible and brainwash her as soon as possible while she is a child.

Robin has not had a good time in Ohara these years. Outsiders are hostile, and even her aunt and family have treated her very badly.

Not only gave her the worst food, but also let her a little child do all the housework. It’s like raising a servant or even a slave.

Except for the group of historians, Robin probably has few close people on this island.

Doflamingo suggested that he would take the group of historians away, and then agitate Robin to hate the others here.

For civilians, Doflamingo is unrelenting.

Back in North Blue, he was driven into desperation by those civilians countless times. The common people who bullied and feared hardship vented their hatred of Celestial Dragons to him.

Without those “good” and “innocent” civilians, there would be no Doflamingo today.

Those civilians are really kind and innocent, are they really good people?

Maybe it is!


“The so-called good guys are bad guys who haven’t started doing bad things!”

Doflamingo’s look lightly shapes Robin’s worldview.

Doflamingo sneered in his heart, disdainful of civilians in his heart. Weak civilians are used to fool and rule. This is a law that has not changed since ancient times.

He had seen such a scene in the memory of the traveler, it was a scene in the original book.

After Dressrosa’s toy recovers, Doflamingo releases Birdcage. Ask the people of Dressrosa to kill those who saved them, or kill them.

Under the threat of death, Dressrosa’s civilians agreed. They did not hesitate to attack the benefactors who had saved them, and brazenly stated that they would not hurt them, but just arrested them.

Pirates laughed at them at that time, can they live by catching them? Disgusting hypocrites!

In the eyes of Doflamingo, civilians have little value. If the darkness Robin can be awakened, he won’t care even if the whole Ohara is sacrificed in blood.

“Those people hurt you for no reason, do they deserve to die? Robin, do you want revenge? Do you want to kill those who hurt you? Let me give you the power of revenge!”

Doflamingo smiled, drew a pistol from his waist and handed it to Robin.

“Are you revenge?”

Robin looked dazed, and took the pistol.


Doflamingo smiled.

Robin turned around ignorantly, and walked slowly out of the woods.

Robin at this time is extremely entangled in his heart. Just now Doflamingo instilled too many dark ideas in her, and her outlook on life and values ​​began to collapse.

The kindness of nature made her want to refute Doflamingo’s words. But she had too little experience to think of words that could refute Doflamingo.

Her heart is very contradictory and tangled, which makes her whole person look a little dazed.

Robin thought in his heart, and walked out of the wood absently. When the cold wind blew out of the woods, Robin suddenly recovered.

Looking back at the woods, Doflamingo did not follow. Robin breathed a sigh of relief, she felt she needed to be quiet.

Looking down at the pistol in his hand, Robin hesitated and stuffed it into his clothes.

With a sigh of relief, Robin walked towards his aunt’s house. The man told her that her mother would not be back for several days.

Before his mother came back, Robin didn’t plan to contact that person anymore. After mom comes back, let mom decide for yourself!

Robin thought to himself, bowing his head and walking across the street.


On the street, a child saw Robin, his eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly.

Robin’s body shook, his steps quickened, and he wanted to leave here.

The child saw that Robin wanted to run, picked a stone from the ground and threw it over.

“Fight the monsters!”



Robin was in pain and whispered.

Next to the child, the young mother watched this scene, stepped forward and picked up the child, and said: “Don’t pay attention to her!”

Next to him, another child picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards Robin.

Someone followed suit, and soon the other little ghosts on the street began to follow suit. To follow the trend and bully people, maybe it is a kind of human nature!

Robin was annoyed and hit a child with his hands.

“what are you doing?”

The woman beside the child sank and rushed out, pushing Robin to the ground.

[Why should I do this? There is a feeling that I can’t help but this kid is so annoying! 】

The woman thought in her heart.

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