Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 122: Sakura National Treasure

"stand up!"

Ren Qingqing hurriedly pulled up a sleepy roommate Tang Yihan to stand up. More than 2,000 people sitting in the auditorium stood up at the same time, staring intently toward the stage.

Today is the third day of the Tianjing Practitioner School. Ren Qingqing and her roommate Tang Yihan were assigned to a class. The courses they took were also similar. They were all university-level courses in mathematics, physics and organic chemistry. It was bitter that Tang Yihan, a liberal arts student, went straight to bed in class.

Although the courses are college-level, the density is not as dense as their schedules. They are similar to high school seniors. In the evening, they have to listen to the reiki awareness classes taught by their respective training instructors. It is said that this kind of day will last at least one week to enter the cultivation state.

Early this morning, more than 2,000 students were called into the auditorium to receive the principal's training.

Ren Qingqing also found for the first time that there were more than 2,000 students in the school, and most of them were peers. It seemed that they were basically college students or young people who had just graduated within a few years.

Ren Qingqing, who keeps an eye on the news, naturally knows that Xuanguo opened ten practitioners colleges. Nine of them only accept junior high school students. Only Tianjing School accepts adult students, and the students are from all over Xuanguo. Extremely high, or already awakened.

Standing in such a large group of people, Ren Qingqing was naturally a little scared in her heart, but she was more looking forward to the future.

Is it possible for Ren Qingqing to know the significance of being able to receive the most advanced training in schools in the capital?

"Sister Qing," Tang Yihan whispered, "I heard that the principal is also a great monk. I don't know how it will appear?"

"From the Royal Sword?" Ren Qingqing guessed.

Tang Yihan: "I don't know if it's an old man, maybe he's a super handsome guy with Hefa Tongyan."

Ren Qingqing: "Superficial, maybe the monk can modify his appearance."

"Yes," Tang Yihan nodded like a chicken pecking rice. "At that time, we monks will not even need cosmetics and will always keep themselves in the most beautiful state."

Ren Qingqing also heard some emotions. I do n’t know if there will be any factions in the future. She must choose a biological faction. After all, she always feels that her **** are a bit small ...

At this time, a wonderful change took place on the stage. In the eyes of all the students in astonishment, white light suddenly flickered in the air, weaving a human figure.

In just ten seconds, a completely energy aggregate, who looked like a young man standing behind the pulpit, looked at more than 2,000 students.

"I am the principal of Tianjing Training School, and my surname is."

The students did not see if the principal said anything, but the sound was already shaking in their eardrums, and they were shocked, and then they watched the white figure on the stage with great excitement!

"For special reasons, I cannot personally go to school to teach you personally, but I will always sit in the school and take charge of your learning with you practitioners.

"As we all know, now is going to enter a new era. Whether it is students, instructors, or me, we must use the existing knowledge to become the ladder for learning new knowledge ourselves. Scientific tools are still us The most useful tool, systematic learning methods, is still the weapon of our study of the world. "

"In the face of a mysterious world that hides thousands of truths, you and I are students. There is a history of Taoism and a specialization in the field of surgery. There is no need to conceal your own imagination. The ability the school needs most. "

The white figure seemed to turn his head, looking around for a week, the students under the observation platform:

"Everyone, please fight for the rise of Xuanguo."

After all, the white figure dissipated, and all the students and teachers in the audience clapped their hands and applauded!

Tang Yihan said with excitement next to Ren Qingqing: "It's awesome! It's actually a split to preside over the speech ... is this the monk's ability !?"

Ren Qingqing also said, "Yeah, I didn't expect the country to control this spell now ... but do you think this spell is a bit familiar?"

"What familiar?"

"It's a bit like a simplified version of the" Phantom Extinction Stardust Fist "inherited by the Ren family to the sixth generation ..."

"Did you watch the TV series too much?"

"I'm going home to prepare a lesson plan. I'm not free."

Watching Dong Chengling go away, Ren Suo shrugged and went to the dining room for supper by himself.

Throughout the day, students have started to learn how to use tuna, and they have entered batches to try out the practice. Ren Suo also mixed in as a first-aid school doctor, enjoyed the free practice room environment, and put on "unlimited energy" to practice a whole day.

Cultivation fields are either closed or open for a whole day. Faculty and staff want to use the free practice fields and have to spend time with students.

When I came out in the evening, I just met with Dong Chengling who had finished training with her class, so I came forward and invited her to have a supper to talk about feelings and something.

As a result, Dong Chengling refused mercilessly ~ ~ Ren Suo did not recruit an invitation to a woman. It was already the result that he regarded Dong Chengling as an npc without any male or female affection. Already.

He shouted a pound of crayfish and ate it, and Ren Suo licked the shrimp while thinking about other methods, and then came to a conclusion

No way.

Like Qiao Muyi, also under the circumstances that the other party is willing to communicate, Ren Suo can increase her favorability.

Compared with Qiao Muyi, Dong Chengling's biggest advantage is that Ren Suo now looks at her without feeling at all, so she can rest assured that she is a tomato.

However, Dong Chengling had a bad first impression on him, his relationship was indifferent, and forced communication might still be hanged.

However, if you want to observe Dong Chengling's awakening up close and save her, don't let her break her legs. You must be close to her ...

And when the pangolin opened the mysterious spiritual treasure, it should be around 11pm, and the first five days of opening, there will be a red aurora in Kyoto.

When Ren Suo finished eating the crayfish, he finally figured out how to belong to a man.

Come on.

Anyway, the specific time can be inferred. It only takes one night's idiot to meet the purpose, which is already very easy.

After resolving a predetermined matter, Ren Suo went home to sleep happily.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, Ren Suo keenly heard a beep in the hall, and immediately got up to play games.

At this time, in devouring the spirit of the world, Lao Zhao found the nine-tailed fox and said that the national cherry treasure had been transported!

The nine-tailed fox walked to the embassy hall with the little blue cat. A dozen cherry blossom national treasures transported by bulletproof glass were all displayed in the hall.

These seem ordinary, and even a bit of worn-out antiques, in the "soul view" of the nine-tailed fox, they are shining and eye-catching!

Among them, the most powerful aura is the three magical artifacts of cherry blossoms!

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