Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 124: Seekers in reality

"So ... you've run out of money?"

Looking at Dong Chengling with a mouthful of porridge and a milk bag in front of him, Ren Suo could see that his appetite was getting better.

"No ... no ..."

Dong Chengling finished chewing the buns, and then came back to the long-skinned lean eggs and congee, saying, "I also saved a little bit of salt and noodles in case of accident."

"Is it enough to make noodles?"

"Isn't there a free meal and soup on each floor of the dining hall?" Dong Chengling said completely without embarrassment: "I have been dealing with breakfast and lunch in this way for a few days. If it is not for cultivation, it may cause hunger and reduce mental decline I do n’t even need to prepare noodles for cultivation efficiency. "

There is indeed free rice and soup on each floor of the dining room. Ren Suo looked at the last window on the third floor. There was "free rice soup" on the top of the window. Move from the side window.

He knew for a moment what this operation was: this is the minimum living guarantee given by the college. After one or two monthly exams, there must be some students who did not have wrist wheel points because of the tail of the crane. Rice soup.

This kind of dining room is naturally not delicious, but at least it can provide the nutrition needed by the human body, so that students can feel the tragedy of ‘if you do n’t study well, you ’re going down every day’ is a good incentive.

Although eating this kind of free rice soup will be a little shameful, but it will not harm self-esteem-because it has nothing to do with their native family, they want to eat well, and they can learn by their own strengths. Even if the family has money, should n’t it? Points are still missing.

But cultivating instructors like Dong Chengling, go to eat free rice soup ... It's a little embarrassing to think about it.

However, Dong Chengling didn't care about it at all, and he said his plan seriously, just like a fat man said that he would eat fried chicken set every day this month.

"Do you really use all your money to buy training time?" Ren Suo always felt a little weird. "It's only three days now."

"But I have been here for 13 days," Dong Chengling said. "Three days ago, I used up all the cultivation quotas."

"how is this possible!"

Ren Suo countered it subconsciously. He just heard Dong Chengling say that the points in the wristbands were spent to buy the practice quota, and he thought he was talking about it, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Ren Suo's own cultivation time quota is 90 hours, which can satisfy his 3 hours of cultivation per day.

Although I do n’t know Dong Chengling ’s practice quota, she definitely has more than him. In other words, she spent 9 hours a day practicing in the past ten days?

Reasonably, although absorbing reiki and practicing cyclone is an activity that can be seen by the naked eye and progresses every minute and can bring happiness, it will bring fatigue to the mind and body, like Ren Suo ’s practice at most Stop for an hour to rest and practice for a maximum of three hours a day, unless you turn on Unlimited Energy.

Once he practices too much, Ren Suo will feel unusually tired, which will cause Tanafa to make mistakes, fail to concentrate, and the practice efficiency will drop sharply.

In this sense, cultivating is like running a ghost while doing an involuntary ghost. You can enjoy the double torture of the spirit and the body and get double happiness ...

Therefore, the limit of the controllable aura polymerization equipment in the dormitory is not essentially a restriction on the practice time of the monks, it is simply to prevent them from wasting resources and to keep the equipment on all day. Ren Suo asked Zhao Huo, who said that he had rarely been able to practice enough for 3 hours in the past few days.

"How impossible?" Dong Chengling asked back.

"This will be very tiring!" Ren Suo issued a speech.

"Tired is the potential imprisonment of the body and the spirit. If you take the initiative to break through it, then your upper limit can be higher. It is normal to give up because of tiredness, but we have been out of‘ normal ’.”

Dong Chengling said of course: "If I am still an ordinary person, I naturally need instructions for a smooth body; but through cultivation, I can get a greater gift after each break through fatigue, which is the right way to cultivate."

"In fact, I only knew this when I saw related scientific articles during the special training. I once proposed that the college should also introduce this method, but the dean did not agree."

Oh my god, Ren Suo Na didn't know that he had encountered a real strong man, but he could break through fatigue by himself.

And would rather eat the minimum meals, and also use all resources for cultivation?

It is a weakened version of the seeker!

Of course, it is impossible for the vice president to agree to this method of masochistic practice. This method is the same as ‘learning well and becoming a leader of the Xuan Kingdom’. It is only a theoretical possibility!

If it was someone else, Ren Suo must have thought that this was bragging; however, when this word was spoken from Dong Chengling, Ren Suo believed it.

Although I only saw it three times, and if I only talked about it twice, Dong Chengling really looked like this kind of person: he would not lie, but he would not talk like people, like a stinky stone.

"Then last night I ... uh ...‘ please ’when you had supper ~ ~ why did n’t you come?” Ren Suo asked: “Do not eat white or eat.”

"I said, we need to prepare lessons." Dong Chengling: "I will modify today's teaching according to the student's progress."

Isn't it an excuse for rejection!

After eating and drinking, Dong Chengling wiped his mouth with satisfaction and said, "Thank you for your treat, but I will not establish an impure relationship with you."

Ren Suo was more or less at this time, knowing how to communicate with the heroine in front of him: "Why?"

"First, I don't have this plan. Second, I have a general impression of you. Third, what I think in my heart now is the future."

Dong Chengling said: "Because of the opportunity when I was young, I hoped that I would have a powerful force to help justice from an early age. Now that I have such an opportunity, I will not focus my energy elsewhere, either by penance or by serving the motherland. . "

Then she turned sharply: "But if you still want to invite me to dinner, if I have the right time, I will not refuse."

It can be seen that Dong Chengling was finally embarrassed when he said this, and his eyes were looking at the other side. Ren Suo felt funny: "Why?"

"I have stated my position, but if you are still willing to give good intentions, I will not refuse." Dong Chengling said: "I can't give what you want, but accepting is a kind of giving, if It will make you happy to invite me to dinner, I, I must do! "

Although she was righteous, Dong Chengling stuttered, and she seemed to know how untenable she was.

However, it is the intention of righteousness.

"I sometimes feel hungry at night and don't dare to go at night, hoping that someone will accompany me to the dining room for supper ... can you please?" Ren Suo blinked and asked.

Dong Chengling suddenly showed a big smile--

"It's inevitable!"

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