Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 128: Ace of Red and Blue

After opening 4 times, the number of warships surrounding the Free Island increased to four, and Li Wei and others were not allowed to leave the control area.

The returning old Zhao told the pangolin, "Although there is no reliable information, the current situation, the Federation may harm your companion. Comrade pangolin, can you inform it?"

The pangolin nodded, at this time a real pangolin lay on the thigh of the pangolin and shuffled into a ball, pacing around.

Although there is no skill description, it seems that animals that are "anthropomorphic" can naturally gain the favor and closeness of other similar animals even after physical changes.

When the game time came to 16:00, Ren Suo looked at the world ’s strongest current combat power of 72600, so that the golden monkeys disguised as nine-tailed foxes were released from the "Knight's Wind" state and appeared next to the Statue of Liberty to continue to open the Federation. Lingzang!

At the same time, federal personnel on Free Island also received news and entered a state of first alert, all of them adjusted the time and waited for 12 hours to pass.

The golden monkey has been turned on for 4 times. Each time the red and blue aurora erupted 12 hours after it was turned on, and then the golden monkey disappeared until 12 hours before appearing next to the Statue of Liberty. This pattern has long been understood by federal personnel. .

Rensuo is fast-forwarding hour by hour. After driving for 10 hours, he sees the dazzling monks aura in Liberty Island from the perspective of "Spirit Vision" and is slowly approaching the Statue of Liberty. !!

The warship can block the monk's aura, but as long as the nine-tailed fox stands high, ordinary trees cannot hide the powerful light belonging to human beings.

"Spirit vision" is not only for the spirit that devours the world to find spirits, but also for him to avoid the strong. If Ren Suo took the fighting faction route, let the spirit that devours the world fight and kill all the way to seize the spiritual antiques to evolve, maybe this function is really needed to avoid hunting.

However, if you follow the line of fascination, you don't need to fight or you must fight.

This is not ‘one slap does n’t make a sound, why do your good people find you’? Ren Suo knows that most of this time he ca n’t escape. The other party is also one of the biggest nations on the planet. I ’m not absolutely sure how they would act rashly?

Ren Suo knows that the real strong man in the world is far beyond his imagination.

The strongest person in the world is in the mysterious country and is the mission target of devouring the spirit of the world. And what is so strange about the federation named after the mysterious country that has a powerful person who can suppress the devouring of the spirit of the world?

As for the reasons for the federal shot, that's too much: to capture a research on the transformed spirit beast; to test the attitude of the fairy palace; to test the combat power of the transformed spirit beast ...

Other countries with weaker national strengths are also ignored. Xuan country did not move this thought because of the presence of Comrade Pangolin, but in fact, Ren Suo considered this to be the best opportunity for temptation: although I do n’t know how much information Xuan country disclosed to Federation, but the beasts are not humans at all, and they are sent to ignite Spiritualization, indicating that their identity is almost a servant in the fairy palace.

If the Celestial Palace reacts violently at this time, the Federation can pry out the strength of the Celestial Palace and make prompt compensation; if the Celestial Palace does nothing, or just condemn it verbally, the Federation can also find out the details of the Celestial Palace.

The federal state has a great career and can fully afford this operation. Although Lao Zhao reminded the pangolin, it was just the same. It was regarded as the moral of repeated transactions. As for other countries, it was the default federal action.

Anyway, the consequences will be borne by the Federation itself, and everyone can see the results. Why not do it?

For those in power, being strong is not daunting, and what is daunting is unknown. How many means, how many people, and how to act in the fairy palace ... They don't know everything, even the existence of the fairy palace cannot be confirmed.

And if you capture a monkey, you can gain a little insight into some of the unknown, and even if it fails, the loss suffered is within the expected range ... If the golden monkey is like a little blue cat and has a backstage like 'nine-tailed fox', maybe they will Hesitate.

With such a high price-performance ratio, it is almost reasonable for the Federation to start. As for the "monkey power" of the golden monkey, it must not be considered-Madonna of the idiot cannot enter the decision-making level.

In addition to running away, Ren Suo naturally has only one choice.

But at least for now, the golden monkeys disguised by the nine-tailed fox are still safe. They will definitely let the fairy palace beasts open the spiritual possession and eat the benefits they can eat.

Fast forward another hour, and Ren Suo asked the golden monkey to swim around the Statue of Liberty.

This situation immediately attached great importance to all observers.

"what happened?"

"That wasn't the case the other day!"

"This should be the last ritual to ignite the spirit veins? Pay attention to all units and be optimistic about the monkey position!"

Fast forward 59 minutes, Ren Suo quietly waited for the time to pass.

Lizang is fully open, countdown one minute,

The powerful federal monks in Spirit Vision have surrounded the Statue of Liberty, about 100 to 150 meters away.

50 seconds,

All combatants on Freedom Island are fully seated,

30 seconds,

Ren Suo ’s preset "Illusion" was activated instantly. A monkey exactly the same as the golden monkey moved along the movement steps of the past hour, and the golden monkey real body transformed by the nine-tailed fox entered the "knight wind" state. Keep a distance of about one arm away from the real body.

20 seconds, 10 seconds, 5 seconds!

"You have opened the Federal Spirit Hide."

"Federal Spirit Level +1."

"The world's Reiki rises slightly."

"Because of the opening of Mystic Kingdom, British, Sakura, Brazil, Australia, and Commonwealth, the other six spiritual possessions on the earth will also automatically open within thirty days."

"You get 15 evolutions ~ ~ You get an ace evolution!"

In the picture, the statue of Liberty, which is flared by the nine-tailed fox, is reduced to a painting and merged into the back of a card with red edges and blue backs.

"You got the red and blue trump card: Wings of Liberty."

When the red and blue meteors shot out from the torch of the right hand of the Statue of Liberty and flew to all parts of the federal continent, the commander in chief of the warship no longer hesitated-when the first five countries completely ignited the veins, it was also extremely gorgeous Special effects!


At this moment, Ren Suo saw the golden monkey illusion made by the nine-tailed fox and was completely settled!

An illusion of light and shadow without a substance, purely aura, was settled!

Even the nine-tailed fox itself was slightly affected!

"Space Anchor: You are affected by the ripples of the Space Anchor. Performing all actions consumes ten times your energy."

Ripples alone create such a terrible negative effect. Wouldn't it be impossible to move if it were hit completely?

Is this the federal hand? Unfortunately, the knight's style of the dark blue ace is almost perfect stealth ...

At this time, the federal monks rushed to the bottom of the Statue of Liberty within a few seconds, and quickly found that they had just settled on an illusion.

Then, a white girl wearing a Lolita skirt suddenly bleeds blood from her eyes, and her eyes naturally look towards the side of the nine-tailed fox!


Even at a distance of 15 meters in the game, the girl's nearly godless pupil and Yin Hong's blood stains surprised Ren Suo.

Then the girl whose monk's aura was not strong pointed at the direction of the nine-tailed fox and shouted: "here!"

In fact, when the girl looked over, another curly man with a very bright light had already pointed in the direction of the nine-tailed fox!

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