Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 130: Eat 1 stick!

Everything on Liberty Island cannot be hidden at all. Liberty Island is too close to New York. As long as there are enough powerful optical telescopes, Liberty Island can be observed in buildings on the coast.

After the monkey was transformed, Ren Suo gave it a blue bar and red card to evolve the "ideal echo" in order to facilitate communication. Although this evolution did not add any special effects to the monkey's voice, it allowed the monkey to ignore the language restrictions and directly understand other People's words-put in the game, that is, when others speak, a chat bubble will pop up on the head, and the translated Chinese will be in the bubble ...

Because a monkey has a human-like vocal organ, as long as the text typed by Ren Suo can be emitted by humans, it will also make corresponding sounds, and just as a monkey can understand the language of others, its own language will be unhindered by others. Insight.

When the monkey communicated with Uncle Zack, Ren Suo increased the "sound effect" to 100 in the chat box-the default is 10-so the monkey's words spread out from Liberty Island like a thunderous bomb, throughout the whole Echoes echoed in New York Harbor.

Countless people watched in New York Harbor, and rumors of the emergence of a new generation of Monkey King spread wildly.

"You, tear up the contract."

The monkey took a step forward and heard a dull bazooka roar in the next second, at least ten grenades fired at the monkey from all directions!

Lying on the sofa, Ren Suo launched a general attack by pressing "R1". The monkey stick swept away, causing the wind pressure to detonate all the grenades in advance!

During this period, the barrage suppression of the Federal Army soldiers has not stopped. The jingling voice of Jin Ge has been banging on the monkey's gold armor and cape. However, these hot weapons that have been crazy from the 18th century to the present have even hindered them. Monkeys can't do it!

The scorching Gundam encounters a scorching steel body, penetrates the kinetic energy of all tangible objects, and encounters tangible objects that generate terrible kinetic energy all the time!

The sound of steel and meat is the best applause, and the retreat of the army is the best welcome!

The monkey stepped forward, and the frontline commando stepped back!

Hundreds of assault fighters emptied three magazines, fired nearly forty grenades, and left countless potholes and scorching shells on the ground, but still failed to leave a scar on the monkey!

The exclusive evolution of the demon king, the gold bar and red card "rock" completely condenses all the "armor" layers. As long as the attack per second cannot penetrate the armor layers, the armor layers will not be consumed.

When possessing armor, the demon king monkey will not be affected by the attribute damage and kinetic damage caused by the damage!

At this time, the federal fighters released the trigger and quickly retreated with the equipment.

And the monkey stopped.

A middle-aged man with a scar on his face stood ten meters away.

"What is the Qitian Holy Saint you call a strong man with extraordinary wisdom, infinite power, clear love and hate, and courage to fight?"

Uncle Zack bit out a cigarette from the cigarette case, took out a lighter and ignited the cigarette, and talked to the monkey like a gossip.

"Yes." Ren Suo paused the game and returned a word.

"Then what we said should be the same great monkey."

Uncle Zack said: "Maybe the backstory may be different, but the spirit of the character's core will not change. Alas, I also worship Qitian Dasheng."

Monkey: "Really?"

"I don't adore its power and wisdom, but what authority it can face without hesitation ... This is something I can't do. I know that this is a boring order, but because of responsibility or The cause of the mess is to obey. "

"For example, a breach, for example, catching you."

Zack took a deep breath, and the remaining cigarettes suddenly burned out. He clamped his cigarette **** in his left hand and said, "You are not Qitian Dasheng."

Monkey: "That's Tadpole's goal."

Zach stretched out his right hand and poked the cigarette **** in his left hand to the palm of his right hand!

The cigarette **** quickly turned into a powder, and the powder emitted a slight fluorescence, which turned into a white mask in Zach's palm.

"but me."

Zack put on a mask, which completely covered all parts of his mouth, but his mouth was still vocal:

"Not an angel."

The pure white feathers woven like light spread behind his shoulders, back and waist, turning into six wings. Dark golden armor draped over his single garment like a godsend. His feet were put on silver boots, and the wind and light were woven. The skirt is floating gently.

A silver wristband appeared on his right hand, and the cross falling from the wristband turned into a cross sword;

A golden glove appeared on his left hand, and the tower shield carved by the glove turned into a giant shield;

The white mask on his face, and the dark gold helmet, covered all the scars on his face, making him look solemn and great!

"Judgement in the name of the Lord—"

"You, yes, sin!"

A ray of light fell from the night and hit the monkey exactly, adding a very special effect to it-

"Divine enemy: The angel damage you take will increase by 30%."

"Are you finally going to fight ..."

Ren Suo looked at the combat table in the upper right corner of the screen.

The strongest person in the world, 73400.

Devour the Spirit of the World, 43216.

Yes, even if it has opened 6 spiritual possessions and has 88 evolutions, the spirit that devours the world is now only half the strength of the world's strongest.

But Ren Suo didn't convene-because just two minutes ago, the monkey that had just completed "Immortal Legacy: Rekindling" had only 3,300 combat power.

When it came out to accept the siege of monks and the rain of guns, the combat power soared by more than 10,000!

It seems that this combat power, in addition to the panel combat power, will also calculate the increased combat power of other skills, but the latter will not be counted into the combat power until it is devoured by the Spirit of the World.

In other words, either the monkey finds a place to wreak havoc, or finds a person to fight, in order to fully show their true combat power.

Now that a ready-made target has appeared, there is no reason for Rensuo! ?

Enter battle mode!

The angel Zach suddenly flew into the air, and the cross sword cut out a wonderful light and shadow in the air. At the moment, nine cross cuts were cut out, and each cross cut was the size of a giant windmill, as if it had instantly dropped countless morning stars!

No wonder the federal soldiers withdrew so quickly. This angel is a map cannon!

And Ren Suo didn't panic. Press the "X" button to start accelerating. At this time, the entire game world has completely slowed down. Angel Zack's serial cross cut is also frozen in the air, and he slowly shoots at the monkey!

When the moving speed is more than 500 ~ ~ The speed of the devouring world spirit is not enough to keep up with Ren Zuo, who is drunk and dreaming on the sofa. The speed of the game will quickly drop to the point where a handicap can also make perfect operations.

And the higher the spirit of the World Consumption, the slower the game speed and the slower the enemy, but the Spirit of the World will maintain a normal speed. For example, now Ren Ren can still slowly calculate the distance between the monkey and the cross of light!

Instantly let Ren Suo have a wonderful sense of cheating when he was a kid and playing action games with gears.

"Come on!"

I saw the monkey struggling on the ground, and actually charged towards the dense and seamless cross-cutting star group!

When the cross-cut star group landed, the monkey also happened to come out of the cross-cut star group, without any damage on his body, and did not even trigger a light cross-cut!

"Ace of Red and Blue: Wings of Liberty" allows the spirit that devours the world to enter the state of "wings of liberty" at any time. In this state, the spirit that devours the world will completely break away from reality and can only be affected by its own kinetic energy and universal gravitational force. Influence, can no longer be affected by other substances, but also cannot influence other substances.

That is, you can switch on and off at any time. You can't beat me, I can't fight your invincible state!

It can be seen that the angel Zack did not expect that the monkey would actually attack from the front, and he quickly raised the shield. The orange light burst from the shield's winger, forming an egg-shaped barrier that could perfectly protect him, and quickly backed away to try to dodge—

"Eat a bar!"

Ren Suo even had the time to add a line to the monkey, press "R2", a powerful attack that instantly consumed half of the energy, aimed at the angel Zach, and directly broke the angel barrier with a stick. Wing Birdman breaks into the dust!

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