Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 144: "Passing the Hat" Clearance

Recently, many people who knew Ren Suo felt very strange, leading Ren Suo's mother to finally call: "You smash, you have an abortion in the stomach of a big girl! I don't smash like you!"

"... calm down, mom, your voice is too loud, everyone next to me hears you speak."

Ren Suo glanced at Zhao Huo who had dropped the spoon next to him, and Dong Chengling, Gu Yueyan, and Lin Xianyu who stopped at the opposite table felt that his personal settings seemed to undergo an earth-shaking change—from ' 'Single dogs' become 'super scum men'.

He took the mobile phone outside the canteen and said, "Mom, I'm your son. Do you think your son is like this !?"

Mom: "I used to think that Xiao Jiu was a good boy, but it hasn't made another girl's belly bigger, so what's the matter of going home?"

Ren Suo: "I told you long ago, send Xiaojiu to sterilize! It doesn't bother you if it sends you spring every day!"

There was a meow on the phone, and my mother said loudly: "Look at you, Xiaojiu has been with you for so many years, how can you cut it so savagely (chicken)? You are so cruel to Xiaojiu, Is it so **** your girlfriend! "

Ren Suo knelt, "I suggest that you send your cats to sterilization are cruel ... This cat screams every day, what will happen to my old girl's review?"

The mother was stunned for a moment, and was silent for a moment: "... I have to take care of Xiaojiu next week."

"My mother, I tell you, she also loves Xiao Jiu and loves her tightly. She wo n’t say much if she is affected by cats. If you send Xiao Jiu to sterilize earlier, my sister may have more points in the college entrance examination. ... "

"Don't open the topic!" Mom was obviously guilty, and hurriedly shifted the topic: "Your classmates called over the past few days and said that you had a girl abortion, is there such a thing?"

Ren Suo: "Even if I do such a lack of morals, I will not tell the group of cats who come to my house all day long, single and not talking!"

Mom: "But Xiaosan told me this. You asked in the QQ group that you had a friend who broke up with your girlfriend and aborted, but regretted it later and wanted to start over again, but there was no sufficient reason ..."

Ren Suo: "... It does happen."

My mother immediately became angry: "You kid, raise your butt, **** and urinate. I don't know? 'A friend' isn't you! You actually did such a bad thing !? Hurry and apologize, then take your wife back Let us see! "

Ren Suo: "But it's really a friend of mine! He asked me what to do, I didn't know it in the high school class group university class group."

Mom: "Fart, someone who has done such a wicked thing, will tell you this sizzling charcoal that is single and not talking !?"

Rejected by his mother's words, Ren Suo was temporarily restrained.

It took him a while to think of a new reason: "It's true that you, my son, but my elder brother of Lianjiang, many people came to me to tell me the truth, and were welcomed by countless young people who lost my way ... Anyway, I swear, After an arbitrary act of indecency, I changed my last name! Phone charges are expensive and I'll talk about it next time. "

The younger sister who was taking the food to the table, found that her mother looked strangely and put down her phone: "What's wrong? Brother made you angry again?"

Renma = _ =: "Nothing, he said he is very popular with men in Lianjiang."

Sister blinked: "..."

Any dad watching TV: "... heritance is amazing ..."


When Ren Suo returned to the dining room, he felt a wonderful atmosphere as soon as he sat down, so he made another excuse just now.

After Gu Yueyan ate with Dong Chengling, Zhao Huo found that they were not a 'two-person world', and Lin Xianyu seemed to be a friend of wine and meat with Gu Yueyan, and often went to the third floor to eat Gu Yueyan. Little rich woman's meal.

Zhao Huo: "Well, I actually have a friend. I often use 'having a friend' to cover up my ugly behavior. Well, although I don't really blame him on the bright side, I will talk to him a few times to show my disdain. "

Others also looked skeptical. Ren Suo took out his mobile phone and showed them his speech: "You see, I can't be a scumbag who let my girlfriend have an abortion. Become a high school student who wants to apologize to a friend? "

Zhao Huo circulated through their mobile phones and found that Ren Suo really asked a lot of questions in various QQ groups in the past few days. The age of the questions ranged from 13 to 20 years old, and the content ranged from family relationships, friendship, love, and various trivia.

Zhao Huo: "Did you become a special writer for the emotional public account?"

Gu Yueyan: "I'm afraid I don't want to mix my problems in it, I want to hide my eyes ..."

Lin Xianyu: "Brother Ren is so good. Are there so many people asking questions?"

Dong Chengling looked at Ren Suo's dinner plate: "Do you still eat your roast chicken legs?"

"I'm not full yet! Of course!"

Gu Yueyan was staring at Ren Suo at this time, seeming to inadvertently say: "Although I also want to trust the teacher, it seems that before the teacher Ren often wanted Lin Xianyu to sleep in the treatment room ... isn't it?"

Gu Yueyan used the item "Salted Fish Raid" to cause reputation damage to metamorphosis.

Lin Xianyu nodded: "Yeah, one night it's too late to play mobile phone, and I'm asleep in the treatment room."

"Yeah, yeah." Gu Yueyan nodded: "But Teacher Ren must have done nothing?"

While holding the chicken thigh, Ren Suo said, "I touched her head with my hand for five minutes."

Lin Xianyu put out his tongue: "I didn't just touch your head before, you remember to hate it for so long, you also wore a hat, hum."

Ren Suo used "perverted frankness" to avoid reputation damage.

Gu Yueyan: Ren Suo, 1: 1.

After dinner, Ren Suo went back to the dormitory while doing some extended exercises-he was tired for two days.

Open the door of the house, put the notebook in the living room, and Ren Suo went straight to the Q group, and found that some of the newly added emotional counseling groups had already answered his questions.

Inspired by Gu Yueyan two days ago, Ren Suo found that relying on his own life experience, maybe there is no way to give the owners of the red light hats sufficient enough to defeat the black misty girl's confusion.

So he chose to search for the answer on the Internet. If he couldn't find it, he would ask questions in each QQ group and brainstorm. He believes that his classmates must have had the same troubles as hat owners, and indeed they did.

However, it is better to ask such questions once or twice. If there are several times, no one will answer the class. So Ren Suo opened a trumpet. In addition, various psychological counseling groups directly asked. Although a lot of chicken soup was harvested, some were not. Encourage words that can't solve the knot.

Just like a candidate taking a mobile phone into the examination room, Ren Suo, who has such a cheating weapon, broke 11 hats in two days. If it weren't for a hat to get resources, Rensuo could be faster.

Moreover, most of the skills acquired after the conversion of the red light hat have no practical significance, but in the trial there are various magical effects: confession, apology, comfort ... Seekers who have obtained special effects can pass the special effects to the red light hat owner , Free them from the bewilderment of the dark mist girl.

Ren Suo synthesized the answers from the emotional counseling group, selected the best answers, and opened "Passing Hat" to continue the strategy of the 19th hat!

This is the last hat and the penultimate day of the game deadline!

Ren Suoke was not interested in waiting until tomorrow when the 20th hat appeared before the customs clearance!

Today, he is going to clear this tricky game!


Li Dan, who was in the nutrition cabin all over, looked at the man sitting on the iron throne. Although he couldn't speak because his lungs were full of nutrients, he knew that the other person knew his words from his own mouth: "You Have you ever hated fate? "

After a while, the man on the throne said, "I lost all my family more than half a year ago. Trust me, my hatred in this half year is heavier and longer than all your hatreds in the past."

"The blood of the champion." Li Dan nodded: "We have all been reborn because of the rejuvenation of the Aura, and we have suffered from it."

Ren said: "When you fall asleep, '236' will undergo metamorphosis, and those who first contact '236' will become its food. This item is not a real thing, but it is mapped based on matter and can be moved. But it cannot be destroyed. "

Li Dan was a little puzzled-he hadn't told himself so many details before ~ ​​ ~ I promise that it will contain observations in this absolutely safe situation. According to my strength, it will definitely not affect me, and I will not let your sacrifice go to waste. "Ren seriously said.

"……Thank you."

Li Dan turned his head to look at the left and right sides, the nineteen sleeping team members who were in a liquid environment human life and biological function maintenance device like him.

They just met each other, and Li Dan was only seconded to this team to search the earth.

However, they did not expect that they would become good brothers who depended on each other for life and death and walked into the end of the grave together.

"When I hope to go down, the wine is not cold and the dishes are not cold."

Li Dan closed his eyes, thinking that he would finally not have to wake up again.

Seeing Vientiane, hearing all directions, knowing everything, it is too tiring ...

Even if he closed his eyes, he could hear the blood, heart and internal organs of the man named Ren on the throne in the distance, making a huge roar; he could hear the water flowing from the bottom of the nutrient solution. I can hear the heartbeat of the sleeping team members, and even the wow sound of their open mouths ...


Li Dan turned his head and saw Cheng Xiao, who was so cool on the left, opened his eyes, raised his hand along his mouth, and yawned!

On the right, Wen Junjie rubbed his eyes and looked around blankly for a week. He lowered his head to see that he was wearing only underwear, and was scared to a chrysanthemum.

Li Dan froze.

Ren on the Iron Man's seat was also stunned.

At this time, a new message popped up on the computer in front of Ren, and he glanced at him, and his pupils instantly enlarged!

"The heroine of 10,000 meters if you are strong" ... reappears !? "

At the same time, a passenger who had not bought a ticket and passed the security check sneaked into a moving train in the Anshun high-speed railway station heading north ...

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