Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 146: Tianjing appears red aurora

In Sanling, a group of old Zhongqing researchers report around Ren Ren on the iron seat.

"Although only preliminary tests have been conducted, after the change of '236', other people did not physically isolate, and there was no abnormality in direct contact. It was found that the 20-member team of '236' was fully awake, except because there was no movement for many days There is no other abnormality other than the resulting weakness and stiffness. "

"In the emergency test, the three volunteers wearing the '236' had a significant benign change in their mental state after 10 minutes of sleep, and their learning abilities increased rapidly."

"Among them, three volunteers said that they met a girl in their sleep to communicate with them, but the girls they saw had different appearances, and they still had doubts about whether the girl was '236' because of her birth."

"Within ten meters of '236', the tension of all testers will quickly calm down, and their learning ability may improve."

"These changes were all caused by the‘ strong heroine ’(a heroine who was ten thousand meters above the strong one) suddenly appeared in the No. 236 storage room and wore the No. 236.”

The old researcher looked at Ren: "What did the strong lady do to No. 236, do you have any ideas, Ren?"

Ren looked at the white pointed cap on the screen: "I said before that No. 236 contains too much negative energy. This part of energy has another dimension like Reiki. The hat is just a projection of energy. It can only be touched and cannot be destroyed. Although I It ’s just looking outside, but the strong heroine relied on a higher dimension of energy, and herself penetrated into the negative energy.

Others are difficult to say, but in terms of Reiki energy, researchers have no qualifications to refute. Until there is no other explanation, what Ren said is tentatively determined as the conclusion.

A researcher asked, "But why did she do this?"

Ren was silent for a moment, and said, "What if the strong heroine didn't show up, what would happen to 236?"

"According to the observations of Mr. Ren and other investigating monks, after No. 236 swallowed 20 first-contact players, he could capture the energy it needed, completely activate the negative energy, and completely radiate power."

Researchers said: "Although it is impossible to know the details, we can guess one or two from the current state: No. 236 will make people who wear it completely fall asleep, and make people within ten meters have a mood change, and these are It must be harmful. "

"If it is just this, it is already an excellent ending, but the energy of No. 236 is too huge. If it is released endlessly, I am afraid that the impact will be wider, and this ignores all the absolute radiation of obstacles."

"It is also very likely that it will seduce all who watch, put it on, and fall into endless sleep. Or it may let some negative energy burst out on the wearer, so that its strength soars and collect more negative energy for No. 236 . "

"So," Ren Dandan said, "We can't handle No. 236. The best result is just a dangerous thing. The worst result can even lead to a series of disasters."

"However, the emergence of the strong female lead solved this problem. As for No. 236 becoming a useful treasure, it was insignificant."

Ren suddenly arched her waist, coughed twice, and waved her hand to signal that they were not worried: "... now, we have completely pushed down our original views on the strong female lead, and just look at it."

"She solved this problem and rescued 20 Xuanguo monks, half of whom were second-turn monks. Isolating her from the actions of Ren Rense and others, she has appeared to the present, although the probability is He is alive and dead, but he has done nothing harming the interests of Xuanguo, and even reached out to help many times. "

"I am not involved in decision-making, but the actress of a strong lady, I think she belongs to the" object that should be united. "Of course, I can understand her behavior of breaking into the underground base, and the starting point is good, but she should not be treated as such. Offer tolerance. "

"This is my opinion. The strong heroine has made great achievements. As for what to do, I leave it to the top. After all, I'm just, cough ... just a researcher."

After discussion of No. 236, the researchers left from Sanling.

Two familiar fellows walked to the toilet. They glanced at all the toilet compartments open, and chatted while unfastening their belts: "Ren seems to be more partial to strong female protagonists."

Another nodded: "I also feel that he not only has a goodwill for the strong female lead, but also expresses a good opinion of 'Ren Naiser'."

"Although he does not participate in decision-making, his identity will definitely listen to him. However, that is only the task of front-line executives, and it has nothing to do with us."

"But this is also human nature. After all, the only answer to the mystery of the bloodline may be‘ Ren Naiser ’. The public and private, he wants to draw‘ Ren Naser ’to us.”

After the two researchers left, another person came in. He turned halfway and suddenly turned his head: "What are you doing here, Li Dan? Why are you driving" Hidden "? "

Li Dan, who was sitting on the toilet lid, said, "It's nothing, I just heard something interesting."

Liang De took off his pants and urinated, and suddenly realized: "Are you practicing? I understand," Hidden "is a three-turn spell, and you can practice in the second turn. Maybe I noticed that you should practice more ... Rest assured, I won't tell others that you like to cultivate in the toilet. "

Liang De raised his pants, walked after washing his hands and said, "Rest assured, it's normal to have your own hobby--"


With the roar of two hands in the air, Li Dan raised his head and looked at Liang De with narrow eyes and his hand hanging on his head, his hand blocked by himself.

"Don't use my wet hand on my shoulder, and don't wipe it."

At this moment, Li Dan raised his eyebrows, and Ren, who was sitting in the Sanling Iron seat, coughed. One of them was a magical awakening insight spell, and the other was the strongest monk on the front line.

At the same time, they found that there was something wrong in the flow of the aura.


"It's enough to go to the school hospital for this injury ..."

In the training ground of Tianlian College, Ren Suo was helping a senior sophomore healed, and said helplessly to Gu Yueyan.

"As a first-aid doctor, you should do your best to treat the students." Gu Yueyan intervened and said, "I said how do you find Teacher Dong every day when you have time to eat. It turns out that you never go to school hospitals and work as a tax thief! But the state-established practitioners college! "

"What doesn't work, who do you think is cured by Xiaoyu's hands?" Ren Suoqiang argued.

"Then what else do you complain about? Shouldn't you cure the injured student? There is no professional ethics at all, are you worthy of your salary!"

Ren Suo's anger surged up, turned his head and glared at the ancient Yueyan, and shouted loudly:

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

"Huh?" Gu Yueyan, who was so frightened to take a step back, stopped looking for a teacher to make a small report, and she seemed to be the first time she saw an adult so loudly admit it. All the other students in the training room had come to see her, and she said quickly: "Oh, it's good to know what's wrong ... After you've treated this, this fat guy should hurry up."

The fat man who was treated by Ren Suo was silent, and you were so excited by the squad leader that no one knew me.

"What are you going to do? It's almost time for class. It's time to find her for supper."

Ren Suo left the practice site after he had treated the chubby.

Looking at the night sky with only the moon due to light pollution, Ren Suo pressed the brim and felt a little bit painful.

Even if it is only ‘+ 10% savvy’, Ren Suo is willing to wear the item “Cap for Correction”. This prop must be attached to a physical hat to take effect. Ren Suo has been wearing a hat just these days, so he was directly equipped.

However, all the functions of this hat are passive, that is, when Ren Suo feels that he should 'apology', 'comfort', 'gratitude', he will naturally trigger the above passive.

It's better to enhance the language effect. The point is that if Ren Suo pays no attention, he will naturally tell some big truths that he doesn't want to say.


"Why sigh?"

"Because it will be difficult to do Sven scum in the future ... eh?"

Found that it was Gu Yueyan, this little bastard, Ren Suo glanced at her, didn't care, and continued to play against the phone against the wall.

Gu Yueyan was horrified to hear: "You really have a bad intention to the teacher!"

Ren Suo rolled his eyes: "Cut, there is a kind of small report on me."

The gap from the post made Gu Yueyan angry, but she was very mobile and waiting for Dong Chengling to come out at the door. She seemed to plan to have supper together and watch Ren Suo, a former Sven scum, by the way.

But she seemed a little afraid of Ren Suo, and caught Lin Xianyu when she passed by. Lin Xianyu seems to want to go back to the dormitory to take a bath ~ ~ But under the spell of ‘I am a guest’, he still obediently prepares risotto happily.

"Aren't you two afraid of getting fat for supper?" Ren Suo asked with a smile.

"We will also practice when we go back, and will soon consume energy! Eating supper is just right!" Gu Yueyan said immediately.

Lin Xianyu blinked: "men?"

"Instead, it ’s you. You do n’t have to go to lunch or lunch. Why eat supper every day? Want to turn into a greasy middle-aged bald beer belly man early?" Gu Yueyan taunted. Oh, let's stop this bad habit early. "

Gu Yueyan is waiting for this tax thief to refute. She can personally attack the teacher, but the teacher cannot personally attack the students-thanks to the 'Swen scum' just said, Gu Yueyan who missed the classic quotation has been opened. The phone's recording function is waiting to grab this guy's handle at any time.

However, the tax thief stared at the phone without saying a word.

It turns out that this guy is also a bit ashamed ... or maybe he is thinking about how to word? I heard that many people want to refute that because the brain nerves can't turn around, it takes a long time to think about how to scold them back, which is very shameful.

Gu Yueyan thought so, but the other person said, "You're right."

"After these days, I won't eat supper."

Ok? Gu Yueyan looked at this guy unexpectedly. Do you finally know that your barren heart is unworthy to stay here?

Ren Suo glanced at the news of "Red Aurora appeared in Tianjing" on his mobile phone, turned to look at Dong Chengling who came out of the cultivation field, and said extremely arrogantly:

"I have all-inclusive snacks for the next few days!"

"You really have a conspiracy!" Gu Yueyan gritted his teeth.

"Does the listener have a share?" Lin Xianyu asked in surprise beside him.

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