Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 754: Watch the same movie 4 times a day!


At lunch, I was eating a sense of crisis.

Qiao Muyi was proud and confident, and she could make a provocative and lovely nasal sound if she had a dish. If she had a tail, she must be shaking now;

While eating, Ren Xingmei stepped on Rensuo's feet under the dining table;

Gu Yueyan's eyes flowed, and his eyes were as divine—there was really light, moonlight. Every time Rensuo touched her sight, she felt a soft light touching her retina. Although comfortable, it was also fatal;

Dong Chengling is naturally quiet and natural. He eats quietly, but the aura coordinate necklace Ren Suo wears will heat up from time to time.

Lin Xianyu seemed to see something wrong. He ate a lot of food and ate vegetables very fast, as if he was afraid that the big table would be beaten up later.

The black cat has a small appetite, and has already eaten and jumped to the living room and got into the ice cream ice cream bucket.-Since it was known that the black cat has an extremely strong demand for ice cream, Baiji is almost a bucket of ice cream to Dongchengling. Ship at home, and then let the black cat feedback how it tastes. The improvement and innovation efficiency of ice cream taste is getting higher and higher.

I have seen something wrong, I know that something must have happened that he did n’t know, but in this state, he ca n’t ask the question-now all four girls are like gunpowder barrels that have lit their leads. He If you work harder, you're not afraid to explode instantly.

Hurry up.

As soon as I finished eating, Ren Suo put on a mask and stood up and said, "Ah, I think I'm in a hurry, Cheng Ling, the dishes are put in the sink first. I'll come over tonight and wash, bye!"

Lin Xianyu also had a full meal at this time, suddenly showing an anxious expression, holding Gu Yueyan and Ren Xingmei's hand and said, "Leader, Little Star, I remember that I haven't finished my high school assignments, I will hand them in the afternoon. Can you go back and teach me how to do it? "

Ren Xingmei was okay, but Gu Yueyan had no resistance to such a miraculous and wonderful story like 'Lin Xianyu suddenly learned to learn', and was immediately moved with a smile, agreeing with relief: "Okay, I ’ll teach it when I go back What do you do, in fact, the partial derivatives learned in the previous two days are still very simple ... "

Since Gu Yueyan and Lin Xianyu had gone, Ren Xingmei was also embarrassed to stay, and left with them.

When Ren Suo saw this scene, he could n’t help but admire Lin Xianyu. Lin Xianyu pouted his lips and hurried away Gu Yueyan—I just wanted to come here tonight to eat and eat, and I did n’t want to help you out. !!

Seeing that everyone was leaving, leaving only Qiao Muyi and Dong Chengling, Ren Suo suddenly asked, "Mr. Son, do you have to go to work this afternoon?"

Qiao Muyi, who knew how to sing, knew immediately what Ren Suo meant, but after all, today was her great victory, so she closed it when she saw it. Fox-like eyes were full of charming smiles, and she nodded, "Yes, The Countermeasure Bureau is quite busy, and I'm going back now. "

I saw that Qiao Muyi wore a countermeasure vest, walked behind Dong Chengling, bent down slightly, stretched out his hand to surround Dong Chengling's neck, and gently blew Dong Chengling's earlobe, whispered:

"Chengling, I'm fine, send me back."

Even Dong Chengling, who has always been quiet, was also stunned by Qiao Muyi's provocation, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Ready to Go! "Finger Lock" Ready! "Miracle Full Moon" Ready!

Only teleport can deal with teleport!

However, it really fought, Ren Suo really did not confirm whether he could intervene in the fierce battle between the two of them. After all, Qiao Muyi was a map artillery battle that was sky-rocketing, but Dong Chengling was a teleportation warfare that came without a shadow. Are the pinnacles of their respective fields.

So Ren Suo immediately pinched his Aura coordinate necklace and entered it.

Feeling the rhythm of the Aura coordinates, as if someone was hugging himself, the anger that was about to burst out in Dong Chengling's heart suddenly disappeared, but a trace of pity came out.

It's like knowing in advance that you are the first in the exam. At this time, those students who are struggling to catch up later suddenly come over and try to force their answers. After Dong Chengling is angry, he will naturally feel ridiculous and pitiful.

The only bride is me, and I forgive your bridesmaids for your rudeness.

So Dong Chengling calmed down, and Yun Dan gently sent away Qiao Muyi. Qiao Muyi found himself so provoking Dong Chengling that Dong Chengling wasn't angry, and he felt quite comfortable.

Forget you will still be a person, the wedding will invite you in the future.

On the other side, Lin Xianyu was used to tutor her high-ranking Ren Xingmei and Gu Yueyan, and quickly put down each other's minds and focused on tutoring Lin Xianyu's study-after all, Lin Xianyu's foundation is really bad I am afraid that the previous assignments were not copied. They had to work together to make Lin Xianyu understand the knowledge.

On the other hand, they figured out the joints. Occasionally, they stared at each other, and their look at each other revealed an inexplicable confidence and compassion.

As a winner, you should forgive the courage of the loser. After all, they are all classmates. If you look up and you do n’t see your head down, let her enjoy the last rays before dusk now, and countless days and nights in the future will be my victory!



After Ren Suo returned home, he spent half an hour concentrating all the clues on everything and thinking. Finally, he figured out the thread and came up with a clue.

He switched WeChat to "Xiao Ren" and tried out Gu Yueyan, Ren Xingmei and Dong Chengling.

Although the three of them didn't say anything to Xiao Ren, the confidence and happiness in the line was not concealed, which basically confirmed Ren Suo's speculation.

Nothing happened a few days ago, but an accident happened today, it must be related to the tea fairy who somehow was interested in him.

Think of Ren Xingmei's change only when the mobile phone received the information, that is, what Cha Xianer told them on the mobile phone.

Or, in other words, Cha Xianer told them something to please them, so they suddenly became so enthusiastic about themselves.

If there is still time for "Clear Spring Flow", Ren Suo can let the virtual master Irina help him find out what happened.

Ren Suo can of course ask directly, but since they didn't say it explicitly, there must be a reason they couldn't say it.

Everyone pretended that nothing happened, indicating that this is a large mine.

In fact, Ren Suo's judgment is correct. Cha Xianer's conspiracy is mixed with conspiracy. If Ren Suo dare to ask in front of their faces, and then they take out the corresponding recordings, they can hear Ren Suo's love to everyone ...

If Cha Xianer tells them these things, they will be angry for a while and then pass; but now their mood is first pulled up by the "True Love Recording Only Limited", once they find that "True Recording" is everyone's part The gifts, the psychological gap caused by that time, will definitely make Ren Suo unable to eat.

Although there is no actual evidence, Rensuo saw their reactions and thought of Cha Xianer's bad intentions, and he could guess the approximate way of Cha Xianer-

To kill.

In any case, his girlfriends are emotionally enthusiastic and enthusiastic. He must respond and not treat any one person, otherwise he will not suffer from unease and unevenness, and the chain reaction will cause his emotional value stocks to fall to the limit.

Tea fairy, tea fairy, I remember you.

Although Ren Suo is not angry now, let alone the boring thought of 'revenge'. Once he did not have the ability to take revenge on the Great Wall, he did not have much benefit.

However, according to rational reasoning, Ren Suo feels like Cha Xianer, a green tea lover who is good at divorcing other people's feelings. The road of feelings must not go smoothly, for fear that people who do not like her do not like her.

Because I cannot get happiness, I feel angry and upset about the happiness of others.

It's like a lemon mood when a single dog eats dog food.

However, not all the things that Chaxian did were bad.

As long as Ren Suo has not touched the mine and served her girlfriends properly, their emotional value stock will not fall, but will continue to rise and fall at a horrible speed!

If Ren Suo alone rely on his own efforts, I am afraid that this kind of overall daily limit effect cannot be achieved. There must be an external force that has nothing to do with Ren Suo. From the perspective of bystanders, Ren Suo's sincerity towards them can make them happy and trusted.

It is both a risk and an opportunity.

The so-called rational player is to turn all risks into big opportunities.

Ren Suo switched WeChat back to his account, and Qiao Muyi suddenly sent a message:

Mu Gongzi: "Nana, Xiaosuo, there is a super-hot superhero movie to be released recently. It will premiere simultaneously worldwide. Let's go to the premiere so that no one can spoil me!"

Ren Suo: "Okay! When?"

Mu Gongzi: "0 AM on the 8th! Then make an appointment!"

Watch a movie? Although it feels like a waste of time, if Qiao Muyi wants to go ...

At this time, Gu Yueyan also sent a message--

An ancient saying: "Mr. Suo, I have corrected your thesis. There are so many mistakes. Can you be more serious?"

Ren Suo: "I'm sorry, I will change, but fortunately you are here."

An old saying: "Is there a reward?"

Ren Suo was slightly surprised, and immediately replied, "I give you whatever you want."

An old saying: "It's as if you really gave everything ... accompany me to a movie."

Ren Suo frowned slightly.

Is it ...?

Ren Suo: "Hey? Is that the superhero movie that will be released recently?"

An old saying: "Yeah, I heard that the special effects are very powerful."

Ren Suo: "Do you want to watch the premiere at 0?"

An old saying: "No, I'm going to bed at night, let's watch it at 9 am."

Ren Suo: "Okay, do you book or do I book?"

As the saying goes: "Come on, that's an appointment. Remember to get up early."

Ren Suo looked at the phone and waited quietly for five minutes.

Flashing and flashing Jingjing: "Brother!"

Ren Suo: "Is there anything wrong with the lovely sister in the world?"

Twinkle and twinkling Jingjing: "We haven't seen a movie in a long time!"

Ren Suo: "Place, time!"

Flashing and flashing Jingjing: "No. 8, 2:30 pm! I have a ticket booking! If you are a pigeon (missing appointment), I will tell my parents!"

Ren Suo: "I am your brother, how do you do you?"

After finishing chatting with his sister, Ren Suo directly talked to Dong Chengling in private: "Cheng Ling, we haven't been dating for a long time, have we watched a movie?"

One minute later, Dong Chengling replied, "Yes."

Ren Suo: "When are you free?"

Dong Chengling: "On the evening of the 8th, I will have classes during the day."

I didn't say what movie it was. How did you know that the movie was released on the 8th?

Ren Suo: "Okay, I've booked a ticket. I'll wait for you in the cinema first."

Dong Chengling: "Why not teleport past together at home?"

Because I had just watched a movie with my sister at that time, I must be in the city.

Ren Suo: "Waiting for a girlfriend appointment is also a romantic part of dating, nervous and happy."

Arrange a date plan for the four of them, and Ren Suo exhaled heavily.

For the first time since losing his sensitivity, he felt mentally tired.

"Meow ~"

Ren Suo turned her head and saw the black cat sneaking into his house, and greeted her to come and hug her, gently stroke her soft fur.

Still Runa worrying.

Ren Suo touched the black cat to relax, while thinking about the movie invitations that just happened one after another.

No doubt, this is definitely another conspiracy of Cha Xianer!

At the same time, she suggested to the four people to go to the movies. If Ren Suo refused one, or if the two watched the same time, then Ren Suo would be finished.

Fortunately, the four of them chose different times, giving Ren Suo the space to perform sao operations.

Rensuo may not be able to do it before, but now Rensuo is different. He still has a little confidence that he can successfully pass the quartet date on the 8th.

Thought of this, even if she lost her sensibility, Ren Suo was still slightly emotional.

Do you think having a lot of girlfriends is a happy thing? I have to watch the same movie four times a day.

Put down the black cat, Ren Suo put on Pandora's box, and enter the "gate of truth".

Open the list of emotions ~ ~ Look at the changes in the value of emotions:

Dong Chengling rose 320 points;

Qiao Muyi rose 360 ​​points;

Gu Yueyan rose by 290 points;

Ren Xingmei rose 290 points;

Luna rose by 120 points;

Lin Xianyu dropped 5 points;

Increased 50 points in the Kuangtu;

Zhao Huo (small lock) rose by 70 points;

Added the feeling of tea fairy, worth 30 truth points.

Ren Suo was a little puzzled-how suddenly Yu Kuangtu's emotional value rose.

When he thought about it seriously, he figured out the key: Yu Kuangtu was finally promoted four times, and thought he could finally communicate with himself on an equal footing, so his feelings rose back.

Previously, Kuangtu's emotional value was so low because he was unhappy and a little inferior. Now his strength has caught up, and his feelings have also caught up.

It's almost like having the same self-esteem as a kid.

Ren Suo went through the redemption list again, and suddenly found that a new spell was added.

It is the tea awakening spell.

Ren Suo thought a little, and found out that this spell can make him pass the third level of "The Gate of Truth" smoothly!

Moreover, although Ren Suo was not angry and did not have any thoughts of revenge, Ren Suo suddenly came up with a good idea at this time, which not only could make trouble for Cha Xianer by the way, but he could also get some benefits ...

Ren Suo suddenly felt something wrong, opened the list of emotions and sold Cha Xianer's feelings.

Although it is absolutely rational, it will still be affected by existing emotions.

At this time Ren Suo continued to think about the ideas that just came up.

Chaxianer has nothing to do with me, regardless of whether it will affect her.

So, can I make a profit?


Okay, adopted.

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