Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 757: Run after loading

"You can continue to struggle, but to no avail."

On the tattered ground overturned by landmines, the gatekeeper put his hands behind him and stood in front of the gate of truth with ease.

At this moment his figure is so tall.

Or maybe the five people in front of him were kneeling too low.

The light of Aurora Roy's body was dim and turbid. Most of the burial man's black windbreaker was damaged, and he fell on one knee and gasped.

In addition to "Tomb Guard", he also hit the gatekeeper again. Because a layer of glazed light emerged from the clothes of the gatekeeper, he could resist his ordinary light attack!

Nash slept into a 'big' character and lay on the ground, unable to fight.

He once killed 1,300 people one night alone, slaughtered a scientific research base under the chaebol group, and was cruel and ruthless, and killed the prestige of a "dark sage", but now he is the gatekeeper. In a word breaking the secret, they are going to die.

The ghost rope holding two axe was hit into the ground, and the axe completely broke.

His axe is fast and fierce, tall and dare to kill and fight. He has always been known as a "troll" in the burial man. However, he can't break the gatekeeper's aura barrier. Instead, the gatekeeper's cricket crosses the wind. He burst his weapon, and his mentality was broken.

Swen and Caroline, as watchmen, have recently been promoted as C-Class superhumans. They are both awakeners who have discovered their superpowers.

Sven's great sword cooperated with "The Storm's Hammer" and I don't know how many demons have been cut. Caroline's Whip of Desolation was whipped by countless villains, painful and refreshing, but all their attacks were flashed away by the gatekeeper.

The goalkeeper seemed to keep her hands on Caroline and did not break her clothes, but Sven was not so lucky. The blue armor exploded and almost fell on the battlefield wearing only a pair of underwear.

"Give up and lose, it's not your dark history." The gatekeeper laughed.

Aurora Roy struggled to get up, the blood on his forehead crossed his eyes, this cold, dirty, shaggy man, more like a warrior than ever: "When I lose, it is me When I died, I had never failed before I fell! "

Not lost yet!

The commander's voice came from the headset, and Angel Zach would be there in 1 minute! He has turned into a light wing and rushed here at full speed!

Even Aurora Roy has to admit at this moment that only Angel Zach can defeat the goalkeeper!

Even Aurora Roy can't judge the current level of angel Zach's combat ability, because the angel's awakening spell is too strange, the improvement brought to Zach is all-round, there is no dead end, it is perfect!

Unless it is a strong player who is better than Zak in all aspects, it is possible to hang him!

Although Zach was hanged by such a strong man twice in a row, he is still the Confederate and even the world's first recognized strong man! The Vatican and the major schools of the Crusaders all asked Zach to recognize their status, and quoted Zac, according to Scripture, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Angela ... Zach chose whatever he wanted, as long as he was willing to choose which angel, Which angel will look like him in the future.

The other four Federal Transcendents felt the same way, so they barely supported their bodies to stand up. The reason why the watcher burials on the periphery did not rush into the battle is because they were waiting for the captain of the watcher!

At this moment Roy felt a trace of sorrow: in the end, even he pinned his hope on the angel Zach.

He reached out to remove the dirt and weeds on his face, showing a helpless smile, but the war in his eyes became increasingly fierce.

Although I am at the end of the grass, my heart is toward the sky.

"Very good." The gatekeeper looked at the five of them, and laughed: "Don't look at you as if you were beaten badly, but force me to use the voice of truth and threaten you with the army as hostages with words, explaining you It's so strong that I have to use a little trick-don't humble yourself, you should be proud, but the spirits and hunters can't do this step. "

The spirits such as Yun Wangshu, who is watching the live broadcast, and the hunters like Kader, can see their teeth itch-do you have to fight, do you need to pull us out of the whip? Is it wrong to lose even breathing?

"Watch the light, bury the darkness; watch the future, bury the past; watch the glory, bury shame."

The gatekeeper said the motto of their watcher buryer one word at a time, saying, "Forcing me to use the voice of truth, five of you have won my respect, and I would like to call you five ... Federation Five!"

Whether it's a concussive federal soldier or the audience in the studio, there is a sense of epic witness.

Federal Five Heroes!

This is the honor they received from challenging the Gate of Truth!

It is a name that is recognized by the gatekeeper!

Whether they are willing or unwilling, this title and record will be a past that their resumes cannot erase!

Almost everyone foresees the future—the five federal superpowers who challenge the goalkeeper to fail but not die will become the superpowers in this world in the future!

Because those who recognize them are the gatekeepers who can travel to the past from the door of truth that has everything and everything!

When history looks back, you will find a turning point in the lives of these five people, just on this day, right now!

"It's here, and migratory birds will return home, goodbye." The gatekeeper smiled slightly, stepped back, and clung to the door of truth.

Aurora Roy was still enthusiastically stirred by his words. He responded 0.1 seconds later, turned into a ray of light to kill the past, and shouted, "Gatekeeper, you can't!"

Just then, a golden cross flashed in the distance.

The next second, the gatekeeper and the gate of truth disappeared out of thin air, and Roy's "Aurora Wheel Tomb" went straight to nothing.

After another second, Zak, who had already entered the state of Seraph, gently fell to the ground, wearing a platinum battle armor, carrying twelve light wings, wearing a hood and a full iron mask, and now he was like an angel of extinction.

"What about the gatekeeper and the gate of truth?" His voice was relentless and solemn as he went through the hall.

"Run!" Roy wiped the dirt and weeds on the ground with a bare foot, scolded indignantly: "He ran away! He actually ran away from the live broadcast of hundreds of millions of people around the world!"

"Well, the two captains." The commander's voice sounded in their headphones: "One second before Captain Zack arrived, the live broadcast was cut off."

Zack is wearing a mask, no one knows his expression, but Roy, who has always been calm and ruthless, is almost in pain and screams. He was not so painful when listening to the whispers of the demon!

Who is this!

Run in the global live broadcast!

Don't even give us the chance to regain our face!

"How could there be such a brazen man!"



"Federations, it sounds like a superhero."

"They were superheroes."

"What about the seekers who challenged the gatekeeper in the live broadcast before? Six goblins? Six hunters?"

"Come on, they're called earth spirits, not goblins."

"It's our turn to the Xuan Kingdom next time! I want to see how our Xuan Kingdom's superpowers were hanged by the gatekeeper!"

"Are you happy to be hit by a goalkeeper?"

"Hanging by BOSS shows that you have at least a level where you can challenge BOSS. Like me, you are not eligible to be hung by a goalkeeper! And every time the goalkeeper hits a beautiful girl strong, then I know what to lick An extraordinary rich woman! "

"Your dog makes a lot of sense."

After the live broadcast room was closed, many people in the barrage commentary still discussed with interest the goalkeeper's approval of the Five Heroes, and Ren Suo could not help but secretly endorse the "naming plan".

The "name-granting plan" was Ren Suo's sudden idea. It was not that he was not fully thoughtful. It was just that the first two levels of the six earth spirits and six hunters were all seekers who were intently touching the door of truth. .

However, the gatekeeper of the third gate is facing the federal superhuman for glory, so Ren Suoguang flashed, pushed the boat down the river, and let the gatekeeper recognize the five heroes in a condescending manner.

The so-called "name-giving plan" is to let the gatekeeper let the seekers crush in the fierce battle, then recognize the power of the seekers, give them the corresponding titles, and further reverse the world's view of the test of the gate of truth.

Now that there is such a trend, many people think that encountering the challenge of the Gate of Truth is a very cool and worthy honour.

As long as the enemies encountered next have similar thoughts, they can let them give up using some conspiracy and tricks, and use fame and fortune to drive them to fight the seekers.

"Even if you lose, you won't be embarrassed. You can even win the recognition of the goalkeepers and win the respect of the people around the world."-If this view can slightly reduce their will to fight, it's worth asking for anything, anyway. It can also improve the stance of the goalkeeper.

After watching the comments for a while, Ren Suo turned off the computer and got ready to go out.

Yes, he did not go to the "gate of truth" to review the harvest, update trading permissions and conduct battle memory lottery, but went out in the middle of the night.

The battle that fought at noon on the Confederacy side, Xuan Guo side was approaching the early morning.

From the early morning to the end of tomorrow night, Ren Suo has not belonged to himself all day.

It may even be late, because Qiao Muyi set the premiere time at 0 o'clock, and now there are 5 minutes before 0 o'clock, the location is in the urban area, and Ren Suo is in the suburban Tianlian College.

As for how to get there?

Of course, I was looking for Dong Chengling to send myself past ~ ~ Qiao Muyi has an Aura coordinate necklace, and Ren Suo also has an Aura coordinate necklace. Now, most of the time, Qiao Muyi has arrived, so let Dong Chengling directly fly him.

It's a shame to waste time on a meaningless commute.

As for letting Dong Chengling send his boyfriend to date with other women, will it cause the value of Dong Cheng's inspiration to drop, and Ren Suo has already taken precautions-he will have to watch four movies today. I told everyone about it.

Sure enough, the emotional value of the whole fell.

In fact, this is a bit disadvantageous, because if Ren Suo didn't say anything, nothing would happen.

However, after booking the movie time, Ren Suo rationally judged that Qiao Muyi would inevitably publish movie tickets and evidence of dating for two people. Dong Chengling would also suspect Gu Yueyan and Ren Xingmei because they did not make dinner, and then they verified each other. , You can come to the truth yourself, and then the emotional value will only be more.

Sometimes lies are made to make more money, sometimes confession is made to lose less.

When you lose less, you win.

And after speaking, you can also take Dong Chengling's downwind teleport, which can save one hour of commute time without loss.

When preparing to go out, Ren Suo saw the avatar chatting on two mobile phones. After linking with the avatar, it was found that Zhao Huo was asking Xiaosuo: "Are you free tomorrow? Would you like to watch a movie together? A superhero movie has been released. I didn't pay attention to it when I bought it. I later found out that it was a couple ticket. And my girlfriend is still angry, so I got more tickets ... "

Today, I want my girlfriends to watch the same movie four times, and to watch a fifth time with your male friend?

Judging the emotional value of Zhao Huo (Little Lock), Ren Suo answered decisively:


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