"I didn't expect XXX to die ..."

"Long live Hydra is really laughing at me."

"The special effects assembled there are really worth the fare."

At 3 in the morning, countless young men and women came out of the cinema, and it was only these energetic young people who could watch the premiere on this working day, and then went home to work in less than four hours—of course, many people were Those who do not need to work, such as Qiao Muyi, such as Ren Suo.

In order to promote four rotations, Yu Kuangtu directly asked for a five-day long vacation, and Qiao Muyi was on duty for five days in a row-now it was his turn to pay off the debts, and Qiao Muyi also ushered in a small vacation.

As for the nature of Ren Qiao's Q bomb time work system, let alone mention it.

Since he is no longer distracted by water groups, water forums, watching short videos, watching video games, watching technology videos, going to unscrupulous websites and other short-term pleasure entertainment, instead he concentrates on writing papers and researching how to improve emotional value. He has already completed most of the thesis work for this month, leaving only the technical work to grow feelings with Gu Yueyan in the argument.

After leaving the cinema, Ren Suo asked, "Did you come by car?"

"Yes, but ..." Qiao Muyi took two steps forward, turned his head and looked at Ren Suo with his head crooked, and ambiguous emotions appeared in his fox-like eyes: "What's the matter with you?"

Tonight, Qiao Muyi is wearing a long beige beige jacket with a white shirt that highlights her figure. The hot pants with corsets are matched with black stockings and boots. It's a big waist under a big breast and a big waist under the waist. Long legs.

She showed a little girlish attitude, and instantly murdered all the nearby male animals' eyes, and soon there were many crying voices of males who were pinched by their girlfriends on their waists.

"You don't have to be so charming all the time, I won't run anyway." Ren Suo Tan smiled with open hands.

"It's hard to say that only specimens in this world can't run." Qiao Muyi shook his head, approached Ren Suo, put his hand on his chest, and the black flames ignited with the tips of his five fingers.

Ren Suo didn't panic, letting Qiao Muyi's fingertips merge into his body and asked, "Where will I live tonight? Live in your house or hotel?"

"Let's go to the toilet. The public toilet over there is quite suitable for you." Qiao Muyi snorted softly: "There can still be a peeing pee in the morning as an alarm."

"how about you?"

"Of course I have to go home and sleep well, and then go for a run early in the morning, run to the toilet here, and wake you up."

"That's really hard work for you." Ren Suo laughed, and asked after Qiao Muyi's casting had finished: "New spell? Four turns?"

"" Evil thoughts glance "is a new spell, but only two turns. Qiao Muyi said: "This is a spell used to track the detained suspect. The caster can get more pictures of the target as soon as he moves his mind. It can hardly be dispelled. The effect lasts for 24 hours. Once the prisoner escapes from prison with super powers, Relying on this spell can quickly capture prisoners. "

"In general, the longest distance for this spell is 3,000 meters, but if I use it, then even if you are on the other side of the earth, I can intermittently receive some of your pictures."

Ren Suo laughed: "I'm right in front of you. Is it really necessary to use this spell on me?"

Qiao Muyi glanced at him and ordered: "Remove the mask."

Ren Suo obediently took off the mask, he looked at the movements of the nearby couple, he took the initiative to pinch Qiao Muyi's waist, kissed his head down-

After a familiar sense of space conversion, Ren Suo emptied his hands.

The entrance to the lively movie theater was silent for a moment, and Qiao Mu's intriguing scent disappeared, replaced by a pleasant and reassuring fragrance.

"So, good evening."

Wearing a nightdress, Dong Chengling is drawing a mysterious trajectory in the air with her fingers, and Ren Suo knows that she uses gestures to assist in casting space transfer.

Dong Chengling looked at Ren Suo's strange posture, with a calm expression, as if he got up in the toilet at night and saw Ren Suo going to the toilet.

Ren Suoruo calmly groomed his appearance, put on a mask, and nodded, "I'm disturbing you again, Cheng Ling, sorry."

"I don't think you want to apologize for this." Dong Chengling said.

"But I have already apologized for other things." Ren Suo asked: "Are you still angry?"


"Do I need compensation?"

"Huh?" Dong Chengling raised an eyebrow slightly, and looked at Ren Suo with curiosity: "How to compensate?"

Looking at Dong Chengling, who was still quiet and pleasant in his nightdress and not applying pink daisies, Ren Suo suddenly remembered the "evil glance" cast by Qiao Muyi.

It turns out that you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder.

It is estimated that Qiao Muyi and Dong Chengling have reached a consensus before. Of course, Qiao Muyi cannot prevent Dong Chengling from pulling away, but Dong Chengling cannot dispel the "evil glance" cast by Qiao Muyi. If Ren Suo dared to do something extraordinary after the return, or in the next date, Ren Suo would not be sure.

Ren Suo: "I can sleep with you."

Dong Chengling's ears were slightly red, but she seemed to have expected it, and asked slightly: "Is it just sleeping?"

"Just sleeping." Ren Suo laughed. "But your bed is relatively small. It is too reluctant to lie in two people, and your hands and feet can't be stretched. And if you sleep on me, it will be more difficult for me. So I can sit on the bed. How about guarding you? "

This wonderful and incredible compensation was accepted by Dong Chengling with a little thought.

After all, Ren Suo is very reasonable. The default board provided in the teacher's dormitory is a single bed. Adults sleep just fine. Tall beasts like Zhao Huo even feel a little narrow. Two people must be sleeping together unless they sleep together. Hugged and slept, even stacked up to sleep.

In addition, Qiao Muyi told Dong Chengling about the spell of "evil thought glance". Although Dong Chengling and Qiao Muyi had a good relationship in other places than Renso, she did not intend to talk to Share this boudoir with your friends.

More importantly, although Dong Chengling has already made up her mind, she is still a conservative person in her bones. However, Dong Chengling can understand that men's estrus frequency is relatively high when they are young. Even if she thinks cultivation and cooking are more interesting than that kind of thing, if Ren Suo needs it, she will not be wronged.

Since Ren Suo offered to deepen the relationship step by step, Dong Chengling naturally agreed, without doubt and without warning, turned off the lights and slept under Ren Suo's gaze: "So, good night."

"good night."

Ren Suo reached out and took Dong Chengling's hand, sat on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and saw Qiao Muyi giving him a love package.

Qiao Muyi was also angry.

Although Qiao Muyi had already expected it, his boyfriend was snatched away in front of himself, and everyone would definitely blow it up, not to mention the disaster witch Qiao Muyi.

She didn't kill her directly, but went home angrily to issue a love package to Ren Suo.

As the so-called hope increases, disappointment increases, Ren Suo doesn't know what kind of hope Cha Xianer gave them, but according to the current situation, Ren Suo cannot meet the hope of the four of them at all.

Fortunately, Luna hasn't completely changed, and her heart is closer to a cat, otherwise there is less room for operation.

However, these can't all blame the tea fairy, the tea fairy just ignites the lead, but the explosives, fuel wood and tinder are already there.

Even without Tea Fairy, as time goes by, their hopes and expectations for themselves will grow larger.

This is a matter of course. Monopoly is the driving force for humankind's progress. Private ownership is one of the basic signs of efficient economic society, and it is the key to the development of productive forces.

Undoubtedly, all four of them are very intensely monopolistic, even Dong Chengling, who has the least material desire, has no thoughts of shrinking in this regard. It is precisely because of their fierce desires that they can develop their respective careers. Even Gu Yueyan, who has not yet achieved success, has also emerged under his cultivation.

Women who can accept sharing are not without, relying on Rensuo's current appearance, status, income and means, enough to attract a large number of partners who have emotional value.

However, because Ren Suo can no longer fall in love with others, he can only rely on the other party to increase the emotional value unilaterally. It is too risky and takes a long time. Moreover, human nature is just a step forward. Before accepting sharing, in the end, it is still impossible Monopolizing and reducing emotional value ~ www.readwn.com ~ Monopolizing the party will always be more superior and satisfying than the full platform party.

Ren Suo has not complained about this mood, but before he was weak, he could only find such a strong, lovely, beautiful and caring girlfriend, which really brought a lot of inconvenience and trouble to Ren Suo.

I want to watch four movies today, what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?

The higher their expectations of themselves, the greater their disappointment. In the past, I kept them relying on the charisma of a fool, but now I can do it? He is not a fool.

And even if they don't leave, expectations of a decline in emotional value will hardly change.

Ren Suo is now holding four stocks that will always depreciate, no matter how he fills the position, but these four stocks are inverse. In the case that Chaxianer has ignited the stock market, as long as these four stocks exist at the same time, it will inevitably continue to decline.

According to the rational investment logic, Ren Suo should immediately cut off the sunk costs, lose less and win. Before the stock has fallen to the bottom, choose the best stock that will continue to rise and stay, and then obtain the maximum profit. Loss cashed out and exited smoothly.

Stupid people try to reverse, smart people try to keep the lower limit to an acceptable range.

Looking at Dong Chengling who had slept slowly in front of him, Ren Suo felt the room temperature and felt a little chill. Although the probability of their monks catching a cold was extremely low, they would still feel uncomfortable, so Ren Suo launched the "Flame Master" to raise the temperature and make Dong Chengling sleep more comfortably.

Looking at Dong Chengling's sleeping face, he recalled the charming Qiao Muyi, as well as Ren Xingmei tomorrow morning and Gu Yueyan in the afternoon. Ren Suo closed his eyes and began a brainstorm to evaluate the comprehensive value of the four.

it's time.

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