Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

In the early morning of March 10, the night was quiet, the moon was falling, and the stars were sinking. On a dim grassland by the lake without street lights, the sound of physical excitement came.

"No, don't ... stop ... I ... I can't do it ... ah ah!"

With a roar, Zhao Huo was like a ghost flying away, and his body fell into a pool of mud and fell to the ground.


Lying on the grass, looking at the night sky without stars, the sore Zhao Huo looked at the shadow in front of him, and asked inexplicably: "Are you really a student of Tianlian College? But now there is no other than Gu Yueyan Students have reached three transfers. And you are not in the student roster ... "

Although he was beaten up by a girl, Zhao Huo was not uncomfortable. The beatings of the martial arts were already common, and it was more common to have someone outside and somewhere outside, but his desire to study was even more ignited.

So strong!

This girl named Xiao Suo should be just like him, but the combat power is completely crushing him!

She was able to use a very strange martial arts skill to punch her with one punch, and Zhao Huo's reiki barrier covered by "Qi" was torn directly by her! This is an aura barrier that is not inferior to the "golden robe"!

Her fighting consciousness and attack speed are also extremely scary. Zhao Huo has never seen a martial artist faster than her, almost ten punches per second, and even faster, or Zhao Huo will not break into the army and there is no room for resistance— —Zhao Huo, who relies on his strength and strength, has a day when he was forced to drop for ten sessions.

"Don't you know that there is another kind of technology in this world called Yirong?" Xiao Suo's voice was like the singing of an oriole. She had long hair and a high ponytail. Today she wore a set of steampunk-style long skirt boots. Wearing gloves and safety pants in your skirt, don't ask Zhao Huo how to know.

Zhao Huo tentatively said, "If you have this strength, you can be a teacher. Why continue to go to school?"

"How good to go to school, without the pressure of life, clear life goals, and can get along with a large group of peers ..." Xiao Suo reached out to Zhao Huo: "Why should I step into the adult world so early?"

Zhao Huo was pulled up by her and continued to persuade: "But if you show your strength, you will definitely become the first grade!"

Small lock: "What's the benefit of first grade?"

Zhao Huo: "Love of classmates!"

Xiao Suo: "The first grade is Gu Yueyan. Do your classmates love her?"

Zhao Huo was speechless for a while. To tell the truth, Gu Yueyan liked to gossip and have a serious character. Although the students accepted her jurisdiction, if they loved her, it was a talk—at best, they were surrendered to violence.

"What's more, I don't need the love of my classmates. I put my self-worth on others, just a self-confidence. Being able to live, study, and graduate in peace is better than anything."

Zhao Huo continued to persuade: "But if you are certified as a three-turn monk by the state, you can learn advanced spells."

"These martial arts spells that I just researched have not been thoroughly studied. Why do you learn so many spells?" Xiaosuo shook his head: "Spells are not as expensive as they are, just like you only study the" spirit "spell. The spells I know now have distracted me a lot. "

Xiao Suo's remarks are exactly the point of Zhao Huo's itch. There are two things that Zhao Huo is most proud of. The first one was when he started at the age of 13 and successfully beat his father. The second one was Select the spell of "spirit", and continue to study and improve this second turn spell to the third turn level!

"And I don't need to fight. Learning so many spells has no use at all." Xiao Suo looked at the night sky without stars and moons and said seriously: "So do you, why should you learn me these martial arts and study them well? Your "spirit" can also run rampant. "

Zhao Huo sighed: "But I can't beat you yet."

Xiao Suo put his hands behind him, a martial arts master's style: "This is nature. Your mind is confusing, your feelings are chaotic, your spirits are distracted, your spirits cannot be united. In my eyes, you are all flawed. "

What can you see?

Zhao Huo, who was caught in a whirlpool of emotions, was startled, and immediately confirmed his desire for martial arts. He didn't know Xiao Suosu before, but after fighting, Xiao Suo could see at a glance that he had many emotional problems. What does this mean?

Skills can communicate!

Xi Wu actually still has this effect!

The reason I don't have this kind of eyesight is because I haven't learned home yet!

Zhao Huo ’s heart of studying became more and more fierce, and he bowed aloud and asked, “I ’m willing to pay everything, just ask me to teach martial arts, even if I ’m a teacher, I can immediately call my old man and ask him to allow me to switch Someone else! "

"No, you do n’t have the guardian of martial arts, I will never preach your martial arts." Xiao Suo shook his head: "And I have no cleverness, and I ca n’t talk about worship."

"What is the guardian heart?" Zhao Huo stunned.

Xiao Suo said faintly: "It is the light of your life, the fire of your desires, your sin, your soul. It has nothing to do with justice and evil, no matter it fades and withers, you can hold on to the precious gems that never give up."

"... Nothing in this life without regrets? I definitely have the determination to protect them."

Xiaosuo calmly glanced at him: "How do you protect the second yuan? Do you pay the electricity bill on time?"

"Clarify your thoughts, your feelings, and figure out who you are going to protect. Why do you still have a rough life after watching so many anime?"

Zhao Huo was lost in thought by Xiao Suo's last sentence. When he came back, Xiao Suo had already left.

He sat weakly on the grass, feeling the pain in his whole body, but his heart hurt more than his body.

Zhao Huo secretly resolved: "Yeah ... I have seen so many times, how can I live like this! Brother Cheng, Chunxi, Lord God, a pleasure ... Please protect me!"


Suddenly, Xiao Suo went back and asked, "If you let me choose, what is your favorite girl attribute?"

Zhao Huo stunned for a moment: "Sick and sick."


"No reason, it's so cute and very enjoyable."

"Thank you." Little Lock left in the darkness.



After seeing the detached returning home, Ren Suo, who was playing on a mobile phone, obtained her experience from the spiritual link, and then handed her the phone to her, commanding: "Continue chatting with Lin Xianyu and Ren Xingmei, change this outfit to an apron and then do housework If you sweat this clothes, wash and dry them. Don't hang them out. "

He paused: "Since Zhao Huo gave such a suggestion ... then change it."

The avatar of the beautiful girl nodded and changed clothes directly in the living room.

Ren Suo wore a Pandora's Box to enter "The Gate of Truth" and found that Zhao Huo (Little Lock) 's emotional value rose by 190 points.

Fighting with him can really improve a lot of emotions.

In addition, Ren Suo also let the clone test the two new spells he got by the way, namely "Darkness" dropped from "Caroline Battle Memory", and "Hot Blood Soul" dropped from "Ghost Cable Battle Memory". .

The effect of "Darkness" is not as much as Ren Suo's guess. It can strengthen any weapon or even fist to the point of directly destroying the armor and aura barrier. It is similar to Dong Chengling's "Earthquake", but it is better than "Earthquake". Stronger-if Spirit Shock is a high frequency cutting knife, then annihilation is a laser sword.

The prototype of "Blood War Soul" is a federal D-class (three turns) spell "Furious Kill". The original effect is to increase the attack speed. However, after the research and improvement of the ghost cable, this spell has become 'attack frequency with a short time The number of attacks increases and speeds up ', which means that the attack speed will become faster and faster.

These two spell calculations are more useful in the spells drawn by Ren Suo, as for other memory drops.

Sven dropped "Great Sword Mastery", but Ren Suo did not plan to play Great Sword;

Nash dropped the "Sage's Spell", which is a bit useful. As long as the sage state is entered, the caster's dark spells and space spells will be upgraded to a higher level, and they can maintain a strong rational state, but Renso is rarely used. These two series of spells, and he is already absolutely rational.

As for Roy, he lost 1,000 truth points directly.

And through the third pass, "The Gate of Truth" rewarded a total of 2500 truth points, and even failed to fill in the account of "yin Yinyin", so it is imperative to rely on the truth bank to earn interest.

Today Rensuo has been peaceful all day long. After all, monks' retreat is actually not rare. Qiao Muyi, Dong Chengling and Yu Kuangtu have all tried retreat. It was normal for Ren Suogang to make four rotations and take a moment to settle.

Therefore, he did practice all day, in his spare time, disguised as "little locks" and "little ninjas" to fatten leeks, and turned his avatar into "little locks" to find Zhao Huo to try spells to cultivate feelings.

Today, the interest money of Truth Bank is in hand, and Ren Suo naturally chose to deposit the interest directly into the bank.

The last upload of the fourth trial of the Gate of Truth was March 18th, and Ren Suo had a period of time to eat interest.

Before that, he will always maintain the strongest player status without blood, tears and emotions to open up the fourth level of trials, and strive to find the most cost-effective customs clearance method.

And because he announced the retreat, Ren Suo could not harvest other fresh and tender feelings as his own identity ~ ~ but at the same time his existing feelings will no longer decline, which is called throttling.

As for "Little Lock" and "Little Ninja", they are open source.

At the same time, the avatar in the living room put his clothes, underwear, and boots. She glanced at her body and looked up at the night sky outside.

Tonight, there is no moon.

She put on her apron silently and started cleaning while she took out her mobile phone and chatted with Ren Xingmei and Lin Xianyu as "Xiao Ren".

In other words, the two of them will not sleep in the early morning, and there may be a reason for chest development.

Xiao Ren: "Rejected by teacher Ren Suo."

Salted fish is undefeated: "Haha, I know that although Brother Ren has been rotten, he will only rot in his own house and will not harm others."

Xiao Ren: "I won't give up."

The salted fish is undefeated: "Give up. There are so many big pig hoofs in this world. It is better to come with me to cook an idol. The gentleness of Ren Brother may be deceiving, but the handsome of the idol cannot deceive."

Xiao Ren: "He is my old sow, and death is my pork belly."

Salted fish is undefeated: "Oh, if you have to love what you hold tight to make you have a confident life, you might as well love me, I do n’t ask much, as long as you buy me snacks."

"Snacks are cheaper. Come and adopt me!"

Xiao Ren: "I will let Mr. Ren Suo agree."

The salted fish is undefeated: "But he can't do nothing if he doesn't promise you, have you awakened the brainwashing spell?"

Xiao Ni: "There will be a way."

Take a look at Ren Suo wearing Pandora's device, look down at the phone, a flash of cold light in his eyes, and send a message to Lin Xianyu and Ren Xingmei at the same time:

"I will use cruelty to make him yield."

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