Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 766: Win and run

In fact, after defeating Chen Liao, the goalkeeper has no more aura to use.

There is a limit to the amount of aura that a four-turn superhuman can use. Even if the full version of the awakening spell is exchanged, even if there are five flame beads to strengthen the spell to reduce wear and tear, under the bombardment of the mapkeeper such a wild bomber, his aura has also dried up.

In Rensuo's more than 200 previous trials, he tried to find ways to reduce the number of combatants at the same time by dividing the number of enemies into three in this one-player global battle. Batches, one by one.

However, at the end of the game, he found that the aura of the goalkeeper was not enough. Even if he stepped to the limit and pushed the bead matrix to the limit, he still could not make up for the loss of aura.

Squeeze all advantages to the extreme, that is, only to defeat the second batch of enemies.

If it hadn't been for Kuangtu beforehand, the goalkeeper could not even beat Kuangtu.

Just now the flames in Kuangtu could almost melt the ice layer of the gate of truth. In essence, the gatekeeper's aura could not continue to freeze the gate of truth.

After exploring again and again, Ren Suo finally found the way to break the game.

First gave Kuang Tu the opportunity to transform and let him succeed in elementalization, but the elementized Yu Kuangtu is equivalent to a flame elemental creature in a sense. Although Ren Suo did not redeem the "Elementalization" spell, he could redeem it for Kuangtu's Awakening Spell, and then strengthen it with "Return of the Demon King" to overpower a level of flame and devour Kuangtu's flame!

Transferring the elementalization is actually not very difficult. After redeeming the full version of "Ren Xingmei's time rule", Ren Suo can easily swim in a long river of time. In the game, he will move the elemental flame of Kuangtu to himself step by step. in vivo.

No trace of error can occur, or the gatekeeper's whole body will die in flames and become ashes.

Don't let Yu Kuangtu react, otherwise he will interfere a little, otherwise the goalkeeper will explode because of the disorder.

Can not be disturbed by other people, whether it is aura disturbance or direct attack, will make the body of the combination of elemental fire imbalance and crack and blast.

This kind of wild night talks can only be done with infinite renewal and unlimited time. And it can't be fully elemental like Yu Kuangtu. Only the hair has been elementized. The flame strengthening effect has been reduced by 90%, but it can still mobilize infinite aura, and it no longer limits the range of movement.

It was just through the battle of Chen Liao to reduce the alertness of others.

Just cover it with the help of the Kuangtu flames.

For a moment, I was on stage for several days.

Of the hundreds of repetitions, only the right one will be a successful one.

This is not magic, this is destiny.

"Is that just the case?"

With the sound of cold and solemn sound, white feathers fluttered in the venue, all the auras were rendered into the environment most suitable for the Holy Light spell.

As if a hymn of choir sounding, a transcendent person with BGM appeared.

The twelve light wings of the angel Zack are unfolded. The Seraph's armor is fully armed. The left wears a tower shield and the right holds a shining cross sword. The angel stands in midair, looks down on the world, judges the world, and judges the world!

"Flame, storm, thunder, frost, teleport," Zac said coldly under the full-covered mask, "do you have this ability?"

Angel Zack's tone was as indifferent as the goalkeeper was just four calculations.

But he cut it at will, and the holy light instantly became the only light here. The giant flame demon behind the gatekeeper was struck by this light, and it was directly reduced to ashes.

This light!

This sword!

This one!

This feather!

This BGM!

Gorgeous as if the computing resources of the entire world are used to render the existence of the angel Zach!

At this moment, the three-dimensional world seems to be split.

Below, there is no money, a mediocre, boring world.

And above, it is the shining myth world where the angel Zack is!

The goalkeeper couldn't help laughing.

"After being beaten by the black coffin devil, you have become stronger."

The Black Coffin Devil?

Countless people secretly remembered this name. This person was the one who had previously caught the angel Zack from the sky tree to Sensoji Temple ... for the devil! ?

It turned out to be the devil, no wonder the Zak was violent for no reason at all.

At that time, Zach only passed through the cherry blossoms suddenly, and after being beaten, the cherry blossom government suspected that Zach had come to spy sabotage. Otherwise, why did the black coffin devil hit you?

Why does he hit you without hitting others?

There must be a reason!

A slap does not sound, you must be wrong!

Can't find the troublesome cherry blossom government of the black coffin demon, and naturally can only grab Zack to compensate.

Now it seems that Zach has become stronger after being beaten again, turning grief and anger into strength, and he has become stronger!


Peregrine in sportswear gently fell on the gate of the gate of truth. He stepped on the ice of the gate of the gate and sighed, "You let me touch the gate of truth, and he won't copy you at noon. cut."

The goalkeeper turned his head to look at Peregrine Falcon, and looked at Tisrel again. Tisrel said, "I don't want you to tell my black history in the global live broadcast, and I have no curiosity."

As soon as this word came out, the other four-turn monks looked at Tisrel with surprise.

No one understands the temptation of the Gate of Truth to them more than four-turned monks. It is an almost instinctive pursuit, the end of all desires is fulfilled, and all stories come to a successful conclusion.

Just like a dog wants to eat **** and a person wants to sleep on the bed, that's a natural instinct. But Tisrel can resist this power?

Tisrel looked at the corner of Princess Euphy with Carlin beside his eyes, thinking what you know, I have the halo effect of thighs, would I tell you, 'My national treasure can help you resist Is truth tempted? '

But now, the gatekeeper has become stronger, and only the angel Zach and Xuanguo Yu can confront him. My Tisrel is just barely forced, but the small national treasure next to it may be ...

But as long as the gatekeeper can't come, Xiao Guobao simply doesn't want to pass by, just wants to stay in his sister's arms and watch the show.

The goalkeeper turned his head to look at You Ye, and You Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, digging his ears with his little finger, and said, "Why, what do you want to say about His dark history? He doesn't have that kind of thing."

For a long time, the people of the Great Wall of China did n’t know how to vomit, but in a sense, the phrase “upstream” is actually true-his life is composed of black history, and naturally there is no so-called black history.

Just like a person who is full of flaws, it means no flaws.

"Really?" The gatekeeper said lightly, "Don't you dream about yourself in old age?"

Peregrine Falcon's face changed, white lotus tongue fluttered, flying sword turned into shadow!

The goalkeeper teleported to avoid it, and continued, "You carry your back, your clothes are ragged, and you are walking on a muddy road to hell. The sin of a lifetime, frame by frame-childhood perverseness, juvenile pride, middle age The absurdity is like a thorn blade, like an ice cone, cutting through time, the blood veins are stretched, the path of life is condensed into dust, and the wind blows away ... "

"To shut up!"

You Yan's eyes suddenly turned white, two cold lights suddenly shot at the goalkeeper!

"Tianshidao Method Hitomi Sword"!

However, the goalkeeper teleported again and ran directly to the back of the peregrine falcon, chopping out two crosses.

"But the exchanges are nothing, nothing smiles, no dreams."

You Yu's right hand is a little back, and the cross-hair wind is turned into flying smoke!

"shut up!"

"Tian Shi Dao · Rootless"!

He threw a black water mark on his right hand, turned into a thunder in the air, and weaved a giant net cage to the gatekeeper!

"Tianshidao Method · Water Dirty Thunder"!

"Why don't you proclaim yourself?"

The goalkeeper's voice sounded behind him, and the fire storm that followed seemed to be melting!

"Being polite to the dead."

Peregrine flanked his head and looked to the rear. An angry left eye shot a sword, and the flame tornado that was close at hand collapsed into flying smoke and dissipated!

"Sword in the Eye" cooperates with "No Roots" to restore all spells back to Reiki!

At the same time, the black water flow has stretched across the ice surface, such as the mercury is pouring out everywhere, swept up from below to swallow the gatekeeper!

The goalkeeper drowned by the dirty water thunder was not nervous, and said calmly, "You use the naked body as the bottom line acceptable to humanity for the worst deeds. Above you, from darkness to light, people want to be free and vertical, and their colors are galloping. . "

You Yu's eyes glowed with blood, and the white flying sword in the distance made a white mark in the air, pointing directly at the gatekeeper's head!

But the next second, the gatekeeper passed through the water and thunder as if transparent, and the white flying sword passed through his hair, and he was not harmed in the slightest.

"Under you, besides the abyss, is the abyss."

At the same time, the giant Flame Demon suddenly condensed behind Yu You again, and the horrible flame fists fell heavily!

The six lightsabers locked the Peregrine Falcon out of thin air. Although he quickly struggled to break the lightsaber, this slight delay has made Peregrine lose his chance to dodge!

The goalkeeper asked loudly:

"As the last emperor who ended an imperial dynasty, what kind of answer do you want the gate of truth to give you?"

The fist of the flame demon fell like a hammer!

The holy shining sword blade emerged from the chest of the gatekeeper.

The brightness of the blade quickly polluted the goalkeeper's body like a stream of water, turning him into light!

"Angels' Hunting Rule · Poison".

After finally finding an opportunity for the goalkeeper to be unable to teleport, Angel Zac did not hesitate, and went straight to death!

His radiance will lighten the enemy like a poison. After being poisoned, the enemy will not be able to move or cast, and even his consciousness will be quickly lost. After the complete lightening of the enemy, the enemy will turn into a radiance and then disappear forever!

However, the gatekeeper was still able to speak!

"You have the light."

"I have a dark moon."

"The Return of the Demon King" strengthens the "Goddess of the Moon Moon Goddess of the Ancient Moon"!

The black moonlight interrupted the photochemicalization of the Holy Light, and then the gatekeeper waved his right hand back, and the black moonlight turned into an impact at a short distance!

Crescent Sky Chong!

Angel Zach quickly drew his sword to dodge the shield defense, and the gatekeeper took the opportunity to teleport away and landed on the other end of the gate of the gate of truth.

Water droplets are constantly triggered, and the "rescue and rescue" quickly healed the chest injury of the goalkeeper!

Suddenly white light passed by, and the goalkeeper's head was gently on one side, avoiding the flying sword that burst behind. Feijian's speed did not decrease, directly piercing the flame demon.

The flying sword with the "rootless" attached was hit, and the flame demon could no longer maintain the form, and it became a few white smoke to dissipate.

In the flying white smoke, the funeral slowly stood up. He patted his charred sportswear and found that there were holes in the back of his pants, and he didn't care.

He called back his flying sword, raised his hands, and the flying sword was suspended.

With his hands open, Fei Jian also split into six as he moved.

Then You Xun struck two ring fingers at the same time, and the six-handed flying sword again differentiated into thirty-six flying swords, and then divided into two hundred and sixteen flying swords, covering the whole door of truth!

"Flying Sword Technique · Spectrophotometry"!

"He doesn't need the door of truth to give me an answer. He has found a new answer in this age."

You Yan wiped the blood on his forehead, exhaled softly, and said proudly:

"If the world is at ease, I wish that the fishermen would study, rivers and lakes, marry and have children, firewood and salt."

"If the heyday is about to fall, the abyss is on the side, and I will die when I die, keep the state, and protect the world!"

He raised his hand, and the 216 flying swords rang.

You Min asked lightly, "Birdman, don't you mind?"

"Don't mind, you lock up all his teleportation positions." Angel Zach repaired the scars on the armor, the twelve wings spread, the cross sword became a cavalry heavy spear, and charged with a shield like a meteor impact!

At this moment, the peregrine falcon known as the strongest humanoid weapon in the East, and the strongest and most extraordinary Zack recognized by the West, joined forces to fight the gatekeeper of the gate of truth!

Angel charge!

Wan Jian Qi Fa!

Jianming and hymns ring, Jianguang and Bai Shengguang are all the same!

"But that's it."

In the gatekeeper at the center of the storm, his voice was still crisp and sweet, and his arrogance was utterly defiant.

Zach and Peregrine discovered both wrong.

Obviously, the gatekeeper has no teleport, and there is no room for teleport.

However, they didn't feel hit at all!

I saw that the front had resisted the goalkeeper of Angel Charge and Wan Jianqi, but he didn't move at all, and his body didn't even have a scar!

Just at the moment of being screened ~ ~ the gatekeeper launched "Time Walk" to avoid all harm!

However, if you miss it once, then ... again!

Peregrine re-arranged 216 flying swords, Zach once again gathered his energy and prepared to charge!

"Everything is the arrangement of the gate of truth."

The goalkeeper looked around for a week, spreading his hands and saying, "But you did bring me a lot of fun. Maybe in the near future, you can help us."

Ok? Zach and Peregrine felt that nothing was right.

"I would like to admit that you are not just strong men in humankind. In this vast universe and the time and space of Silver, you are also the seekers who are qualified to explore the truth of the world!

and many more! Zach and Peregrine began to rush.

"Then you study hard from now on, and go up every day." The gatekeeper patted his palm lightly.

"You **** damn you!"


Peregrine Falcon and Zach roared at the same time, but the gatekeeper and the gate of truth have disappeared.

And the 216 Fei You Fei also inserted into the angel Zach!

"You Yu, you did it on purpose!" The angry and angry angel Zach couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and found the Yu You directly to vent!

"Yes, I just mean it!" Peregrine's eyes burst into light: "Why, do you want to rebel?"

The angel Zach took a deep breath, and the light gathered again: "I don't mind letting you, the last emperor, lie back to the grave."

You Yi waved his hand gently, and 216 flying swords circulated in the venue: "I also don't mind donating a sand sculpture bird specimen to the National Museum."

"So come!"

"Afraid of you?"

After the goalkeeper left, the extraordinary battle broke out again!

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