Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 768: Combat (penalty) time, unlimited

The Black Coffin Demon King, Voidwalker, Mr. An Yue, secretly fearing the division. .

Ren Suo narrowed his eyes slightly, although he has not yet fought, but the important ability of the four guards in anger and sorrow is probably related to their title.

In most cases, there is only the wrong name and no wrong nickname.

Space, moon, time, demon king.

These four abilities just happen to be there.

And all of them are girlfriends' fetters.

Is the effect derived from the fetter ability? Is the emotion derived from Truth Bank? Or pure coupling? After all, these four abilities belong to the higher law abilities, and b has this kind of ability, which is almost a bad bridge for most games.

What's more, the Black Coffin Devil is one of the game characters that Ren Suo already has.

Although this game character has a strange origin, it is the character "b" that suddenly appeared in the game "Upside Down World" and then emerged. Ren Suo didn't know anything about him. The only information was that the black coffin devil once beat the angel Zack.

But after all, the black coffin devil is a game character of a small world game machine. Theoretically, it already exists, and is not created temporarily by the gate of truth.

Based on the fact that the Black Coffin Demon is a reality, and the four of them are quite familiar, Ren Suo's bias in trusting the other three is also a reality, not a temporary b created by himself.

However, the temptation should be tempted.

With that in mind, Ren Suo spread his hands and smiled slowly: "Are you familiar with me?"

Voidwalker laughed: "Unfamiliar, don't know, don't know."

When fearing, the teacher scratched his messy long hair: "I know what you want to hear."

Mr. An Yue said politely, "But sorry, this time the truth is on our side."

"You can't detect our intelligence in any way."

"We won't be confused by your scam."

"Feel it with your soul and heart."

The three of them sang and complemented each other, their voices sounded everywhere, as if there was a sense of thousands of troops.

But Ren Suo is no longer in trouble.

Ren Suozhan laughed and said, "But this time our fighting time is infinite. Why bother?"

"Yes." Voidwalker grinned: "For such a long time, you really don't need to fight directly with us, you can first carefully inspect our movements, appearances, looks, what can always be created ... And, of course, we who have the truth do not During your meeting, you will know your mind and avoid your traps, but human beings are a kind of 'knowledge but cannot do' creatures. It is also possible to make mistakes and leaks ~ "

"After all, the so-called truth is empty talk that everyone knows, but is unwilling to do."

"Diligent study, tempering, working hard, not spending time, doing only meaningful things, not being dragged down by useless emotions, persistently striving for goals ..."

Ren Suo laughed: "These truths sound easy."

"Is it easy?" The teacher shrugged in horror: "I don't feel that only monsters can easily reach these truths?"

Mr. An Yue nodded sympathetically.

"Then I will ask directly." Ren Suo looked at the Void Walker with the simplest name: "Are you a space-capable man?"

Voidwalker nodded directly: "Yeah."

Ren Suo: "Now that I already know that you are a space-capable person, and I have vigilance in my heart, I can avoid your space spells. Is this really good?"

The Voidwalker gave a stun, and then snorted, holding his stomach and laughing, laughing out of breath: "No, I didn't expect you to be quite interesting hahaha."

Ren Suo raised her eyebrows slightly: "What are you laughing at?"

Voidwalker resisted the laughter, and the eyes under the mask stared at Ren Suo, all eyes were malicious.

"When did you ... illusion that I didn't use space spells?"

what! ?

At this time, Mr. An Yue had already unknowingly put on black gloves. He waved his hands gently, and two black moonlights deeper than the night sky and brighter than the moon crossed the sky and attacked Ren Suo!

Ren Suo's first response was, of course, the driving of the Spiritual Voidwalk to dodge, but the next instant he realized what the Voidwalker had done

He is anchored in space!

When he tried to make a teleportation in space, fierce vibrations were heard from the limbs and bones of the whole body, and the cyclone vibrated and the blood boiled, as if hitting a wall during the teleportation, blocked by a hard life!

However, Ren Suo is now a fighter with four-fold strengthening of thinking ability, five-fold strengthening of response ability, and Ren Xingmei's time discipline to accelerate thinking. He immediately changed his strategy and turned into light feather teleport dodge.

However, the silent king of the black coffin was staring at him all the time, and the moment he evaded, he immediately sprayed the lacquer black flame waves in the direction of his avoidance!

The biggest weakness of the magician not dying in the feathers of the stump is not that the non-magician staff will damage their body when they use this item, but the dodge direction is a fixed straight line!

Damage to the body can be remedied afterwards, but being caught and attacked will lead to violent death on the spot.

Of course, Ren Suo can also fly again after a short flight, but there is always a gap of a few tenths of a second, and the black flame of the black coffin devil does not look easy to deal with.

After all, this is the super strong who can hang Angel Zack from missiles to Tokyo, from Sky Tree to Sensoji Temple.

Even if he hanged the angel Zack five months ago, Ren Suo dare not belittle him.

Time to travel!

Speed ​​your thoughts up to a thousand times and avoid all damage in a second!

However, at this moment, Ren Suo created the dreadful Shi Shi, wearing a one-piece panda pajamas, and stood by his own direction.

When fearing, the teacher raised his right hand as if waiting for a long time, and lazily snapped his fingers.

An invisible ripple spread in the air, just happened to break away from the momentary state at this time, it takes a few seconds to launch the feathery momentary mission.

He made awe-inspiring, and his time travelling state was completely gone!

Accelerated thinking, invincible travel all dissipated!

Therefore, his whole body is exposed in the black flame of the black coffin demon!

Heiyan died like a beast. He died and bite Ren Suo. Even if Ren Suo immediately launched the flying feathers to escape, his Liuku Xianjia was still burned in just a few seconds and half of his body was burned. Rotten!

Unlike pure flames, Black Flame is actually very corrosive, and in combination with high temperature, it has become a killing weapon that even the extraordinary can't resist!

This is the strength of the Black Coffin Demon King!

Ren Suo didn't dare to bump into them at all, and planned to directly attach to the flying feathers to leave the battlefield. See if he could provoke the monsters like the r game, and then break them one by one.

But at this moment, dark moonlights crossed the sky and stopped in front of him like a cable across the river!

Like the conductor of the band, Mr. An Yue, each time he waved, he would play a black moonlight, and later attacked Ren Suo's dodge position first!

Ren Suo could not continue to escape, so he had to dodge around.

But no matter which direction he how flash, either teleport over voidwalker skate shoes kicked, or hit by flying division boxing glove with dark fear to wait at Plaza!

Ren Suo didn't pay attention just now, when did the two of them put on skates and gloves?

Once Ren Suo returned, he was greeted by the dark flames, the **** rain and the meteor storm of the Black Coffin Demon King!

Even if it is Ren Suo now, it is too bad to be beaten.

In the spare time of avoidance, Ren Suo coldly asked: "Why my space ability and time ability are invalid?"

"You've guessed it, but you still have to ask, does it really make sense to be so calm and brutal that you have to scrape" thank you for your patronage "?"

Voidwalker smiled and nodded, "I just used the space lock. No one in this area can use space spells except me."

The teacher also yawned in horror and said: "I used time polyphony to correct everything that deviates from the time track and even merged into the time track. I am a bit sleepy if you can die soon."

Ren Suo's thoughts turned sharply, and he had already made clear the fighting mode of the four people in joy and sorrow.

First of all, the Voidwalker and the Dreadmaster are undoubtedly responsible for their own ability to completely dispel the advantages of infinite teleportation and invincible travel, and cooperate with others to attack to prevent themselves from escaping.

It should indeed be so. You must know that Ren Suo in the fourth pass played so passively because he had the responsibility of keeping the gate and could not leave the gate of truth.

If he doesn't need to keep the goal, maybe he still can't beat Falcon Gazak, but he won't lose.

This time, Ren Suo had no goalkeeping duties, which meant that he could rely on Teleport to wage war and run freely, and he was born invincible.

Someone specifically targeted his teleport ability and was very fair.

As for the time ability, Ren Suo can not only avoid all damage by traveling, but also can apply time expansion. The effect is also extended from one second to a thousand seconds. .

Time expansion combined with Rensuo's four-fold thinking and five-fold repercussions, the effect created is that in one second, all methods are put together.

One hundred spells per second, of which all can be micro-manipulated by Rensuo, and the flame reduction is used to enhance consumption ...

Ren Suo is dependent on space and time spells, and he is able to pass the fourth level with an understatement of high posture.

As for Mr. An Yue, he is responsible for not letting Ren Suo escape. His moonlight spell field is huge. Even if Ren Suo is willing to resist, his body is still honestly stagnated and stopped by him, and then the Voidwalker and the dark fear division will rush over to fight him back.

The black coffin demon is the main attacker of the four.

The power of his spell is so great that Ren Suo will be directly armored or severely injured if he is struck. He cannot match the resistance, as long as he avoids its edge.

Thinking about this, Ren Suo chose to survive in the gap, while moving to dodge to heal himself, while taking the time to attack to see if they could find their loopholes.

Fortunately, the four of them were in a hurry, and they formed an unbreakable siege.

So much so that Ren Suo had an illusion. He seemed to be a hamster running in a wheel, and was going into an endless exile.

The farther back, the more skillful Ren Suo.

Storm Wind, 82 floors! Quickly reach the model 6.11 times!

Earth beads, 90 floors! The physical quality and the aura defense force reach 5.92 times of the model!

The bead matrix is ​​the biggest variable in The Gate of Truth!

In the previous levels, due to time constraints, even if Ren Suo was willing, he could not stack the layers of wind and soil to a very high level.

But this time is different. The fighting time is infinite. As long as Ren Suo Neng can die, he can micro-manipulate the bead matrix, constantly trigger the bead of wind and earth, and strengthen his ability endlessly!

However, Ren Suo also quickly created problems. Fortunately, it was true that the defense force had increased in multiples.

However, the rapid growth of the hurricane beads has a marginal declining phenomenon, which means that after the latter, each liter is rapidly increased, the lower the effect it brings.

It's almost the same.

It's time to fight back!

Although Ren Ren was clear, in the final trial of "The Gate of Truth", it was absolutely impossible for him to clear the customs once without the reinforcement of the gold, even if he could not pass the gold is normal.

But this is wasteland, after all, Ren Suo will naturally try his best to get enough information!

In the evacuated attack just now, Ren Suo created the Voidwalker and the Dark Dread Division who were specifically targeted at him, but also the two who have the best escape ability!

The Voidwalker can teleport without mentioning it, and the Division can also use the ability to travel around in a similar time. He can easily avoid his attack and escape far away.

Yi Rensuo's ability now has no measures to kill the two men.

Mr. An Yue, as long as Ren Suo does not run away or approach him, he will not attack Ren Suo.

Therefore, Ren Suo can start with only one goal.

Black coffin devil!

He is the most terrible and troublesome one, but also the most important one.

For the output of the remaining three people, Ren Suo could fight against the explosion, but he could not stand up against the black coffin.

As long as the black coffin is defeated first, then the other three can deal with it slowly.

This should be the correct strategy for the last stage of The Gate of Truth.

Ren Suo will be sure to launch the flying feathers, walk with the ghosts, insert left and right, and spit boiling flames towards the black coffin demon!

Yu Kuangtu's Burning Eight Wilds!

The black coffin devil showed no sign of weakness, spraying out the flames of darkness, and soon swallowed Ren Suo's white flames!

However, at this moment, Ren Suo suddenly shot an ice spear into the flames, causing a white mist to rise, obstructing his sight!

At the same time, an avatar fled out, attracting everyone's attention!

This time, Ren Suo made a heavy copy, using the avatar that can only be used once a day as a bait to create an opportunity for him to attack!

The avatar was not in vain. It was not just the Voidwalker, the Dark Horde and Mr. An Yue who attacked him. Even the black coffin demon struck a dark storm.

The avatar was beaten to death without a corpse.

And Ren Suo also approached the black coffin devil with the help of white mist!

This position, although the space ability is still imprisoned by the Voidwalker, but the teacher has no time to collapse his time ability!

The time rule of Ren Xingmei's time rule is inflated!

Thirty-six thunder storms, thirty-six fire storms, thirty-six crescent crescents!

Instantly, Ren Suo hit 108 spells with extreme speed with a speed of 6.11 times!

Each spell is strengthened by the Flame Fire!

Each spell stacks with the other spells!

Every spell never fails!

This is Rensuo's current limit output!

The black coffin devil did not shy away and smiled coldly.

His dark mist-filled body glowed with a sheen of steel.

Do the right blade armor.

All spells fell on the black coffin demon, and all damage broke out on Ren Suo.

Bounce everything hurt!

The black coffin demon turned to the fire, and wanted to see Ren Suo's body after eating it, but created Ren Suo to dissipate.

No, Ren Suo did not dissipate.

He just hid in a spell storm, approaching the black coffin demon in the flames, storms, and eruption of crescent moon.

How could Rensuo forget the right blade? He redeemed the trick himself.

He knew that his beaded version of the sword was definitely inferior to the original, so he didn't use the blade to hit his head.

He foresaw that the Black Coffin Demon had a chance to run out of his pair of blade armor when faced with a spell storm.

Anyway, it is land reclamation, he is willing to bet on this chance.

Then, as he approached the Black Coffin Demon King, he launched a time tour, evading the rebound damage, and passed the Black Coffin Demon and ran behind the Black Coffin Demon.

What's behind the black coffin devil?

A black coffin.

A black coffin tied to him by chains.

The black coffin was so prominent that Ren Suo didn't neglect it from the beginning.

Perhaps it is the body of the black coffin demon.

Maybe it hides the black casket's card.


There may be many.

Let's burst first.

If the black coffin is the weakness of the black coffin demon, then the reclamation of Ren Suo is a great success!

I saw Ren Suo's eternal life cross-cutting immediately after leaving the time travelling state, and towards the black coffin of the demon, cut off the cross-winds that could tear everything!


The scream of flame almost shattered Ren Suo's hearing!

The moment the cross cricket wind touched the black coffin, the black coffin burst into the black flame that almost broke through the sky, and the cross cricket wind broke immediately!

Xuanse Yan turned into a giant hand to cover the sky, as if it was a net, he caught Ren Suo directly!


The black coffin devil did not turn around. He slightly went sideways, and under the sad mask, there was a sharp and painful sight.

"What are you doing?"

His tone was so confused, as if Ren Suo had done something weird just now.

"Ah." Voidwalker smiled. "It's time to warm up, it's time to get on with the topic."

Mr. Anyue sighed, "I feel that it would be better to give him my mask too."

When fearing, the teacher twisted his neck, clucked his fists, and complained: "After doing intense exercise, I want to eat supper. I have to take a bath again. It's very troublesome ..."

"However," Shishi added, "There is nothing to do."

"Yeah." Mr. An Yue shook his hands and shook two small knives out of his sleeve: "The work that should be done is still done."

Voidwalker laughed: "It's like working for the truth."

As Ren Suo brainstormed their words, he shrunk to create a dark hand that caught him, and at the same time, he felt ...

It hurts.

Painful heartache.

Brain cracking pain.

Pain in the lower body.

Ren Suo's pupil suddenly shrank. At this time, the black giant hand had become very small, and he once again triggered Wu Yan Huozhu's Eternal Cross Slash to tear it, and then ran away without looking back!

Unable to exit the game.

100% pain perception.

First leave the place to check your body shape, and then think about countermeasures!

At this moment, the black coffin demon suddenly moved to Rensuo.

Ren Suo took a moment's notice, immediately realized what, and launched the Spiritual Void Walk!

Voidwalker's space lock prohibits all space movement except him. Now that the Black Coffin Demon King can teleport, it is clear that the space lock in this area has failed!

Sure enough, Rensuo can teleport!

However, when Ren Suo teleported to the sky, the black coffin demon had raised his fist and was waiting for him.


There was hot pain on the left face, several teeth burst out, and Ren Suo, who was punched by the black coffin devil, fell down like a crashed plane ~ ~ He slammed into the airborne knot World!

"Teleport, stop, travel, swell, use whatever you want."

The black coffin demon, secretly afraid of the time division, the void walker, Mr. An Yue floating in the air, divided into four sides, coldly looking at Ren Suo.

Voidwalker's smile is no longer warm, but with apathy and alienation.

Mr. An Yue's was no longer polite, and he made a slit throat posture.

The teacher was no longer lazy when he was afraid, and he rolled up his sleeves and made a ‘I ’m serious’ posture.

The black coffin devil tightened his chains and looked at Ren Suo coldly:

"In order to prevent human beings from forgetting themselves, it is necessary to apply correct disregard to humans. This is the truth."

"In order for the seeker to make this clear, the fighting time at this level is infinite." The novel Chapter 768 has unlimited fun. Chapter 768 Fighting () punishment) time, unlimited URL: https : //

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