Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 783: Breath of scum

"Little star, Renesse is on!"

Ren Xingmei, who was blowing her hair, heard the surprise voice of her roommate Huang Xuehui, and said without looking back: "When the broadcast starts, wait ... wait, is it still the" gate of truth? "

"It's the Gate of Truth!"

"Isn't the gatekeeper already fighting the world's strongest Taoist Youyou and Angel Zack?" Ren Xingmei raised an eyebrow slightly. "Who is his test target this time?"

"It's a few people who don't know ... it seems we are all from the Xuan Kingdom." Huang Xuehui said: "They are all wearing masks, a smiley face, an angry face, a happy face, and a sad face ... hey! This sad face I remember! It was the mysterious man who had invaded the angel Zach, it seems to be called, called ... "

"The black coffin devil, the gatekeeper once mentioned it." Ren Xingmei put down the hair dryer and couldn't help laughing. "He just hit the angel Zach. You said it was violated. That day made Zach too miserable ... ... "

Huang Xuehui smiled grinningly, holding the tablet in bed and saying, "Sorry, sorry, I just read a little sweet text of an angel and a demon king, and I didn't adjust it for a while."

Ren Xingmei shook his lips: "Can this also form a CP?"

"Yes, how can't they? They have been in the field all night! Before they hit Tokyo, God knew how much resentment love and hatred happened." Huang Xuehui said with longing expression: "But I don't eat Angel Devil very much. Sugar, Taoist angels are my favorite, followed by the sweet text of Ice Prince and your brother ... "

Ren Xingmei, who was combing her hair, almost broke her hair with a comb. She was angry and funny: "Ice Prince and my brother?"

"It's Teacher Bai and your brother!"

Huang Xuehui took the tablet and sat on Ren Xingmei's bed, saying happily: "In fact, there is also CP of Teacher Bai and Teacher Zhao, but I don't like Teacher Zhao's wolf dog attack, but it is Teacher Bai's big beautiful man and your brother This kind of fresh little milk dog, this kind of college teachers and therapists, popular idols and ordinary monks, is a golden match of fries and ketchup. It tastes so sweet and sticky. It ’s great! Do you want to see me? Collected several articles! "

Ren Xingmei: "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"What does this have to do with my boyfriend." Huang Xuehui said of course: "When my boyfriend hugs me, I will also imagine that Teacher Bai is beating your brother ..."

"Unfortunately, you can say these things in front of other sisters." Ren Xingmei snorted quietly away from this perverted schoolgirl who professed her brother.

"Oh, don't say that to me, I will be shy." Huang Xuehui lay beside Ren Xingmei and said, "This is a fierce fight. The four new supernaturals appear to be like Zacques and Peregrine Falcon." Be strong! "

"There are moonlighters, there are teleporters, and there is a dark spell ..."

Ren Xingmei glanced at the screen: "Are you in control of time?"

"I don't know, can't see it." Huang Xuehui smiled suddenly: "Hahaha, this pandaren with an emoji laughed to death."

"This man's panda pajamas are pretty cute." Ren Xingmei commented.

"Buy buy buy!"

"Do you know that there is anything to sell?"

"It may not have been before, but this Renesse has advertised once, and there will definitely be manufacturers."

"This is also ..." Ren Xingmei believes in this celebrity effect. If it comes to advertising intensity, Ren Neiser's video advertising intensity is probably the world's first, with the largest number of viewers in the world, and its influence is enough to crush all other TV stations.

Because most of Ren Naise's videos are from the Xuan Kingdom, Chinese learning institutions abroad such as the bamboo shoots have risen in the past year;

The seeker in Ren Naise's video once passed a set of Taobao explosion models, that set of Taobao explosion models has become the entire network explosion models, foreign actresses also love to wear;

Dong Han Renjia, who has appeared many times, has become a popular big IP. Movies, animations, TV series, and games go hand in hand, and it is expected to kill Asia and go global. Ren Han has also become the most famous historical celebrity. one.

This 'Rennesse economy' has become the most unique economic phenomenon of this era, and I don't know how many experts conduct research. If Ren Naise is willing to make a just-for-money video, it will be enough to raise the value of any company.

"Speaking, is your brother free this Saturday?" Huang Xuehui asked suddenly.

"What do you want?" Ren Xingmei glanced at her.

"Fang Yuan, the little fairy in the dormitory next door, has some ideas." Huang Xuehui said: "She is not familiar with you, so ask me to ask you, can you invite your brother out to play ... wait, your brother has no girlfriend?

Ren Xingmei raised an eyebrow and said, "Yes."

"Who is it?" Huang Xuehui was excited again. "Which teacher? Or the students?"

"Hello gossip." Ren Xingmei hummed twice. "Girlfriend is his childhood friend."

"Oh, my childhood friend, it seems that Fang Yuan's little fairy has no chance." Huang Xuehui leaned against the wall and looked at the tablet. "

Serge serge--

The balcony washing machine made a ‘I ’m okay’ voice, and Ren Xingmei got out of bed and said, “Where is my brother, okay.”

"Oh, Little Star, you are his sister, and you certainly don't think so."

Ren Xingmei went to the balcony to hang clothes, and couldn't help laughing when she said: "Then you talk about it and let me know the advantages of my brother."

As soon as she walked to the balcony, there was someone in the balcony staring at the corner of her eyes!

The man was standing in the corner of the shadow, not being illuminated by the moonlight, and not knowing how long he had stood. Ren Xingmei was shocked and immediately launched "Time Expansion"!

As time expands, time will slow down, and Ren Xingmei's physical fitness will rise significantly, and she can touch reality!

Ren Xingmei blessed herself with a "veil" and drew it directly with one hand! Although the "gauze" is a defensive spell, blessing on the body is equivalent to turning the body into a steel body, which can also be full of lethality!

However, Ren Xingmei's hand was not only blocked, but also yanked!

You should know that in this time scale, Ren Xingmei's action is almost equivalent to a second reaction. This uninvited guest can actually block first! ?

Ren Xingmei tried to change her moves, but the other party was also changing her moves, and their reaction speed was almost the same!

Ren Xingmei could clearly feel that the trace of time was also engraved on the opponent. Their time seems to overlap, independent of real time, and there is an unknown stagger.

The fetters of time are engraved with their time.

Ren Xingmei instantly realized who was here, lifted the "time bloat", and was pulled into her arms by the other party.

At this time, Huang Xuehui's voice went on:

"For example, your brother is a bright and upright person. When treating girls, his eyes are not dodgy, comfortable and natural, much better than those little virgins who sneak at girls."

Ren Xingmei hugged Ren Suo tightly. When she saw her brother showing his embarrassed shy expression when he was praised, he couldn't help laughing. "Yeah, he's very bright."

Then Huang Xuehui also said, "For example, your brother is a gentleman. He will not touch his feet during treatment. He will not touch the girl's body. Everyone has a good reputation for him."

Ren Xingmei glanced at Ren Suo's hand holding her waist, and chuckled, "Yeah, he's a gentleman."

Huang Xuehui went on to say: "And your brother looks like the kind of girlfriend who loves his girlfriend, his temper is soft, he looks very bullied, and he has become more and more handsome recently. So Xiaoxing, you now understand why your brother is very It ’s suitable to be a milk dog ... ”

"Time Walk"!

"Time Walk"!

When the lips touched, the two launched the time spell invariably, leaving the reality, embracing in a dark place that no one could see on the time scale of only one-thousandth of a second belonging to them.

This is the romantic way that belongs only to them.

Huang Xuehui was lying on Ren Xingmei's bed, shaking her calf and humming the song, watching the goalkeeper in the live broadcast and the quarrel of joy and sorrow, suddenly found that Ren Xingmei was back.

"Don't hang clothes?" Huang Xuehui oddly said.

"A little tired." Ren Xingmei lay beside her and watched the live broadcast together: "Wait a while before hanging."

"You just stayed on the balcony for less than thirty seconds. Is this tired?" Huang Xuehui shook her head: "Little girl, you can't do this."

Ren Xingmei laughed without saying a word, and suddenly asked, "How long did you kiss your boyfriend for the longest time?"

"Four minutes or five minutes." Huang Xuehui glanced at her: "Suddenly asking why? My little star finally opened up?"

"Any 300 seconds ..." Ren Xingmei gently wiped her lips and smiled, "Nothing."



Coincidentally, Lin Xianyu was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone while lying in bed.

The bedroom has been turned off, and Gu Yueyan has a high degree of self-discipline. He must go to bed after 11:30. Lin Xianyu also wears headphones to watch the live broadcast. In the battle, she was excited again and held back her emotions, but did not call out.


A sound of the door lock was heard, Lin Xianyu excitedly, reached out his head and looked at the balcony door.

I saw that the balcony door was slowly opened from the outside, and a tall figure who was obviously not a girl was pulled out of the long shadow by the moonlight and dropped on the ground of the dormitory.


Lin Xianyu was instantly excited, and the cyclone started to run, ready to jump off the bed to catch the thief.

At that time, I will stay up all night to catch the name of the thief, and I will be able to stay up all night, and the squad leader has to praise me!

And everyone has a little success record, except that I have nothing but to eat lemons, I ca n’t mix anymore, and now there are newcomer teaching monsters!

Come on, thief, use your low performance to show my power!

My storm hand is already hungry!

Just then, a hand reached into the dormitory!

Under the bright moonlight, Lin Xianyu can clearly see, that hand holds a box of beautifully packed snacks!

Yes, it is white chocolate cookies, white lovers!

this is delicious!

Super delicious!

Lin Xianyu is so delicious!

Then Lin Xianyu saw a familiar figure coming in. He seemed to have expected that Lin Xianyu had not slept, and respectfully handed the white lover to Lin Xianyu on the bed.

Lin Xianyu stared at him, shook his head after receiving the white lover, and whispered, "Squad leader, but my good sister!"

Ren Suo folded his hands and begged, and whispered, "Please, this is really important to me."

Lin Xianyu looked at him for a while, ticked his fingers at him, and motioned him closer.

"You have to add more money," she whispered.

Ren Suo snorted and said helplessly, "I didn't bring my wallet."

Lin Xianyu gave him a QR code for receiving money on his mobile phone.

"Support Alipay and WeChat, thank you."

Ren Suo, who was robbed by Luba Lin Xianyu, looked so hard that the dormitory lights suddenly turned on.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Yueyan sat up from the bed and looked at the two of them strangely.

Before waiting for Ren Suo to speak, Lin Xianyu lifted up the white lover and said loudly, "Leader, Brother Ren wants to conduct a dirty PY transaction with me, and I will report him!"

Gu Yueyan didn't bother Rensuo first, but asked Lin Xianyu curiously, "Why didn't you drive him away?"

Just two hours ago, Lin Xianyu was as condemned as Ren Suo was to kill his father and his enemies. Why did they seem to have resumed the relationship of fools and lovers after two hours?

"Big Brother Ren can correct his mistakes, and took a box of white lovers to apologize, so I forgive him." Lin Xianyuyun said lightly.

Ren Suo bitterly said, "That's not an apology ..."

"That's a free gift for me? Thank you." Lin Xianyu said decisively and waved his hand: "Now the squad leader is awake, continue to **** yourself, don't care about me."

"What a mess." Gu Yueyan was a little angry, folded his hands on his chest, arched two majestic, and looked at Ren Suo in a stiff tone: "Mr. Suo, what are you sneaking in so late? This is a female student dormitory."

Lin Xianyu grinned and watched Ren Suo whisper to Gu Yueyan's bed, and she let go of her heart.

Letting the squad leader leave Rensuo is also helpless to Lin Xianyu. She noticed that Ren Suo's feelings had deteriorated, so naturally she couldn't just watch Gu Yueyan continue to jump into the pit, otherwise Gu Yueyan would definitely be unhappy in the future.

Now, that familiar brother Ren is finally back. When he opened the road with a white lover, even before he saw him, Lin Xianyu had a strong instinct in his heart—that man, back!

This despicable bribery!

This kind of weak and other IQ cheated money!

This kind of bullying dead straight male character!

And the lazy temperament that no matter how serious it can be!

Her kind is resurrected!

The current elder brother may not bring happiness to the monitor.

According to her own example, even if Brother Ren can't give happiness, he can at least give comfort.

However, Lin Xianyu still felt a strange breath.

Although Ren Suo's feelings are much better than before, they are still faint. It's like stinky tofu, although it's still a little stinky, but at least it can be eaten-as for whether you like it or not, it depends on your personal taste.

Where did it go ...

At this time, Ren Suo Chao Guyueyan opened his hands and asked, "Will you come down?"

Gu Yueyan shook his head: "It's my time to sleep, so just say anything, or wait until tomorrow."

Ren Suo asked, "Can I go up then? I take off my shoes."

The dormitories are all bed and table layouts.

Gu Yueyan glanced at Lin Xianyu who was watching, Lin Xianyu quickly turned his head to look at his mobile phone, but Gu Yueyan still shook his head: "No, I haven't let you out now, it's against the rules, and I can't let you in the girl's dormitory. Girls' beds are a serious violation of dormitory management regulations and are subject to warning. "

Ren Suo thought about it, looked around, moved Lin Xianyu's chair over, and stood on it.


"White lovers, 100 yuan snacks."

Lin Xianyu closed his mouth.

Ren Suo Chaogu Yueyan beckoned: "Be closer, I have something to tell you."

When Gu Yueyan heard the words, he sat next to the bed, Ren Suo stretched his arms around Gu Yueyan's waist, and suddenly found him a little embarrassed-he is not a very high type. Even standing on a chair, his head is not enough for Gu Yue Yan's neck, want to attack Gu Yueyan, unless she took the initiative to bow down and come over ...

So Ren Suo thought about it and chose to bury his chest directly.

It's soft, very comfortable, and has a fresh milk fragrance. I don't know which shower gel tastes?

Gu Yueyan suddenly turned red, and she glanced at Lin Xianyu. Of course, Lin Xianyu was pretending to look at his mobile phone.

Facing the lover's coquettishness, Gu Yueyan's heart also softened, holding Ren Suo's head, stroking his hair gently, and asked gently: "What's wrong?"

"I found my stationery and can continue my love test with you." Ren Suo's head fluttered and said, "So I'll come to you and answer the question right away."

"You will deduct points like this."

Gu Yueyan clenched her lips, and her eyes smiled.

She finally understood what Lin Xianyu said. The previous Ren Suo, although it seemed fine, was in line with her aesthetics: hard work, elegance, calmness, calmness ...

But compared to the current Rensuo, the former Rensuo lacked one of the most important things.

That's unbridled love.

In the middle of the night, he broke into the girl's dormitory, bribed her roommates, and came over to find her love.

Gu Yueyan, who is hidden under the solemn appearance of the old man, has a rebellious heart. In fact, what she likes most is Ren Suo's love.

Elegance, diligence, calmness, calmness, these ancient Yueyan words can slowly correct Rensuo in the future, but this love alone can not teach Rensuo-this is the quality she longed for because she did not have.

Gu Yueyan lowered her head, and a blue silk covered the faces of the two like a waterfall.

Lin Xianyu hummed the song while looking out from the corner of his eyes:

"Lemon fruit on the lemon tree ~

You and me under the lemon tree ~

Dried this cup of lemons ~

Life is still the same ~ "

Housemates have too much nonsense, and Gu Yueyan is also embarrassed: "You go back and talk about it tomorrow."

A happy Rensuo nodded and said, "Bye, see you tomorrow."

When Ren Suo walked to the balcony, Gu Yueyan suddenly remembered something, and kindly asked, "What about Teacher Dong and Little Star?"

"do not worry."

Ren Suo waved his hand and jumped down from the balcony, leaving a lingering voice—

"I've looked for them."

Ren Suo ran away.

Gu Yueyan's face was also dark.

Lin Xianyu wanted to hold back.

Can't stand it.

Can't bear it!

She snorted, and laughed, "So, you are the third monitor!"

Lin Xianyu finally confirmed that what she felt just now must be the scum-breath of Ren Suo!



But some people can fall asleep, such as Dong Chengling.

Dong Chengling, who returned to sleep after Ren Suo left, was awakened again in light sleep.

She felt the "Luxury Exalted Shackles · Aura Space Coordinates" shaking, she couldn't help but feel a little confused, but cast the space spell directly in the bedroom without hesitation!

After Ren Suo teleported, he found that Dong Chengling's bedroom was stunned, and then he naturally sat on the bed and held Dong Chengling: "Where is the light switch?"

Dong Chengling didn't answer, hugged him to bed, looked at his eyes and asked, "So, what are you doing back?"

"Come back to Chengling you." Ren Suo blinked, and went up to look for Dong Cheng Lingwei, like a little milk dog.

Dong Chengling, who has no love experience, is very helpful to Ren Suo's instinctive courting, but Ren Suo actively uses space coordinates to teleport over, there must be other urgent things: "Are you doing anything else?"

"Um." Ren Suo kissed Dong Chengling's mouth and nodded, "I have one thing that Cheng Ling needs to solve."

Dong Chengling chuckled in his heart: "Is it urgent?"

"It's urgent, it must be now."

Dong Chengling's heart was a little bit contorted. Although she had been prepared for the first time, it was the first time. There was more and more anticipation and resistance in her heart, and what Rensuo said was "You are one of my masters". Words-Even if Dong Chengling knew this was the truth, she should be upset.

When Dong Chengling's mind was in chaos, Ren Suo said sincerely: "Only you can do it, and I can only ask you to do it."

Only you, only you.

All the resistance in his heart quietly disintegrated. Dong Chengling felt that he could not exert energy all over his body and could only hang softly on Ren Suo. She answered softly, "OK."

"Thank you!" Ren Suo hugged Dong Chengling tightly, and Mua kissed him. "Then you teleport me to Mu Gongzi!"

"... Um? Little Joe?"

"Yeah, yeah." Rensuo Chick nodded and nodded: "I only remembered this time, she lived far away in the urban area, now it is late at night, there is no car to the urban area, so I can only I rely on you to teleport me. "

At night, all transportation methods are ineffective, and the urban area is far away. Indeed, only Dong Chengling can help. After all, Qiao Muyi also has Dong Chengling's aura coordinates.

As for why you should go to Qiao Muyi, Dong Chengling knows the answer without asking.

Very reasonable and reasonable, Ren Suo thought very beautiful.

After three seconds ~ ~ Ren Suo found that Dong Chengling had no response at all. He blinked and asked in a flattering tone: "Cheng Ling, are you angry?"

Dong Chengling did not answer.

"Actually, if you don't want to, you don't have to teleport me."

Dong Chengling finally said, "Really?"

"Really, really!" Ren Suo said quickly, "I won't force you to accept you!"

Just when Dong Chengling changed his appearance slightly, Ren Suo continued:

"If you don't mind, it's okay to teleport Mu Gongzi to Tianlian College! I don't care whatsoever!"

At this time, Lin Xianyu, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly shivered.

There seemed to be an evil breath spreading in the air, and Lin Xianyu was a little scared by the richness.

Eating a white lover was shocked.

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