Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 787: Mission evaluation and settlement, ninety-nine points!

"I am free, I am free, I am sad ~ sad ~ tears shed ..."

Rensuo, who successfully pulls out hatred, was kicked out before they were full. They were also told not to go out. If they went out, they would say where to go in WeChat group—as if they were serving life sentences at home. .

Before entering marriage, he has advanced to prison.

However, this punishment was not caused by Ren Suo's contempt for his girlfriend's court, but because they had reached a consensus before. They should plan the time of Ren Suo reasonably to prevent Ren Suo from meeting new girls and dragging the other party back. Into a fire pit.

Qiao Muyi wants to deepen Rensuo this month has already tried to pretend to be a girl to seduce a man, even if Rensuo was not in the right state at that time, but such things as women's clothing have always been zero and countless times, so now Beware not only of girls, but of stinking men.

Like white bogey, once you get close, you will be beaten to death.

Like Zhao Huo, homosexual attraction is more dangerous. Although Ren Suo said that his status of women's clothing can't move Zhao Huo, the status of men's clothing may not be okay.

Like Kuangtu and Li Dan, they must be on guard at all times. Yu Kuangtu has a husband's attributes. Li Dan is a three-nothing, with special points.

In fact, they are also very tired. If Ren Suo follows the normal routine, treat guests to dinner and watch a movie to open the house, they will be able to stop at the source directly. It will not interrupt Ren Suo ’s leg. Anyway, he can heal himself.

You can even put a stern word on the man who is the daughter of the Deputy Director of the Policy Bureau / Tianlian College Four-turn Space Master / Future Time Walker / Counter-Director's Daughter of the Fourth-round Chief Instructor, whoever dares to reach out will chop his hand!

However, Ren Suo does not play cards at all, or in other words he does not play at all. Not to mention Gu Yueyan, the most dismissed Rensuo, even Qiao Muyi, who thinks he is a little angel, has a faint feeling-"In addition to me, there will be people who really see him"?

He came and went only to dig a pit with his life, and then tried his best to cover the wind and rain.

Then they all fell into the pit.

Now, the pit is crowded, and one or two more, that Rensuo is not enough for seven days a week-now Rensuo has at least two rest days.

For their own love, but also for the future of others, but also for the safety of Rensuo's life, they can only join forces to restrain Rensuo's actions and not let him go out to dig. Even if imprisonment is impossible, at least someone will strongly claim sovereignty by his side.

Anyway, Ren Sou had stayed at home all day, but now he just gave him a post of "home guard".

The only problem is that it was only their secret plan before, trying to take time by scheduling appointments.

But now they finally found out that they are not chasing their boyfriend. This kind of thing is not a treat for dinner. They do not need gentleness and mad hints, and they are directly responsible for Rensuo as a girlfriend.

Anyway, Ren Suo will not resist.

indeed so.

So Ren Suo can only go home alone, while Luna stays with Dong Chengling-in the afternoon she will broadcast live with the help of Lin Xianyu and Ren Xingmei. The live broadcast equipment is in Dong Chengling's house, and Lin Envy said that he did not want to join the Suo family.

When nothing happened, Ren Suo turned on the computer and entered the intranet, and found that the previous speculation about the Longwu Ancient Market written by [rational Renso] had been adopted. These mixed points have been enough for Ren Suo to be promoted. Level 4 researcher!

Welfare promotion!

Wage increase!

Each month's additional manuscript income increases by 1500 yuan! 20 rewards for paper acceptance!

As [Renso Rensuo] expected, even if Ren Suo could not control the door of truth, he had not wasted this month. At least in his career, he raised his salary a little and furthered his financial freedom.

Well, that's it, and Ren Suo basically didn't want to be promoted to a Level 5 researcher, and a Level 4 researcher is the ceiling he can touch-that is a level that can only be reached by members of the National Institutes directly under the Central Government. Stream researchers have limits.

However, there is an additional benefit, that is, the intranet is willing to give Renso the right to log in to the intranet on a mobile device. It is no longer limited to network cable links. Renso only needs to download an app on a mobile phone and a program on a laptop. You can log in to the intranet anytime, anywhere.

Ren Suo looked at the intranet and found that there are many topics about the black coffin devil.

After all, the success of the gatekeeper in controlling the gate of truth is almost a matter of course. Before the beginning of the fifth trial, a lot of relevant papers have been written.

And until the gate of truth shows its impact on reality, all speculations about the gate of truth are rootless duckweed and are likely to be faced.

But the discussion of the black coffin devil is different. New forces, new storms, new characters, and the black coffin devil have beaten the angel Zack before. Everyone has brainstormed this.

In the theme of the theme "The Black Coffin Demon King, The Dark Horde, the Voidwalker, Mr. An Yue," Ren Suo found a lot of inspiration in it-

Answering the highest praise: Level 5 researcher ‘Awei’ “We have reasons to affirm that these four new superpowers are from a chaotic force in the camp, and the four of them will be referred to as the“ four demon heads ”.

First of all, the trial of the Gate of Truth was supported by the imperial palace and the world tree, so no extraordinary person of these two forces appeared in the trial.

Since both the imperial palace and the world tree recognize the gate of truth, we can assume that the gate of truth is good for the world-in fact, the observation points in March found that the rise of the concentration of reiki accelerated significantly, apparently because the gate of truth came reason.

In contrast, among the challengers of the Gate of Truth, the earth is extraordinary because of force majeure. Only the four demon heads came in a projection manner, wearing masks to fight the gatekeepers.

They also did not die, which is more similar to the demise of projection, which may still be as high as 80 or more.

Since the door of truth is good, the four demon heads standing on the opposite side are naturally evil. "

Wrong, in fact, the door to truth is evil ... but Ren Suo knows that even if he tells the truth, he will only be sprayed into a pig's head.

Truth is in the hands of a few.

Another 4th-level researcher ‘鲲’ praised the answer, and further discussed “the four devil heads are likely to come from an organization similar to hell.”

In the broadcast of "Destiny", we know that there used to be heaven and heaven, so naturally there was Hell Huangquan. And the first appearance of the black coffin demon was to catch the passing angel Zack and insult him.

If they hadn't had any grievances before, then the only reason Zac was beaten was of course only one who was the Angel Awakener.

Those who hate angels have only demons in the Bible except for fallen angels.

Take a look at their title Black Coffin Devil, there is no doubt that it is an evil camp, maybe it is an fallen angel. .

Secretly afraid of the Shishi, teasing others with expression packs, may be a demon who loves pranks.

Mr. An Yue, polite and old-fashioned, may be aristocratic demons like vampires.

Voidwalker laughs and rises, but is extremely powerful, and may be a demon who is dedicated to the pursuit of force.

The organization of the four devil must have a great relationship with hell! "

Your ideas are very good.

They are all mine now.

According to the content in this topic, Ren Suo gradually enriched the person settings of the Black Coffin Demon King. The next time he pretends, he won't have to spend any time thinking about setting.

Ren Suo also wanted to take this opportunity to earn pocket money, and when I went down, I found a question, "Why do all four of them speak Chinese? Even the gatekeepers speak Chinese?"

This is it!

Ren Suo replied, "If they speak English, you will ask them why they speak English. In fact, they are not speaking human languages ​​at all, but these extraordinary people have their own translators that translate their language into the current region The language with the highest proportion of mother tongue. "

After helping everyone to make up for the holes in the Black Coffin Devil and others, Ren Suo returned to the living room and took the handle for a long time.

He can finally use this ordinary control method again.

The screen lights up, as always, the earth boot screen, and a crisp female voice with a smile

"Small world, endless fun ~"

Then a message popped up, "The review of" The Gate of Truth "is complete, please check it."

Is the review finally completed?

Shouldn't I really hit it?

Ren Suo nervously selected "OK", and then the screen of the goalkeeper stepping into the door of truth pops up again, and a series of settlement information pops up

"mission completed."

"Complete the basic goal of the mission-60 points;"

"Truth is in the hands of most people and not defeated by any knowledge seeker-5 points;"

"Truth is in the hands of a few people without any seeker touching the door of truth-5 points;"

"The total number of truth points for the total transaction of the family is greater than 500,000 points-5 points;"

"Nothing ever sold all emotions-5 points;"

"Absolute rationality is cleared with absolute rationality-5 points;"

"The feelings of being out of nothing produce feelings in the state of absolute rationality and nothingness-5 points;"

`` Everything to Know the Truth-5 Points ''

"That's ... it's ... it's ... equivalent ... prices ... change players to recapture everything they lost, and the gatekeeper gets perfect truth authority-5 points."

"Slight regret for dementia--1 point."

"Total score is 99 points.

"This task scored 99 points (Kung Gong Zhiwei), the highest task score was 99 points (Kung Gong Zhiwei)"

"Because the player gets the best evaluation and meets the hidden requirements, he will get the hidden mission information of this game."

"The side mission is absolutely perceptual. Clear the level in an absolute perceptual state."

"Side missions blend with each other. Harvest the perfect feelings that reach their limits."

"The side mission is unending. No emotional trading."

"Sub-mission missions, this is, is, the big, the family, the equal, the price, the exchange, and the exchange. After getting enough perfect feelings, the player completes the customs through his own strength, and sticks to all feelings, easily regaining everything lost The gatekeeper is granted perfect truth. "

Ren Suo took a bite of old blood.

This time, the small world game machine is still an individual, and he is not treated as a generation.

But this result might as well be considered as a generation!

What's going on with this -1 point! ?

Dementia! ? Where am I demented?

No regrets!

I'm going to deduct 1 point for fear of being proud of me?

Ren Suo did not expect that in an absolutely rational state, he actually scored this game with a super high score of 100-1 points.

But he just wants to score 100 points! Why did the avatars come out, he didn't call them all at once!

He does not value the extra bonus of 100 points very much, but this one is a personal generation! Maybe this is the closest he got to 100 minutes!

What's more, he can understand the achievements Ren Ren has already achieved.

But those new side missions have made Ren Suo confused.

If he is correct, these side missions belong to the "absolutely emotional" route.

Water and milk blending, harvesting the perfect feelings of value to the limit? Is there any limit to emotional value? And how can it be harvested?

Never die and do n’t trade in emotions, so where does the truth point get stronger?

This is, is, the big, the home, the equal, the price, the exchange, and the exchange, and it is straightforward to point out that the player has to clear the level with his own strength. But in the last level, a four-person team of joy, anger, sorrow, and Ren Suo's six transfers were struggling. How did he clear the level with his own strength?

Ren Suo narrowed his eyes slightly.

This broken game, shouldn't count his fetter system?

Is the so-called perfect relationship equal to full-scale fetters?

Indeed, if Ren Suo can raise the emotional **** of all people to the highest level, then he will basically be equal to "Chengling Void Walk" and "Mu Zizi Devil Law", and the effect will be even stronger.

[Renso Rensuo] did not obtain a new way of using spells after exchanging these spells, but they could use these spells continuously and infinitely, and the fetter system often appeared many practical derivative spells.

According to this idea, after Ren Suo has brushed up all the fetters, it is indeed possible that his strength is comparable to six turns, and he can pass the customs without selling any feelings.

But Ren Suo spent more than a year, and his girlfriend's fetters were brushed up to level 5 at least, and there was still a long way to go.

How could he fill up the fetters in a month?

Ren Suo pondered for a moment, and looked at the names of these achievements.

Looking at it, Ren Suo suddenly licked his lips and looked around subconsciously.

I suspect you are doing yellow, but I have no evidence.

However, the game records have been uploaded, and the feedback is realistic. Ren Suo wants no more, and then directly enters the next interface.

"The mission evaluation has been uploaded. You have 495 merit. Please use it properly."

"You get Six Star Chest 1. You can open it in the content store."

"According to your playing experience, you get an exclusive reward for truth. You can open it in the content storage library."

"According to your playing experience, your game character 'Black Coffin Devil' has changed, please check it in time."

"According to your mission rating and game star rating, you get the item‘ Clear Spring Sound ’.”

"The Gate of Truth has been uploaded. Thank you for playing. The small world is full of joy!"

Really got the "gate of truth"?

Ren Suo was shocked, but soon calmed down that he was not absolutely rational. As long as he was willing, he wanted to use the door of truth instead of the door of truth.

Unless he has hair loss.

Unless he has some unspeakable problems.

Unless the toothache is too severe.


Waiting for Ren to list his "except list", "The Gate of Truth" has lifted his worries

"Gate of truth"

"The rank six-star ability ~ ~ requires prestige and rationality."

"Effect · Truth After players equip, all extraordinary abilities increase by 50 effects and reduce consumption by 50. Thinking ability increases by 11 (related to reason), communication ability increases by 85 (related to perceptual), and reaction ability increases by 400 (related to cultivation). "

"Effects: Door-to-door abilities will take effect in the spare bar, there is no need to put them in the ability bar."

"This is a passive ability, with no active effects and no side effects."

"Remarks‘ not everything in the world can be exchanged equivalently. For example, if you pay one lifetime, you can reap five lifetimes. This is what equivalent exchanges ca n’t do — I ’m sore. ”

It turned out to be a passive ability without any side effects.

Although the effect is severely weakened, at least I will not worry about what I can do if I suddenly lose my mind, for example, I will not sell Zhao Huo's feelings because of a hot head ...


Ren Suo looked at the promotion effect of "truth". Why did the thinking ability only increase by 11 but the communication ability increased by 85?

Aren't the gain multiples of the two effects the same?

Maybe it's different, Ren Suo thought.

As for the effect of the "gate", it is very practical. You can directly vacate an ability bar, and Ren Suo will basically carry this ability.

The exclusive rewards of six-star games are good, such as "a different life", such as "the gate of truth".

When Ren Suo saw that the "Black Coffin Demon King" had changed, he opened the equipment interface and took a look.

Then he saw the column of the black coffin demon, and four heads appeared.

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