Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 788: Level 6 players, promote!

"Darkness first, 5-star character team"

成员 "Members: Black Coffin Demon King, Secret Master Shi, Mr. An Yue, Void Walker"

"Summoning cost: 2 × summonable time, consumes 10 merits every 40 seconds"

"Remarks: This is an extremely powerful fighting team. The four members of the team are familiar with each other. You know my depth, I know your length. They are all powerful, handsome, intelligent, and resourceful people. It sounds good, it can form a seamless fit, it is your wise calling option, and it can even accompany you to hack. "

Qi Rensuo looked blank.

He has long worn the "Ornament of the Seeker" and "Listening Headphones"-previously in the state of absolute rationality, [Renso Ren] can perfectly analyze system information without such equipment.

Bi Rensuo not only needs these equipment, but also despise [rational Rensuo].

A gentleman is born of something different, and good and false.

I have better equipment, why should I squeeze my brain?

I soon got more detailed system information:

"In a state where the summoning time can be summoned for more than 2 minutes, you can spend twice the summonable time to summon the" dark first "team. The" dark first "judges merit every 40 seconds, when you cannot give 10 points Merit, the exhaustion of the summoning time or the initiative to cancel the summoning, will return the 'darkness first'. "

Looks like this, the price of this ‘dark first’ is quite high.

First of all, Rensuo can be sure that the total combat power of the ‘dark first’ four is definitely far beyond the six-turn monk.

You have to know that [Renso Renso] can also suppress their foursome because of the 3-second prediction of "Key of Truth", otherwise [Renso Renso] cannot kill any one even if they have enough defense and attack power— -All four players will teleport.

Everyone will teleport, but they ca n’t predict the location of each other ’s teleport. How can they be killed?

And [rational renso] the group of four killed was obviously controlled by the gate of truth. Although it was a full attack from the beginning, there was no spirituality. The cooperation can only say 'OK', far from Reach the level of cooperation that their foursome should have.

I was supposed to be a king, but I changed my cousin who has n’t gone to elementary school to play, even if each of them is a full-fledged six-god costume, it is also to play the rhythm of the bronze bureau.

The most important thing is that a six-turned all-around monk who has both time spells, space spells, large-scale destruction spells, healing spells, and displacement spells is a plug-in alien.

The strongest state [Reason of Reason] is also just able to defeat the weakest "Dark First".

Therefore, as long as anyone else has any short board, they will definitely be defeated by ‘dark first’.

In other words, no matter how strong a single boss that Ren Suo encounters in the next game, as long as he sends ‘Darkness First’, he will definitely be defeated.

Although other characters, such as devouring the world's spirit, Ren Han, and seekers may do it, they each have their own shortcomings.

The spirit that devours the world is strong, but unable to kill the teleportation strong, just like the cannon misses the fly; Ren Han is strong, but there are still people who can escape his ridicule, such as some of Dela ’s hit by Renso Dafa; seekers can understand everything, but it takes a little time.

‘Darkness first is plug-and-play. One faction can quickly destroy the enemy. No matter what the enemy's strength is, whether it is a person or not, it is impossible to prevent the four dog men from taking turns.

Huh, dog man.

理性 [Renso of Reason] You don't mind, but Ren Suo now recalls the pictures of the four dog men recovering 100% of their pain, and then violently violently shot their own bodies. The limbs seemed to be faintly painful.

Bian Rensuo is not a pervert. How could he have a good opinion of these men who beat themselves?

Wu Dongchengling never hit me!

And their character descriptions are so perverted, what ‘know each other’, what ’s “seamless cooperation”, what ’s ‘depth of knowledge’, do normal people know other people this way?

As a matter of course, Ren Suo suspects that they are so close, there must be some unspeakable and dirty relationships.


I listened to them chatting, it seems that all of them have wives.


The more he thought about it, the more he felt the darkness and filth. Does that mean "dark first"?

Shouted them a dog man, not too much, not too much.

However, dog men belong to dog men, and their cost performance is still very high. If they can, Ren Suo will of course choose them to play.

Unless there is a war ... No, even ordinary wars are not enough for them to play. The black coffin devil's several teleporting flames and the moonlight of Mr. An Yue are enough to kill multiple modern legions in one minute, even from the northern hemisphere. To the southern hemisphere.

Unless it is a universe-level battle, Ren Suo really can't think of any fighting ability to live with these four dog men.

If you can……

Bi Rensuo glanced at the ‘5-star character team’ and shook his head.

He is now only a level 5 player. "Qingquan Liuxiang" can only summon game characters below the player level, so Ren Suo can only summon game characters of 4 stars and below.

索 Even if he wanted to summon this group of dog men to come out and hack black with himself, Ren Suo has no such qualification for the time being.

除了 In addition to ‘Dark First’, Ren Suo naturally has two new game characters—

"Loss, 6 Star Game Character Legion"

成员 "Members: Los, Lori Fice, 100,000 Didela Elite Warriors"

"Summoning cost: 5 x summonable time, 1 point of merit every 1 second"

备 "Remarks: The new Didra Legion, born from the old Didra, is a disciplined, faithful, **** People's Legion. From the Void to the Purgatory, there is no position they cannot overcome."

"Gatekeeper, 6 star character"

备 "Remarks: The non-perceptual and irrational gatekeeper is gradually eroding the perfect truth authority. Players can use the meritorious service to allow the gatekeeper to accelerate the erosion of authority and feedback assistance."

"Feed 6 points of merit: Randomly get a key, the more you feed, the higher the key grade. You get an extra key for the first time."

"Feed 98 points of merit: Randomly obtain summonable time ranging from 6 seconds to 600 seconds. The more food you consume, the more time you get. The first time you eat, you get an additional 60 seconds of summonable time."

"Feed 198 points of merit: Randomly strengthen any one skill, the more you feed, the stronger the strengthening effect. The first time you eat, you will get the opportunity to strengthen again."

"Feed 328 points of merit: Randomly acquire the skills of any game character, the more you feed, the stronger the skill acquisition effect. For the first time, you will gain an additional skill for any character."

"Feed 648 points of merit: Randomly reduce any star character by 1 star for the first time. Add 1 star for the first time."

Li Rensuoguang looked at the effect for several minutes.

[Renso Rensuo] didn't even bother about the interface of the game character, because at that time, "Qingquan Liuxiang" didn't even have one second to summon time, and the game character was equal to none. Rather than take the time to watch the changes in game characters, it is better to use them for excretion.

Therefore, Ren Suo has only now discovered that "Loss", like "Dark First", is summoned by his family.

But were n’t Ren Han, the Quester, the Monkey King, and the Moon Winger the other day they just killed 70,000 Dydra? Has Los started another team so soon?

However, it is normal for Yidela to use the ferocity of the people.

Compared with "Darkness First", "Loss" is bringing 100,000 troops, even if it takes 5 times the summoning time, it makes Ren Suo incredible-100,000 troops!

He can destroy a city with "Dark First", but he can destroy a country with "Loss"!

But if you think about it carefully, Ren Suo thinks that the setting of "Loss" is very reasonable: after all, he is a 6-star game character, but the strength of Los ... is not weak, but it is not comparable to other game characters.

Like other weaker game characters, Zhao Zili, the collector, the messenger, all have special expertise in some area.

洛 Rose is a purely combat-type character and a high-star character, but his strength is indeed unsatisfactory ... However, he also has another identity: Didela's current supreme leader.

If Ren Rensuo summoned Los, it would be equivalent to pulling someone else's king over to fight. In a superhero movie, the kings of other people must have brought the national army over, so "Loss" brought its own legion and it was fine.

If "Loss" does not bring its own army, Ren Suo will basically not summon him out-there are stronger and lower star characters than him, why should he summon him?

相比 Compared with "Loss", "Goalkeeper" is surprising.

In simple terms, the "gatekeeper" is basically equivalent to the official channel for small world game consoles.

Keys, skill enhancements, summoning time, acquiring game character skills ... These are either rewards that can be obtained in reality, or rewards that are required to complete the game, which now requires only 98, only 198, and only 328. Can be bought directly!

I really can't miss passing by.

Ren Rensuo even wanted to directly set up a 198-point package, give it a try, and change the bike to a motorcycle—please strengthen your avatar skills!

Extend the duration to 24 hours!

I don't ask much!

It would be better if it could also be accompanied by some attributes of intelligence enhancement, learning ability enhancement, and reverse transfer of knowledge / repair / experience.

With 648 points of gold, even the stars can be dropped directly!

Before that, only the collector can take the initiative to star himself, and the gatekeeper can make any character starred!

The significance of the falling star is that it allows Rensuo to repeatedly summon those powerful characters, and can even summon some characters that Rensuo could not summon.

And if this is the first time feeding, the gatekeeper will have extra gifts!

Rounding is rounded up, Ren Suo is almost equal to earning the merits of 氪 Gold, the goalkeeper has lost money!

It ’s so good, it ’s so good, if I can do something good.

Bian Rensuo looked at it for a while before converging his desire, after all, this official money channel is too expensive.

Even if Ren Suo took back all his merits in the "Gate of Truth" and received 495 meritorious rewards, he now only has 1700 merits. Buying all the gilt options once will trigger the first feeding effect Not much left.

I inspected the harvest again and Ren Suo was quite satisfied.

被动 The passive effect of "Gate of Truth" does not occupy a place. "Dark First" dog men are invincible in the world. "Loss" has 100,000 troops. The "gatekeeper" is the most money-saving official.

The only problem is that apart from the "gate of truth", no other request can be used for the time being.

Because Rensuo is only a level 5 player, he is still a poor level 5 player.

These are all very good, unfortunately I can't afford them.

When Ren Ren sighed and quit the "equipment interface", when he was about to shut down the game console, a message popped up in the upper left corner:

"You received a message."

Ren asked for a moment, then immediately excited to open.

"Congratulations on your promotion to level 6!"

"+1 in the spare bar of the equipment interface."

"You can choose one of the following player privileges as a reward."

① "① Leopard head zero charge: Free for any meritorious consumption (this privilege disappears after using it once)"

Bian Rensuo was excited when he saw this, and even decided to buy directly.

Although it disappears with one use, you can make any meritorious consumption free!

For example, Ren Suo asked for a goalkeeper's 648 package, which can directly save 648 points of merit, really Baiji!

From now on, the "Goose Over Epilation" has not saved 648 points!

Ben Rensuo felt itchy, but still hesitated to see if there were any better options for white lotus root below.

② "② Pleasant player: When the mission evaluation is settled, you will definitely get the achievement" Pleasant player ", and an additional 10 points (cannot be greater than 100 points)."

I'm terrified!

For the first time, Ren Rensuo saw such awesome privilege!

加 Add 10 points directly to the mission evaluation and settlement!

If Ren Suo has this privilege, then don't say that he has lost his mind in The Gate of Truth, even if he loses his heart, he can easily reach 100 points!

In addition to 100 points, there will be additional rewards, the benefits of extra points are great.

[Reasonable Reasoning] Take the time to calculate the correlation curve between the score and the merit reward, and get 60 points to get 10% merit reward, 80 points to get 60% merit reward, 90 points to get 90% merit reward ...

I also said that in the future, if Rensuo had a certain game, the 10 points would save him hundreds of rewards.

Of course, the most attractive thing is that you can easily reach a 100-point evaluation.

I can score 100 points every time I play the game. There is nothing more enjoyable for Rensuo this player-unless I can score 100 points in my girlfriend's arms.

Bi Rensuo immediately tangled.

How about choosing a leopard head with zero charge?

Or choose the player who feels happy?

With two such powerful player privileges, Ren Suo is even looking forward to the third one.

"③ Share in a mysterious tavern: players can work in the mysterious tavern, earn merits, and improve the favorability of the game characters."

I asked Ren for a moment.

Then he immediately exited the privilege selection interface, entered the "mysterious tavern", and found the tavern owner and asked, "What does it mean to invest in a mysterious tavern in the player privileges?"

The tavern owner who was cleaning the glass glanced at him: "literally."

Bian Rensuo: "How do I work?"

The tavern owner: "You will project into the tavern and become a waiter. What the customer asks you to do, you have to do anything, very tired, very hard."

Ren Rensuo can't help but secretly whisper, isn't this just picking up customers?

Although it is a projection reception, I will not do this kind of thing that will insult my dignity!

Bian Rensuo: "How can I make a contribution?"

Tavern owner: "According to the customer's evaluation of you, you get rewards ranging from 5 to 100 points for each work, but many of the customers are very strict, such as the explorer, will likely give you a low score."

Bian Rensuo: "What are the benefits of increasing the favorability of game characters?"

Tavern owner: "The summonable time spent summoning them will reduce the magnification. For example, after the favorability is high, the game character maintains 90 seconds, but it only takes you 60 seconds to summon. But the improvement of favorability is very subjective. Your Efforts can be wasted. "

Bi Rensuo fully understood that the third player's privilege to "share in the mysterious tavern" is actually to allow Rensuo to use dignity and time in exchange for merit, and make it easier for players to summon game characters.

特权 Compared with "Leopard's Head Zero Charge" and "Pleasure Player", this privilege has more development potential.

But Ren Suo thought about it, feeling very awkward.

He is a man who is reluctant to even work in class, and is struggling to ‘do not rely on his girlfriend ’s life’. How can he betray his dignity, time, and self?

No, no ~ ~ This privilege is no good, Ren Suo has made up his mind, he will never do this kind of thing!

Bian Rensuo: "Can I use the avatar skills to get the avatar to work for me?"


Silent, today's tavern.

Sui Rensuo suddenly realized that the owner of today's tavern was very good at speaking, basically he answered whatever he asked, without any delay, and spoke very politely.

If Ren Suo couldn't distinguish the boss's appearance, he doubted that the boss had changed.

However, the boss is a good person. Ren Suo did not ask, he took the initiative to state the disadvantages, indicating that even if Ren Suo worked hard here, he might not have any gains. He did not intend to hang around, but hoped that Ren Suo could think twice. Row.

The owner of the tavern finally let go, with a bit bitter tone: "33 points of merit."

So expensive?

But the owner of the tavern is so nice today, he proposed this price, it must be the lowest price.

He is so bitter, he must think that the price is too high to be pushed down, so feel embarrassed?

Bian Rensuo gave me the feat very moved, and then the tavern owner responded to him:

"You can use avatars."

"After receiving a considerable tip, the tavern owner said to you in a low voice:" Everything is false, everything is OK. "

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