Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 790: Heroes see the same

"Boss, ten pounds of fine meat, cut into dumplings, don't see a little fat on top!"

"Brother, we are the pub here ..."

"What do you mean!" The explorer slammed the table fiercely: "Do you sell it? I do n’t sell it! I ’m a bad review! Five-star bad review, five-star bad review!”

Ren Suo shook his lips, glanced at the virtual menu on the left, and found that he could really sell fine meat ...

"Ah, don't take out the good ones directly. I want fresh ones. The boss cut them personally. Only in this way can I be sincere. Will I give a five-star praise for my willingness." The explorer leaned his right hand on the bar and supported his chin. Said.

For praise, I forbear!

Ren Suo swallowed, took out a plate of fine meat, and took out two kitchen knives.

Although he hasn't cut a lame before, he is a four-turn monk who has extraordinary physical fitness, wrist strength and control far beyond ordinary people, and there are teaching services in the tavern.

"Brother, cut it, do you want to take it home? Which flyover will you send to?" Ren Suo wrapped the flesh with lotus leaves and handed it to the explorer.

The secret explorer didn't care about Rensuo's irony, hehe said, "Let's live, you need ten pounds, it's all fat, don't see some fine ones on it, but you should cut them into dumplings."

Rensuo, you have to hold back!

Can't help it!

Bear it!

"Now do you want ten pounds of gold cartilage, and you also need to chop the dumplings carefully, don't you see some meat on it?"

Ren Suo took two kitchen knives to shoot at the bar, rolled up his sleeves, and then scolded him: "I will use the" clear spring flow "to call you out to streak when I get back to reality, so that you understand what it means to be an administrator. ... "

"Ah, let's get rid of anger, let's get rid of it. I'm not going to take it back. Just kidding, just kidding. This will give you good reviews.

The explorer quickly smiled and said, "This is not the first time I saw you in a pub, so I'm a little excited. If you look at our friendship, I will definitely give you a five-star praise, but the praise is not random. , You have to do the corresponding labor first, and I can give praise here. "

"Really?" Ren Suo looked at him skeptically.

"Of course it is true. Will your little brother lie to you?" The explorer said earnestly: "I also want to give praise directly, but I really ca n’t give it. On my side, only after you do a lot of things , The five-star praise option will light up. "

Behind the bar, Ren Suozhu looked at the explorer, and there was no way to determine whether what he said was true or false-he could not be a pub customer himself.

At this time someone came in again, a fat man in white clothes.

"Wow, did you really become a waiter in the pub?" Zhao Zili came over and sat on the bar. She patted the table and said, "First come ten pounds of fat, cut into dumplings, don't see the slightest on top!"

Ren Suohu looked at Zhao Zili suspiciously. The explorer patted Zhao Zili's shoulder at this time, and said, "Haha fat, you have a good relationship with him. Do you plan to get him to work quickly and give a five-star praise?"

"Five ... nothing wrong!" Zhao Zili patted his chest and said in a righteous manner, "What is my relationship with him? That's an iron friend! Now that he needs my help as a waiter, I will definitely give praise!"

"Remember to cut in person, you are full of sincerity, and the system will let us give five stars praise."

"Yes, yes, mind is important."

"Maybe the fat level is not good enough, and you have to cut another ten pounds of golden cartilage."

"We also want to give five-star praise, but the system does not allow it."

Ren Suo looked at the mystery seeker and Zhao Zili, doubtfully picked up the kitchen knife, and then cut ten pounds of fat and ten pounds of cartilage.

At this time, the door of the tavern was opened again, eyes could not be removed like black holes, the black hair of the waterfall fell into a single ponytail, and the beautiful woman in a black jumpsuit entered the tavern.

"What five-star praise?" The cook looked at the two sitting at the bar, and then looked at Ren Suo, who was cutting meat: "Ten pounds of fat, ten pounds of refined meat, ten pounds of golden cartilage? You two have to People have killed off. "

"Ah, this ..." As soon as the explorer wanted to say something, Ren Suo said, "Chef, can you give me a five-star praise?"

"What five-star praise?" The chef sat down with a smile on her face and said, "Oh, your task ... But this evaluation is beyond my control. It should be the system that automatically determines the quality of your service for evaluation. I cannot give You praise, let alone give you five-star praise. "


The tavern door was pushed open with a bang, and the mystery explorer and Zhao Zili escaped so fast that Ren Suo could not even say anything ruthless.

The chef didn't know what had happened, and said lazily, "Come on a screwdriver."

The screwdriver is vodka + orange juice. After the wine is adjusted, the wine glass will fly to the kitchen table. He asked inquisitively: "Can't you make gourmet food and wine yourself? Come to the tavern?"

As the protagonist of "Late Night Ghost", the chef who is recognized by the World Desire Complex, but can drive a ghost stall to make delicious food and bring out thousands of years of fine wine.

Although this pub also has all the ingredients, there is no shortage of dragon liver and phoenix, and there is also Xiandou Zhuguo, but the level of Ren Rensuo is here. The taste of his own wine is definitely not as good as that of the chef himself. Blended wine.

"Do you think you really drink alcohol in the pub?" The chef smiled slightly. "Isn't the bar in reality used to drink?"

Ren Suo blinked, "Then ... are you here for ... 419?"

The chef raised her eyebrows slightly, glanced at Ren Suo, and Humei laughed: "Boss, you look quite pure, but you didn't expect your mind to be so complicated ... Then what if I said that?"

"Now there are only two of us." The chef drank the wine glass and wiped the water on the corner of her mouth with her fingertips. Her eyes were full of charm: "So I'm the only one for the one-night stand." Then. "

Ren Suo blinked, not at all.

"Sister, I can't leave this bar. Should you come in?" Ren Suo helplessly said.

That's right, when Ren Suo chose to work in the mysterious tavern, he could only stay inside the bar. Unless the customer sat in front of the bar, he could not go to the lobby to interact closely with the customer-otherwise he would just catch up. Ten pounds of fine meat, ten pounds of fat, and ten pounds of gold cartilage smashed the head of the mystery seeker and Zhao Zili.

"It's a pity that I can't get in the bar." The cook raised her legs, rubbed her white thighs lightly, the lights in the tavern were dim, and the skirt seemed to have endless secrets.

The chef noticed that Ren Suo was looking at the bottom of her skirt, and her voice suddenly became fascinated and charmed, "What are you thinking?"

Ren Suo was slightly lost, and murmured, "My sister's legs are beautiful. She will look better than you in this skirt."

But Ren Suo quickly reacted, looking at the cook with an unhappy look.

Even if it is him, it will be very uncomfortable to be vomited by such a charm spell.

However, the chef was not apologetic, and said with a right face: "Are you peeping at the bottom of my skirt just now?"


"I knew that I would be attracted when I wore this outfit that showed more body shape, but it was limited to the part I was willing to show. And I have now sat down and the bottom of my skirt has been hidden. If you peek like this, is it you? Impolite? "


"I admit that I just used a little collector's authority to arouse the desire in your heart and make you tell the truth. This is indeed rude to me. So rude to rude, we write off.

Ren Suo hesitated slightly, but nodded: "Okay."

It's so deceiving.

The chef smiled slightly and asked, "You said just now, do you think your sister will look better in me than in my skirt?"

"Yeah," Ren Suo said earnestly, "my sister has beautiful legs, and she definitely looks better in this skirt."

"This kind of words are usually used to praise your lover?" The chef asked with a crooked head.

"Yes, my sister is my lover." Ren Suo was shameless.

"Oh, then ... what about the girl who loves you for a long time and has been washing your hands and making soup?"


"That feline heart is full, but there will always be a gentlewoman from the Bureau of Your Policy?"


"And the super youthful, invincible and cute, who dislikes you too badly, and likes the girl student you like badly?"


"And the Moon Essence's body, what about the cat girl who is as cute as a little girl?"


Ren Suo didn't conceal the idea at all, but just waited for the chef to finish, then said in one breath: "All of them are my lovers!"

"You're going to show a little embarrassment, anyway." The cook smiled.

"If you are embarrassed, you must recognize it if you can do it," Ren Suo said seriously. "Since I don't think I have done wrong, I will not hide it. Only mistakes need to be concealed, and only misfortunes need to be hidden. Whether it is Whoever asks me will answer truthfully: I have five lovers and I will do my best to make them happy. "

Ren Suo shrugged. "That's why I work here."

Chef: "Really? What about their parents asking you?"

"..." Ren Suo was really speechless this time.

"It is indeed you."

The chef giggled, "But this is the way you choose, and I can only bless you. Next time you call me out, I will make you a good treat."

"There will be a chance."

"Surely there will be a chance, don't you forget, I can make any kind of food." The chef ran a finger across the glass of the wine glass and said, "Including ... wedding cake."

Ren Suo stunned slightly, his eyes were free.

"Yo, you blushed?" The cook laughed.

"Speaking of which, you are not here for drinking, nor for 419. What are you doing at the tavern?" Ren Suo changed the subject very bluntly.

"Of course this is social," said the cook. "Apart from those stinky men, seekers, moon chants, wizards, disaster messengers, they all come here for a half cup, Even Irina can invade the TV here, and we often chat here. "

"Why haven't I met you chatting?" Ren Soqi said.

"Because we take the initiative to avoid you," the cook said naturally, "every time you come to the tavern, we will take the initiative to leave."


"Because you are slow to type, we are chatting in real time. Everyone is unwilling to wait for you and walk away without being polite, so leave before you come." The chef said with a shrug.

This is too realistic!

Those who don't want to chat with voice chat!

Anyway, I also have the speed of QQ crown users. I used to be an ultra-college keyboard guy with an emoticon pack and Martian text flying together!

Ren Suo blinked suddenly and said, "No more, I have something to leave, and I will talk next time."


However, after a while, the cook found out that Ren Suo was still cleaning the cup at the bar. She thought about it and realized what was happening.

At this time, the tavern came in again, and the chef greeted him, "88, you are late."

"Late here?" Yue Yong stunned for a moment, immediately realized what, and looked at Ren Suo at the bar.

"No, I just arrived."

Yue Yue sighed slightly, sitting on the bar, looking at Ren Suo face to face, and somehow took out a burning candle.

Ren Suo folded his hands and worshiped silently in front of the candlelight, as if sacrifice something.

"Treasure this period of time." Yue Yue said faintly: "You have endured women's clothing, endured marrying, endured household chores, endured chatter. In the following days, you only need to go through every day You can end the day by working here for 4 hours. "

The clone nodded slightly.

At this time, the cook asked curiously, "After that, don't you have to work 4 hours a day?"

Moon Winger and the avatar glanced at her, then Moon Winger nodded and shook his head again.

"After this period, he did not have to work four hours a day."

Yue Yue said faintly: "It works 24 hours a day."



Ren Suo, who was sitting on the sofa, looked back, stretched a lazy waist, and felt the sound of gurgling sounds all over his body.

He just performed the soul projection. He worked really hard in the mysterious pub for 4 hours and felt really tired. If he was not fooled by the **** of the explorer and Zhao Zili, he would cut more than 30 hours of fine meat Meat golden cartilage may not be so tired.

The technology of the small world game machine is really more and more advanced, and no Pandora's Box is needed, and he is directly projected into the mysterious pub to work.

Sure enough, in terms of squeezing the labor force, the small world game machine also spares no effort, Ren Shou despise this **** slave owner of the endless squeezing labor force.

So what did Renso gain from working for 4 hours?

-Earn 24 points of merit!

Although not many, this is a daily task that can be acquired repeatedly!

Unlike playing a game, there is no way to gain merits.

And it doesn't bother him at all. Ren Suo only needs to send a person to work 4 hours a day, 24 hours a day, and 720 points a month!

And there are not many customers today, only three. In the future, there will be more customers and more income!

If the duration of the avatar is extended, the income can continue to skyrocket!

If the avatar can be maintained for 24 hours, the income can be increased by 6 times ...

Thinking about it this way, Ren Suo couldn't help showing a happy smile, only to return to his mind when the mobile phone alarm clock rang. He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and went to the bedroom to change clothes.

Until now, Ren Suo had confirmed that when he was promoted to level 6, he chose to "share in the mysterious tavern", which was indeed a correct choice.

The short-term profit of "Leopard's Head Zero" is large, and the future profit of "Happy Player" is high. .

As the duration of the avatar skills improves, Ren Suo will no longer worry about less merit!

But this privilege has a little bit of trouble: that is, when the Rensuo job or the separate job, the tavern owner will disappear.

If Ren Suo wanted to ask a question, he would have to cancel his work, and then the tavern owner would reappear.

But this is a trivial detail that Ren Suo doesn't mind.

Change your clothes neatly and ironed, comb your hair into an adult's look, and Ren Suo instantly becomes the beautiful man second only to Baiji.

[Renzo Rensuo] There are many legacy left by Rensuo, one of which is clothing matching-Rensuo now knows how to wear women's clothing and also how to wear men's clothing.

Going out, downstairs, Ren Suo saw that Zhao Huo had driven and waited downstairs.

Zhao Huo suddenly invited them to dinner in the afternoon, and told Ren Suo, ‘You invite all the girls you know’, and he said something exciting, ‘I ’m asking’.

Such a domineering Zhao Huo, such a strong invitation, Ren Suo could not refuse, the other girls agreed-because Ren Suo's sake, they are quite familiar with Zhao Huo.

Although this is the case, there are only six girls Ren Suo knows well. Among them, Qiao Muyi returns to work in the afternoon. She will skip the class in advance and go directly to Zhao Huo's restaurant to ensure that she will not be late.

Luna will go, but she will eat and drink as a cat.

Starting from school, in fact, only Ren Suo, Dong Chengling, Ren Xingmei, Gu Yueyan, Lin Xianyu, and Luna a cat.

At this time, everyone was gathering downstairs. Ren Suo took a look at Zhao Huo's SUV, and politely knocked on the window, saying, "Huo brother, you can't take so many of us in this car."

Zhao Huo scratched his head: "Are you all without cars?"

"No, I'm really sorry, after all, I didn't have a fiancee to send me a car." Ren Suo spit out a sentence, and then was ripped off.

He turned his head and saw Ren Xingmei blinked at him, quickly explaining: "But I didn't even test my driving license, and I didn't need any car."

There is a little rich lady next to her, so she really has to be careful. In case she buys a car for herself with her snack money, shouldn't I have to spend time to get a driving license? Too much trouble.


Ren Suo Chaodong Chengling blinked.

How can driving be compared to teleport?

Where does he need a car? Dong Chengling is enough.

Zhao Huo snorted: "That would be troublesome, why don't you go and borrow Baiji's car?"

Ren Suo asked: "But this will tell Bai Ji, will you invite him to dinner too?"

Zhao Huo thought for a while and shook his head: "No, I can't let someone more handsome than me at the dining table ~ ~ Well, I think so."

Seeing what the two heroes looked like, the girls wanted to say something, but in the end they said nothing.

Zhao Huo: "In this case, someone must take a taxi. My car can only take four people."

Ren Suo: "Yes, someone must take a taxi or take the subway."

Gu Yueyan: "But it's not good to let the girl go alone?"

Lin Xianyu: "It is best for men to take a taxi or take the subway."

Ren Xingmei: "But this car can only take four people."

Dong Chengling: "I have a driver's license."

Luna: "Meowi ~"

A minute later, Ren Suo and Zhao Huo stood on the side of the road, looking at the black SUV far away. They looked at each other and lost in thought.

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