Miniature Garden Chemister

43. Memory Restoration Drugs - 1

Okay, well. We have it in the following set of three things.

Flowers of Memory



By the way, the bottle is in bulk because I replaced it at the point.

Currently, there are only two people in the room that I have prepared: me and Lady Lettysreel.

It makes me nervous and refreshing, but the atmosphere of Mr. Letty Threel is soft, so it doesn't feel tingling or unpleasant.

"Do you know Hinami?"


"The potion is really delicious. That herbs can be grown……………"

"Uh, I know. In other words, my recovery pills (potions) are delicious, and I grow herbs in my garden."


Hearing my reply, "I knew Hinami was excellent," Lady Lettysreel smiled.

In other words, the way you put it... I can expect that the recovery pills (potions) are delicious and that the herbs can be grown properly.

From what I've heard, I just have to pick what's growing in the woods because the herbs can't be grown. But I can grow it properly. Will you be able to do more with Master Retisreel's return?

"... the truth is, we all knew. How to make delicious restorative medicines (potions) and how to grow herbs. But, you know, I was unconsciously cursed. Besides, I noticed yesterday. Listen to Gene, I've done a hell of a lot of things."

"Curse, Your Majesty?

In the eyes of Mr. Lettysreel, who snorts, the colour of his apologies stings. And when you hear that word that explained it to me, you're going to open your eyes.

Master Lettysreel said that when he forgot everything and tried to sleep... he sang a song.

Slowly, heal your body. How I feel about someone I love, so that I can forget and get back on my feet.

Normally, a goddess song carries happiness to people. But Master Lettysreel, who sang the song in agony... cursed that song of happiness.

No way, that's not true.

I think so, but because the curse is about how to make healing pills (potions) and grow herbs... I can only believe it. Until then, Lettiesreel told me that everyone had made proper healing pills (potions) and grown herbs.

By the way, the flavors seemed to vary depending on who made them.

"I can remember what I stained as a curse by taking memory recovery pills (memory potions). I'm so glad Hinami is a pharmacist. I'm sorry, but can I ask you to cooperate?

"Absolutely! If that's what I can do!


But soon, "But……………" continues Lady Lettysreel's words.

Even if you take a memory restoration pill (memory potion), it doesn't remind you perfectly. They can just erase the curse stained with the body, and they will improve it slightly in the future.

In other words, if trial and error occur, they will be able to produce delicious restorative drugs (potions) and grow herbs in the garden. It will take a little while, but that progress will surely lead to people's growth.

But...... I think in a corner of my mind I'm sure that's all right. It's people who can work hard, so they can walk on their own feet, not just according to the goddess.

"Hinami has always helped me. I have to work hard from now on, too. I wish him happiness in this world for a while."

"No, it's me. Good to see Master Lettysreel!

"Hehe. Well, let's make a memory restorer (memory potion). First, let everyone in this village drink it."


The first thing to start with is the growth of memory flowers......!

But if it's dirt in a bag, it's a little short. So what I had prepared was a larger sight with soil in it. It's an operation to plant flowers here and bloom a lot.

Role sharing that I grow flowers and pick and go flowers grown by Master Lettysreel.

"Please, Hinami!

"Yes. Angel Singing!"

If I spoke of my skills, the flowers of memory planted in Tarai bloomed all over Tarai. I'm a little sorry about the environment called Tarai, but I think the sight is very beautiful.

Master Letty Sleel picks the flower of memory at the very least, so I go again by chanting my skills.

"Angel Singing"

Because Lettie Sleel puts the flower of her memory on her desk, I decide to make a memory restoration medicine (memory potion) while Lettie Sleel picks the newly grown one.

All the ingredients are on the desk, so just use Angel Singing (Sanctuary).

"Angel Singing!"

"Wow, that's fast. You'll be able to do it in no time."

"Right. And then…… it depends on the honey."

With skills, the flowers of memory can be easily obtained. You can also add as many bottles as you want because the points are unusable.

I just can't replenish all the honey. It's not good to run out of everything in the village, so the number of memory restoration pills (memory potions) is really limited.

How much honey can I make now? Perhaps Mr. Elf's share of the village will be fine. But when it comes to everything in this world... it can be quite difficult.

No. Now, let's do what we can now.

"Angel Singing"

Skill again and bloom more memories. Master Letty Sleel picks that up.

Continue with it for about 10 minutes, mindlessly, and get angry.

"" The room is full of memory recovery pills...!

If you noticed, there were... 600 memory recovery pills (memory potions) in the room. I know the immediate number because I exchanged 100 bottles for 6 points.

The only thing I have left is a flower of memory. Honey and bottles are just gone.

"In the meantime, let's give it to the elders. There will be enough for the elves on this continent. The Beasts…… I'll talk to them again."

"Yes. Right...... hmm?

I'm thinking about the future, but in that case, am I included as a force of war? With my skills, I can make healing pills (potions) … honestly convenient.

If you think about it that way, the sound of a knock sounds. Is it Mr. Gine, the elder, or Mr. Millu? I tried to say go ahead, and my voice sounded before that.

"Master Hinami?

"Is that it? Ickle!

I think I'm back, and when I open the door, I get an ickle in my eye that looks kind of satisfied. Yeah, I don't ask why you're making me seem so happy alone, because I'm sweet!

Besides, I'm blind now. I guess I had a lot to think about on my own. Well, this is my assumption.

"… is an amazing number of memory restorers (memory potions)."

"Haha, I needed a lot of it"


I explained to Ichiru what I had asked him and told him that he needed a lot of memory recovery drugs (memory potions).

Ikuru sighed when he heard it, "I can't believe I had that reason," he said. But I think it's just Ickle that convinces me so much without disputing anything.

"Later, it would be nice to teach an elf pharmacist how to make it and leave it to him. Honey can be collected on other continents... but Agdis is the most efficient"

"It is..."

Is it because it's nature after all? Surely there seems to be plenty of bees. If I had nodded yeah, Master Lettysreel agreed with Ickle that he intended to "do so".

"In the meantime, let's give Gene the memory restorer (memory potion) that we made. He'll do the rest."

"Right. Well, I'll call you. Dear Hinami, treat only those flowers of memory that are unnaturally blooming from Tarai."

"Oh, okay!

Sure, if the flowers were blooming from Tarai, it would be suspicious. Hurry and pick the flowers with Master Lettysreel while Ickle goes to get Mr. Jeane.

I decided to take the flowers and stuck them in my bag.

You were gauging the timing, and the knock sounds when Tarai's processing is finished. I'm sure he was reading the signs because it's wind magic, and I open the door.

There were Ickle and his elder Gine, as well as three Mr. Millu.

"This is… an amazing number of healing pills (potions). But what the hell is that?

"It's called a memory potion. I'll explain. Why don't you sit down?

"Dear Letty Threel! Please."

Everyone sat in a chair and Mr. Lettysreel gave the same explanation as earlier.

Although Mr. Jeane and Mr. Millu are very surprised, they were convinced for now. The Goddess's words are so great.

"If so, let's have a couple of pharmacists. How to make………………………."

"That's me. I can't hold Hinami for long at my convenience."

"Dear Letty Threel, Mizu...! That's true. Everybody's happy. I will speak to the beasts."

I was going to help, but it took a stop from Master Lettysreel. "Because I think Hinami has more to do," he said.

That being said, I have no plans for the future… in particular. Will it feel like going back to the store and selling recovery pills (potions) to relax?

But since there is a reward for Master Rig, should we have some more adventures? Ugh, I'll think about the future myself when I get home.

Plus, there's Ickle. Because I am no longer a curse slave, especially since I am not the master of Ickle. While I don't think Ikuru will talk about the future, the rest would be a batch if I could install a box garden door in Agdis.

"Looks like you got the story together. Well, if Hinami-san had taken it all on, I wouldn't have cut it, so I'm glad I did."

"…… I wonder."

Ikuru just told me what I was thinking was a prospect, and he followed me softly. As far as I'm concerned, uh-huh. Although it feels bad to ask Master Lettysreel to do all the rest.

"Hehe. Troubled face, Hinami. But it's okay... I'm sure we'll be busy soon."


"Yes, I'm sorry about Hinami, but thank you again."

"Yes? Uh, I understand."

Although I don't know a bit about the situation, I will decide that there is still something wrong with Letty Threel. If I did ok with one reply, Ikuru was angry that I would not reply even though I didn't know what it was about.

◇ ◇ ◇

Soon afterwards, we had the memory recovery pills (memory potions) distributed to the elves in the village.

Although there wasn't a particular change because I took it, I guess there was something I thought about people touching medication and herbs a lot. He held his body in his arms and wept.

"I'm going to show you how to grow medicinal herbs. Follow me if you're a pharmacist or interested?

"" Yikes!

Master Retisreel will guide those who have taken the memory restoration medicine (memory potion) and teach them how to grow herbs.

I... can't tell you because I don't know how I can grow herbs. Instead, why can't you grow herbs? Isn't that the lowest pattern?

Grungy. I think I'll take a Lettysreel-like cultivation course with you, too, and I don't have anything else to do. With that in mind, Mr. Jeane came to me.

"Hey, I'm surprised there's such a miracle. I don't care how much you thank me."

"No, I didn't do much of that."

"You don't have to be so modest. Is Lord Hinami a pharmacist? I was wondering if you'd like to thank me for this."

"Huh? But this is...!

The basket that Mr. Gine had that said contained a lot of medicinal herbs and flowers that I had never seen, including prince fruit. Perhaps it is very valuable.

"I'd like you to have it. of?"

"That's right. Make sure you get it."

"It's a precious herb I could take in the elf forest. I'm sure the pharmacist will be able to use it."

"That's right. In my village, it is an unusable herb. Please accept it."

Following Gine, the elves who were around stopped by me to ask for one after the other. If I had thought about what to do, Ikuru would have received "thank you."

I looked at Ichiru in a hurry, but his face said I should take it honestly.

"... uh, thank you."

While I was wondering if this was okay, I thanked her, and the elves smiled and nodded at me.

While I thought it was bad, it was also true that I would be happy to have prince fruit and herbs, so I honestly decided to accept them and thought I would make a thank you recovery pill (potion) later.

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