Perspective: Nanki Flowers

Chudawn! Along with the sound, I said to the monitor, "Shit!" I scream and try to throw the controller...... I keep thinking.

No, no, it's not good to hit things.

Two, the fact that if you look at the clock in the room, it's past three o'clock in the middle of the night.

The room, organized on a pink and white basis, has many games and comics against its cuteness. My room with lots of adorable stuffed animals. Soon I became a maiden chick room because of Hina buying a stuffed animal.

I laughed so hard that I wouldn't miss you... I haven't seen that face in over two years.

"Hey, it's time to go to bed! I'm going out tomorrow, so can't I go in?

"Okay, snack ~"

"What! Could it be dating ⁉?"

"To buy clothes or something to send to your sister. Good night, then."

"'Night ~'"

While logging out the online game you were playing, say goodnight greetings to the members who were making voice calls. With a microphone, you can make calls with free tools. As a result, many online users are using it.

I'm Nanki Hana.

Hinami Nanki's sister flew to another world.

"Hina, it's bedtime already, isn't it? I wonder if you're having a good life............?

Two years ago now. The more the doctor threw the spoon, the more I suffered from a serious illness.

Oh, I can't do this anymore. I'm not going to die. Yes, I thought so. I remember being bitter and unable to breathe, and there my consciousness was interrupted.

Like a running lantern, fun memories ran around with Hina...... I was happy. Yes, it was a life I could say with my chest up.

But what's causal......... I woke up.

More so, in Hina's disappeared (non-existent) world.

It was already crying, crying, crying.

Why is there no Hina in this world!... said.

A world without Hina.

But Hina saved my life. It's a treasure for life.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Thank you for waiting, Mr. Liguris! Did I make you wait?

"Ugh, I'm fine."

When Hina entered the coffee shop (cafe) where she worked part-time, Liguris was in the back seat. This is a fixed position, the meeting place between me and Mr. Liguris.

This man, who named himself God, is both the culprit who sent Hina to another world and the benefactor of my life. Then, someone who loves Hina.

Since I woke up, this god told me about Hina, stupid honestly.

To me, to my mother, my father, three of whom I heard the impossible dream story. But I know best that the dream story is real. That I was alive was a testament to that.

The doctor also told me, "I honestly don't know why you're alive." Yes, your father said. My parents were still honestly pleased with this phenomenon, which they could only say was a miracle.

"From……, it's Mr. Liguris."


Sit in the seat across the street and glimpse its neat face.

A gentle smile on her saggy flowing blonde hair. Sure, it's like being convinced that this beauty isn't human. Is this how God dresses these days, although he wears casual clothes? I could have worn something more like a game.

Contrary to that, am I, well, mediocre? A hat with semi-long hair and cute costumes. He is wearing a loose piece and remains the fashion that is common in strands and magazines.

"Shortcakes are a great idea today."

"Cake! I'll eat. And tea straight."

If you had placed an order with the clerk and now wondered what we were going to talk about today, Mr. Ligris took out one letter. That said, I might as well say that I had it in my hand when I realized it. I don't have it in my bag, and did I magically serve it from a different spatial place?

Apparently it was addressed to me, so I even received a question mark on my head… I looked at the name of the table and opened my eyes.

The fact that it is addressed to Nanki Hana is fine. It's me. But I didn't like the letter, it was so sweet, it looked familiar.

"………………………! Hina's, letters?

"Yes, it's a letter addressed to Hana."

"Phew, ugh…………………."

The moment I saw the letter, my eyes filled with tears, and I couldn't say anything.

Mr. Liguris, who tenderly offered me a handkerchief, didn't even say anything to me that made me cry out, he just watched over me. I messed with the handkerchief I received, but I can't help it anymore.

"... yeah. Hina, I'm fine. I can finally write to you. That said, this communication is... limited to Hinatsu and Hana. There's an envelope inside for you to reply to, so write him back."


I snorted and hugged the letter.

I just did. I was supposed to go see the clothes I'm sending to Hina with Mr. Liguris, but this is not the right time. The last time I got it, it wasn't, so I was right in the end.

Hina's nostalgic words. I want to open the letter right away and look inside. Not if I care about that, though I'm confident I'll cry even louder if I see it here.

Because a letter from Hina! I've been worried about Hina for a long time... does Hina know?

I've always had a fluffy laugh and a little...... no, there's something pretty dodgy about it, but you take care of me, sister. That's Hina.

The white envelope said to the flowers.

Behind you, there's no Hina's name...

Yeah. Speaking of which, Hina always forgot to write her name on the back. The letter I get, about once every 10 times, I feel like it had a proper name on it.

Cut the seal and look inside, the cute floral potty. There, nostalgic, Hina's letters.

"... Huh?

I took it out, one piece.

There are only three lines of what it says.

I look through even as I put one big scratch in my mind that anything would be too short.

- - - - - - -

To the flowers.

Long time no see, it's your sister.

I'm worried about what to write, and I can't say it well, but you are.

The flowers are fine, and your sister is so - happy for you!

- - - - - - -

"... it's been too long since I knew what to write."

"……… but too short…"

I can't tell you anything. Follow Mr. Ligris. The tears that were supposed to be crying stopped at some point and a small laugh came out of my mouth.

I don't write anything about myself because Hina is happy too. If I'm unhappy, that's what I spell out to not worry about being okay.

I know a lot about Hina's letters when she was busy working part-time because there were so many lies going around that would reassure me that she was free during part-time work and that she also had a lot of breaks. Hina, who wrote this letter, said she was happy.

"Ah, already, Hina! But I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Just a letter, you know that much?

"Wow, it takes! Because I'm Hina's sister! Hina is easy to understand, so completely…………"

You got caught up with me, and Mr. Ligris is laughing at me for dullness, and I'm pretty sure he's getting along well with Hina, too.

Or if such a handsome guy tells me, Hina will flake. Definitely. Yeah, now I'll even put my choice of girl comics on you with my clothes. Let's do that. Yeah, you had a good sister, Hina.

"Oh well. But that's amazing. It's just a letter from Hina, so Hana won't stop crying."

"… yes. Hina is amazing! Didn't you know? Even though it's God."

"Hehe, no. You knew, didn't you?

"Yes. Hehe, Hina always makes me laugh."


Apparently, even God agrees that Hina makes me laugh.

I mean, whatever. Hina, that's the thing. I'm kind of relieved, but anger comes up in just three lines of letters. More than double, no, I'll get back to you at more than 10x!

I made up my mind to write to Hina all night today.

"Look, I've got tea, so calm down?

"Oh, thank you very much. It's all Hina's fault already!

Add two sugars, drink sweeter tea than usual, and drink everything you want to say to Hina together. If I speak to Mr. Ligris here now, I am confident that I will continue to speak with him forever.

In the first place, Hina can do it right in the other world. So I was surprised first.

Mr. Liguris said, sword and magic fantasy world. Hina's a game-deaf, though I'm telling you. If you leave the city, you'll be lost on the field, and forgetting to equip yourself with weapons and protective equipment is the default. Forget to buy healing items when going to the dungeon.

Is that it? Hina, are you sure you're okay?

"Mr. Liguris, Hina is really okay right............?

"Yeah. Hina's doing a good job. The main thing is to make healing pills (potions), so I don't really fight."


It's not for the avant-garde, and you're going to attack your people by mistake for being the rear guard. Hina.

If it's not a magic system that plays heels or anything, but a support position...... can it be a big deal by mistake? I eat cake while I worry about Hina, who's gone to another world.

Going out with Mr. Ligris, which has been going on for over two years now.

Mostly, I buy clothes that I send to Hina and everyday items. It's done about once every few months, and every time he talks to me about Hina. I'm doing this now, or something like this seems to have happened today.

You think any animals like the ostrich named Dutchon liked me lately or not? When I hear that kind of thing, it seems to me that it really is a completely different world than Japan.

Nothing, I'm a little jealous, I don't think so. Never. Never!

Speaking of which, thanks to information from Mr Ligris, I am actually very relieved.

Sora, that didn't happen at first. Oh, my God, you suspiciously handsome man. Ha! That's what I thought, and your father was pretty suspicious.

But then another two years. I honestly don't know what your father and mother think. So I decided to think in terms of whether Hina was happy or not.

If Hina is happy, you can stay in another world. No, this way of saying it is a little different. As a result, if Hina is happy, that's fine.

"... Hina can't come back here anymore?

"No. I want you to stay with me, but I can't force you to tie Hina up."

With that said, you really don't want to let Hina go. Even though I think about it in my mind, perhaps this person will have something to say about it. Although I don't know which one Hina will choose.

Hina herself doesn't seem to know, but I have heard a few words from Mr. Ligris. Why did Hina have to go to another world? And how long do you plan to be in different worlds?

"Three more years. It's a long time, but I'm sure it's something for Hina."

Karan and the ice from the iced coffee Mr. Liguris was drinking melts and makes a noise. It probably shouldn't be an overthought to feel your gaze crossed.

Hey, Hina.

How is life in different worlds?

I'm fine. Mr. Ligris tells me about Hina so that she doesn't worry about me, and she's kind.

He's handsome, so I guess, no, absolutely. Hina must be thinking about Mr. Ligris from time to time. That's about all I know, because she's my sister. Hey!

I don't disagree with Hina's choice. If your father is going to say anything, I will be on your side. Whatever, you can make your father a full bog!

That's why.

When all the other worlds are over, come and show me your face properly, okay?

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