"Hinami, hinami, hinami!"

'It's tough, Po!

After a busy night, when I tried to start dreaming in bed...... it came. Yes, it is. Lolo.

I heard a noise coming down the stairs, and the footsteps stopped in front of my room. Keep going, Don Dong Dong, and Mazuro knock on the door as he calls me, knocking.

It's rare that I panicked when I thought I was going to sleep because of it. I wonder if there might have been some kind of incident.

I just walked out of bed and said, "What's going on?" and weave a thin cardigan as he spoke. If you open the door with Gachari, Lolo is going to cry somewhat twitchy.


"Ha, ha, a lot of stuff Po!!"

"It's good to come!

"What!? Hey, let go...... Huh!

What the hell is going on? Before I try to ask you that, Mazuro snaps through my arm and runs up the stairs with me. Apparently, it's the rooftops we're aiming for.

I get climbed by a ladder that I just built today and stand with me and Lolo under a slightly chilly night sky. Though there are moon and star lights, it's night now. The forest is sprawling, a little far enough to see the city small. Although it doesn't look particularly unusual... if you think so, you are pushed back to look at the telescope.

The trembling Rollo said, 'Come on!' He blamed me and rushed to peek into the telescope saying it was still no good.

'It's tough, Po. Maru, you have to run...!

"It's probably okay here. But, uh-huh. In the meantime, wait for Hinami's decision!!"

I'm kind of anxious about the two people who talk about the noise behind their backs, while they move the telescope to look for something they have to find. What the hell is it like having to run away? I don't know...... and between once and for all I thought.

"............... is that a thing?

"It is! Awesome number...... it is clovat!

It was called a clovat, and from what I've seen, it's a bat. I'm flailing my black wings, probably flying in hundreds of flocks.

Aren't you usually in a cave? And my feet trembled because of the number of them, even as I screamed in my heart.

"He's a monster living in a cave! It's weird to come outside, Po!

"It's good because this is a forest, but if you go to the city it will be confusing......!

Crovat looked from the house and was coming this way from the northwest direction. We don't know where we're going, but if we keep going, we're going straight to the city of Raleel.

I know this place is probably going to be ok because it has God's Box Garden, which is a skill... I can't even be honest because I've never been attacked by so many demons.

"What shall I do? Many people are sleeping in the city, so I guess it's hard to deal with them right away."

"Momo too, I'm sure he is!

"In the meantime, we need to inform the city, Mr. Alfred...!

Even if it's not possible from here, if you go to the city, to Hinami's Box Garden (miniature garden), you can get in touch with Shea.

The communication compact is my desk. I need to go get it right away, I just raised my face from the telescope... and found Salina sitting in the garden.


"What do you think…… if I were in the garden, I wouldn't blame you!

Looks like Lolo also found Mr. Salina and hastily said, 'Running Po!' I yell.

But Sarina, who lays her sword and looks forward, doesn't move.

Are you grasping the signs, or what are you doing? Of course, I know Mr. Salina is strong.

... but even I know that the number of violence is strong.

"Ah, Blubber Po!

"Mr. Salina."

Five clovats, which were flying ahead, began a steep descent towards Mr. Salina.

Its feathers, which spread wide, cut the night sky wide and make a sound of the wind. Mr. Salina sends a straight gaze to Crovat with her sword in her hand. Definitely, I'm going to fight.

Rabbit's ears move tingly, as he reads the sound of the wind...... his body moves loosely.

"Mr. Salina............!

Ton '. He gently kicked up the ground and attacked Clovat, where Mr. Salina had descended suddenly... but Mr. Salina's sword did not arrive.

"Hey, what do you mean!?"

Mr. Salina's surprised voice echoes in the night sky. For a reason, Sarina turned my gaze on me... and I kind of distracted myself.

Yes. Clovat, by God's Box Garden, was played. We weren't allowed to break in.

"Hinami! What does this mean -!?"

"Uh, uh... the conjunctive thing, is it tense?

I don't know what to explain, and for now I decide to laugh somehow. Sarina, with a disgruntled face, tries to come to me, stopping her leg.

Because a lot of clovats passed overhead. No! I think so, but I don't have the means to do anything. In the meantime, hurry to Mr. Alfred's. That's what I thought, and Mr. Salina's screams reach my ear.

"I won't let you go to the city!

"Mr. Salina!?"

Standing up, Mr. Salina makes a big jump by putting her foot on the stump house. Successfully scaffolded the branches out of the house and ran up to the roof.

Unexpectedly he snaps "wow," but it becomes clear what he will do.

"Supports! Salina, fly!!"

"Maru! Thanks, let's go!

"Salina, you can fly. Uuuuuu!!"

The horses put their hands together, and with it as a stepping stone, Mr. Salina danced to the universe. I laid my sword aside and shook it up beautifully.

"Snow! Slow down the Crovat movement and bless the rabbit!" Rabbit Dance "

"Ugh, the rabbit was Po!!"

As soon as the snow crystals blew, they turned into little rabbits and began to dance. Pimpy bouncing rabbits are so adorable, I don't think they're offensive magic.

I wonder what the hell it does, look up at the sky. Although a significant number of clovats were defeated by Mr. Salina's sword, the numbers are still high.

On each of those clovats, a rabbit made of snow was blunting the jumping motion.

"Wow......! That rabbit is holding Clovat back!

"That's not all! Faster, dance!

The little rabbits moved their ears perfectly in response to the call to dance. Run around the universe freely and circle around Mr. Salina.

She seemed truly blessed, and Salina sparkled with snow crystals.

"Ah, I can stand!

Landing on the roof, not. A scaffold made of snow crystals supports Mr. Salina. How omnipotent, considering this is also made by that little rabbit.


If you accidentally get a voice, your eyelashes will stretch out your chest with a doorface.

And I put my hands up in the sky big enough not to say I was still going to.

"Salina! This is not the power of rabbits!


The rabbit spinned at high speed as I twirled, and the snow tornado blew! What the hell kind of magic can be done? Maybe so, the tornado wrapped around Mr. Salina's sword.

At the tip of the erected sword, a snow tornado. Surprised Mr. Salina sees the sword, but it was also a flash.

Probably instantly determined what a snow tornado was like.

I'm not lost in Mr. Salina, who goes to wave the sword, but points the sword at Crovat in a straight line. The snow tornado freezes clovat wings with its wind and drops them to the ground. But it also doesn't fall off because it stops at the air stage.

How big the wind blew and the snow tornado... swallowed all the clovats away.

"Liar...... there were so many of them!

"Awesome! Crovat, there were hundreds of them!? That's incredible that the two of us would defeat Po!

As Lolo and I were surprised together, Salina and I smiled and made a high touch. Seeing two people who haven't been out of breath, I carve into my heart that the species Rabbit is so boring.

I guess this is the original power of Sarina, the brave man, and Mauro, the spirit of the snow rabbit. Not like me, overwhelming strength.

"Hinami, are you okay? Are you hurt?

"Yes! I'm fine. Mr. Salina, are you hurt?

"It's all right!

Worried to look at her body, but apparently relieved that Mr. Salina was intact. If you stay here claiming to be safe, you won't have to check because you've been using magic beside me for a long time.

I was glad no one got hurt, although I did when I saw a lot of demons. I mean, I've often defeated so many demons for two... and I'm amazed at how amazing they are.

"Awesome po for both of us! Plus, I'm glad I'm not hurt. Po!! '

"Wow! Lolo, I'm glad you're okay!

"It works great, so you get a reward for the treat!

Lolo stormed the two of them and the mackerel seemed to shine more eyes on the treat than the demon. If he laughs, he says, "It's puffy!" and they get angry.

But I think that such a temperament is dispelling the fear that there was a demon.

"Oh, already! We all love it -!

"Wow! Mr. Salina."

I'm going to forget that I've really been fighting demons before, hanging out with Mr. Salina jumping to hug everyone.

I wish I could have fun sleeping like this...... oh well!

"Wait a minute!


I came up with something good!

I hurry back to my room and flicker the exchange diary. What do you do......

[Potted plant: small] 1

[Potted: Medium] 10

[Potted plant: large] 20

[Vegetable seed set] 10

[Fruit seed set] 10

[Herbal seed set] 10

[Wheat seeds] 50

[Rice Seeds] 100

[Brick: 1] 5

[Fountain - upgrade] 2,000

[Terrace Seating Set] 3,000

[Bottles: 100] 3

[Room] 50

[Bath - Additions] 10,000

NEW! [Room (Hinami) - Additions] 50,000

[Room (icr) - Additions] 2,000

[ROOM (MARO) - Additions] 2,000

[Room (Salina) - Additions] 2,000

[Rooftop - Additions] 30,000

[Basement - Additions] 1,000,000

[Conditioning Room - Additions] 15,000

[Box Garden Door - Additions] 300,000

[Unchanted] 50,000

[Circular: 1 round trip] 300,000

[Room (Hinami) - Added] = 2,000 points used

[Room (Hinami) - Added] = 5000 points used

[Room (Hinami) - Added] = 1000 points used

[Total: 17000 points used]

[Possession Points: 999,236,602]

I built three additional steps of my room at once.

That gave me an amazing room to occupy the floor for the first floor in my room alone. But my aim is not the size of the room.

"…… yeah, just as I expected!

I nod contentedly and call the maroons to my room.

My room was enlarged with a large bed bedroom in the back. Because here, we can all sleep together.

I somehow, with this joy, stay at this moment where I feel like I have been able to bond with my people… I want to spend it now. That's what I thought.

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