Miniature Garden Chemister

35. Masaru's Heaven

"Well, Master Maru! It's divine today. That's the Spirit!

"Dear Maru, it's tea."

"…… Mama-sama"

"Thank you."

After one night, he came to Hinami's Box Garden (Miniature Garden) No. 2 in the dungeon using the door of the Box Garden.

Today the Hinami's Box Garden (Miniature Garden) is closed. I decide to use my time to sort things out about Store 2.

… but. Somehow, the three fairies are calling out to make tea and making a place to make it. I wonder if I'm not in sight behind the horse.

Apparently, for the three fairies, the Spirit, Mauro, is a superior being to be worshipped. In addition, Mauro was following us a lot while we were traveling.

"Ah, manager! This is the secret coin of the sale. I'll give it to you. '

"Thank you."

Apparently, I was in good view, too. Beatrice gave me a secret coin. The number of copies is 62.

Since we opened this store number two and traveled, it would be about 62 pieces in six months. Because it's such a dungeon deep shop... I thought so, but I wonder if the recovery pills (potions) sell quite a bit?

As for the price, I leave it to the Beatrices because it is not the same as the human price. When asked for details of the breakdown, he told me that he was well managed.

Here's what we're selling:

One Secret Coin for Health Restoration Drugs (High Potion)

Three Secret Coins of Garnet Potion, a Crimson Restorative

Magic Restoration Drug (Mana Potion) Five Secret Coins

Seven Secret Coins

15 Iris Potion Secret Coins

"Pricing is high because magic restoration pills are important. They sold a crimson cure, Garnet Potion, two deep sea cures (Marine Potion), and Iris Potion.

"You sold a total of six. Thanks for keeping it under control, Beatrice. Fairies use a lot of magic."

'That's right. Fairies and spirits often basically use magic.'

I do recall that you used snow magic. However, I was also good at physical surgery, so maybe each has its own characteristics.

But I made six sales and 62 secret coins...... With this, you can also exchange items.

"I'm leaving it to you, but is the price okay? It's expensive..."

"Fine. Store manager's recovery pills (potions) are the best in the world"

'Guys, you're buying it for me, so it's no problem. However, it's hard to come here, so we don't have a lot of customers.'

If you get anxious and confirm, Finna will follow up with you if there is no problem. And Beatrice told me about the customers who had come so far.

There have been five people who have come to me in the last six months. They all bought healing pills (potions). The low number of units sold is due to the low visibility of this store itself.

It's definitely hard to discover this store in the depths of the dungeon. Instead, how the hell did the people who came to me know about this store?

"Hinami! If you have a secret coin, redeem it for an item for the store!

'Well, we agree with you!

"Right. Well, why don't we exchange it?"

The list of coins that can be exchanged in the current coin is shown below.


Hospitality Set

Fairy cleaning tools

Fairy feathers rest.

10 sheets

Invitational honey

Crystal Stationery (Random)

20 sheets

Store Extension: Visitor Space

Crystal Grocery (Random)

50 sheets

Store Extension: Overall Extension

Crystal Furniture (Random)

We all look at the list and talk about what to do.

If I don't, I can't figure out which one I need. With regard to the item, Beatrice gave us an explanation.

Hospitality Set

Tea set to entertain customers

Fairy cleaning tools

A cleaning tool that recognizes the demonic as the Lord and automatically cleans

Fairy feathers rest.

A simple bed where fairies can sleep

Invitational honey

Smells like fairies, spirits, etc., making it easier for customers to shop

Anything else, it's an item as described.

Of course I care about crystal stationery and store furniture. but what we need now is a rest space for the Beatrices. Then......

"" "Invitational Honey!!" "

All voices matched.

After all, the lack of customers is the biggest problem in this store. More people are buying me more, more secret coins, and I can make this store a better place.

I don't know how many coins you'll get, but it's Suzuka's item. Must be something amazing.

"Use this to bring in customers and make a lot of money!!"

"Exactly! Right, more, let's make this store bigger!

Beatrice agrees with the disgusting smile. If you think of it this way, Finna and Arkle snorted loudly as well.

Even fairies may be tough on business...... You'd rather leave it to me than I say something. Definitely fine.

"The inviting honey is 10 secret coins, so you can still exchange something else. Beatrice, what more do you need?

'Right. I think it would be better to have a hospitality set and fairy cleaning tools to improve the quality of the store. Because it would also be prettier to give orders to the cleaning tools than our hands...... Fairy feather rest is fine, although of course I'd be happy to have it'

"Okay. Thanks."

I still have room for secret coins, so I'm going to get three fairy feather breaks as well.

I need to tell Suzuka directly to replace it. Now that you're at my house, let's go back and ask for an exchange. I entrusted the shop to Mazu, and I went home once.

◇ ◇ ◇

".................. Huh!


Back home, it was in the garden that I found Mr. Suzuka. What I saw there was training Ikuru.

Ikuru holds the stick and punches it into Suzuka at a very fast speed. The track of the stick is hard to follow in my eyes, but Suzuka easily reads and lightly tries.

That's right, you're the first brave man. I laugh at the fact that I'm not very Japanese, but I don't think so. If I had been that strong, I wouldn't have pulled into this house for two years.

The sound of shrugging off the wind reached my ear and the sound stopped shortly afterwards.

And when I saw the two of them, the stick of Ikuru hit Suzuka's neck. It was stopped at a critical place. Is that a "stop" move?

"Master, what do you mean you won't avoid it?

Ickle's voice, including anger, enters my ear.

… that Suzuka did not avoid Ichiru's attack? But I don't think if I get Ikuru's stick on my body, I'm going to get hurt. What's wrong?

If you were worried and watched them farther away, Mr. Suzuka turned to me with a grin and a smile.

"It's Mr. Hinami, Ikuru. Of course you should concentrate, but you should pay a little more attention to the signs around you. Once accepted, Ickle becomes very dull for signs of no hostility"

"I see. Neither have I. I haven't..."

"Uh, sorry to interrupt. You were in training, weren't you?

Apparently Ickle didn't notice me. I'm surprised because I'm always sensitive to the signs, but I don't think I can help if I concentrate on waving that stick.

Suzuka seems like a very demanding master.

"What's the matter, Hinami? Didn't you go to the dungeon store today?

"Yeah. I thought I'd have them trade it for an item because the potion was sold and a secret coin was collected."

"Oh, I see. Master, exchange."

If Ikuru spoke to Suzuka, "Don't be quick," Suzuka received the coin with a bitter smile.

"Er, that's 55. What do you want?

"Hospitality set, fairy cleaning tools, three fairy feather breaks, invited honey, store expansion: it's a visitor space!

"Then you're just 55. I'll have it ready during the night, okay?

"Yes. Thank you very much!

Nod loudly and feel relieved that this will please everyone.

I wondered what I would do if it was prepared in an instant like Master Rig's, but it seemed impossible for Suzuka, who was a brave man, to do that.

I mean, Master Rig is so awesome... I guess God can do a lot of things again.

"I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Expect it. I'm sure the Beatrices will be delighted."

"Yes. I'm sorry I was on my way to training. I'm going back to the store, so keep going."

Waving to Ichiru with Suzuka, I go back to my house. For a while, he said, he was going to review the basics of the stick, etc., and then go into practice.

If that awesome offense is a fundamental review, how hard is the practice?

◇ ◇ ◇

"Hinami, you're back ~!

"" Welcome Back ""

"……………… Welcome back"

"Yeah. I'm home! Looks like you can have the items you asked for in the evening. Looking forward to tomorrow!!"

I told the four of them about earlier and decided to relax and have tea today.

"… this"

"Yeah? Flowers?

Unexpectedly, Arkle handed me a flower big enough to softly subside in my hand. The Arkles have a slightly larger one for three.

"Me, raise. Delicious. '


'Hehe, this is the flower that Arkle grows. It's a delicious drink with lots of honey in it. You love it too, don't you?'

"It is!

Hold the flowers that you received as important, but just put them on your mouth. The way he looks happy and drinks makes me want to give him some sweets. Similar to the urge to adore your little one.

Apprentice Mazuro, I also gently put my mouth on the flowers and sip the Shizuku inside.

…… Wow, wow. Though refreshing to drink, it's slightly sweet and...... It's like the whole body's gonna be filled. "

"It is. The juice made by Arkle is delicious! And Finna is a good cook, and Beatrice is a good fruit-grower."

Maguro tells me what a fairy is good at.

Ever since we purified this dungeon, they've been able to do a lot of things they like. They have beautiful water flowing through the dungeon and the environment is improving.

'This dungeon is getting easier to live in, so maybe some other fairies are moving in! Hehe, then the shop will flourish.'

Beatrice speaks happily about the future.

They want to make the dungeon a comfortable place to live and feel comfortable. There are some former brave people here, Suzuka, and they will be adequate in terms of security......

Even if the dragons attacked us, it doesn't seem like a problem at all.

"Dear Maru, have some sweets too."

"There was also my fruit!

... For now, this is a very peaceful good store. This is a former brave man. This is a former brave man.

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