Miniature Garden Chemister

4. Reunion with Letty Threel

A few weeks after people pushed me to the store.

The city, though little by little, was regaining its calm. Mostly thanks to Salina, a brave man, and Affred for their work.

I'm in the middle of a multi-eyed tour of the city and figuring out what's causing it.

"Hinami ~!


The door opened and the horse entered Ichiru's room.

Yes, this is Ickle's room. Suzuka is with him, letting him sleep in this room to see how it goes.

Speaking of which, I was wondering when they might wake up. I've been looking around for a while. But there was still no sign of it happening today.

"Were you watching it again? Master Lettysreel came to the store!

"Huh? True!? I'll be there soon!!"

Run down the stairs to the store for a visit from someone I've been waiting for. Agdis misplaced me, so I didn't see him in the end.

If I knocked through the door connecting my home to the store, there was a Letty Sleel that I had seen before.

Fluffy soft hair with beautiful watery eyes.

I'm relieved to see you, but I need to talk to you soon.

"Long time no see, Hinami. Just now………………"

"Excuse me, please come. I, too, have a lot to talk about and hear."

The two of us nod and I leave the shop to go home.

And furthermore, I realize that Master Lettysreel is alone.

I heard you went out with Mr. Millu, but was it different?

When I checked that, he said he was gathering information in the Adventurer Guild.

I see. Sure, I'll just have some information.

◇ ◇ ◇

First, I led Master Retisreel to Ickle's room.

You'd rather have a look at the actual scene than talk about it over a cup of tea.


Immediately after recognizing Suzuka, Master Lettysreel ran away.

He also looks like he's kneeling by the bed and observing Mr. Suzuka.

And with a small voice, "I knew it," he snapped.

"You two knew each other, didn't you?"

"…… Yep. Haru-kun is the brave man I summoned from Japan."

Quietly Master Lettysreel nodded and told me about this one.

"I've been feeling the signs of the Demon King for some time now. But Spring knocked me down a long time ago, so I thought it was a mistake."

That seems to have felt only a little bit when I was still in Agdis.

But now the signs are clear, says Lady Lettysreel.

It matches what the golden dragon said.

Probably means demon king, for sure.

"But the Demon King wasn't defeated."

"Dear Letty Threel?

I lay my eyes down lonely and rub Suzuka's hand all the time.

I remind you that I have a crush on Suzuka. There are purifying flowers in this room as well.

Maybe that has something to do with the Demon King.

"The Demon King lived in Spring Kun"

"Eh ⁉"

In other words, was the identity of the purification the Demon King?

But the truth is more cruel.

"…… No. Haru-kun himself is the Demon King."

"... Huh."

Oh, no way.

But I don't even think Master Lettysreel would lie. If you look into your tearful eyes, you just have to believe it's true.

The first brave man said he was the demon king…….

"Now, you're trying to help Ichiru spring. But Chun-kun is too strong and Ichiru is struggling."

"Oh no. There, can't I go ⁉ ⁉"

If one Ickle is tough, I don't even hate jumping in as a helper.

Master Lettysreel smiled, of course, that it was possible.

"I can only force Hinami, who has the power to represent the goddess, to intervene."

"Then even soon!

If I can do it, there's no reason to be confused.

However, Master Lettysreel shook his head as he sifted.

"As it is now, not yet. If we don't get a little more strength, it's tough."

"Give me the power…………?

Does that mean we should raise the level?

When that happens, it's a tough situation to be honest with. My level was always helped by Ichiru.

Instead, all I have is a bow that my combat abilities got to Master Rig. When I'm alone, it's pretty hard.

Seeing me troubled by the stuffiness, but Master Lettysreel speaks out that I am not.

"It's not the strength of the concept of level. Hinami's, Spiritual Problem…… I wonder."

"Of spirit?

"Hinami is quite capable. There is also the protection of Master Liguris……. There are many things you can do. That's why I can help."

My power is the power to incorporate from the outside, says Lady Lettysreel.

To be precise, the four powers that fairies possess. Fire, water, wind, soil. He told me that if I could make this my own, I would be able to stand up to the Demon King.

"In addition, golden flowers. You gave it to the dragon, didn't you?

"Ah......! Yes, but I haven't eaten yet."

"That strengthens the power of light. With four elements and that light, you can fight it."

I see...... The fairies can help the Beatrices in the store. But the water fairy should not have recovered yet.

I need to see how things are going, and I need to make another recovery.

Ugh, that's awful.

"In the meantime, it moves then. It's gonna be hard right now, but let's get ready."

"I understand. I'll do my best."

Lady Lettiesreel nodded loudly in my voice.

Not like before I couldn't help Suzuka and Ichiru right now, but I didn't know anything. It's clear what we need to do, so let's do our best.

The first thing to do is get help from the fairies.

Then it's about eating the flowers that Mr. Golden Dragon gave me and empowering them.

"And then I need that one."

"Is that it?"

"Chun-kun Knows, Recipes for Recovery Drugs (Potions)"

Suzuka's recipe?

However, I have never heard such a story from Suzuka. That's what I thought, but one thing came to mind.

Could it be……….

"Crystal Potion Recipe, a crystal restorative?

"Oh, you knew? Then we'll talk fast."

"Yes, no! I know it exists, but I don't know what it is."

Crystal Potion Recipe is a crystal recovery medicine that can be exchanged for secret coins that you can earn in a dungeon store.

But now that I have saved a secret coin, I don't have the awareness of Suzuka himself to replace it. Now, collecting coins doesn't make it possible to get recipes.

Explain that to Master Lettysreel and he clouded his face.

"If not, I have no choice."

"Crystal Potion Recipe, a crystal restorative, what is it?

"This is a healing medicine (potion) to boost your defenses. Even though it will definitely help Hinami..."


Until now, the main thing has been to recover and raise the bottom of the magic.

Given that, it is probably a special positioning healing drug (potion). I care, but there's nothing I can do about all this.

"Tori, let's move ahead to empower now."


I nodded heavily at Lady Lettysreel's words and headed to the dungeon store with Lady Lettysreel.

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