Miniature Garden Chemister

11. Test of Beatrice -3

"The demon... is not there, is it?

Enter the zoo floor for confirmation, but there are no signs of organisms. That seemed the same to Mr. Salina, who nodded at my words.

As we remained alert, we proceeded to the centre of the floor.

I was going to do a soothing rain dew (potion shower) from here. But what was in the center of the floor was one bud that came out small.

Fluffy and soft looking young buds are obviously different from other trees and grasses. I felt as if the spotlight was on.

"What kind of plant is that? I've never seen a fluffy one like this."

"I've never seen it either."

Mr. Salina seemed to be just like me, with his fingers clinging to his young buds as he clenched his neck.

I think it's kind of cute to shake like a tickle.

"It's the center of the floor, and maybe we should grow this plant. I just feel a little bit magical."

"Magic, Your Majesty?

Is this little bud some kind of special plant? It's like a herb, maybe it'll be in that category.

I nodded, and I chanted angel singing.

"Good luck and grow up!

It seems to have magic powers, so at the same time, I will pour you plenty of magic restorative medicine (Mana Potion).

The garlic and leaves opened wide left and right, and the young buds stretched to near the ceiling before spreading wide. Momentum is not so much about dominating all the ceilings on this floor.

What the hell is going to happen? When I look at the ceiling with that in mind, I hear a loud noise with Don. I tremble all the time and see Mr. Salina.

"…… I don't see any sign of disgust, but I wonder what"

While trying to shelter me, Mr. Salina looked around.

"... Huh?

"Liar, the ceiling is crumbling!

We have to run! I think so, but this is the center of the floor. To the stairs, there are too many distances, not very much, but they don't make it.

I can't believe I'm going to be buried alive!? I'm in a rush to figure out what to do, and I recall the same thing happening to Agdis.

Yes, I have the means to defend myself!

"The Rabies of Light!"


Mr. Salina covers me to shelter me, and I use my skills. I can desperately reach for heaven and pray to prevent the falling ceiling, please.

But apparently, that ends in concern.


The ragged ceiling, the fragments of which were supposed to have collapsed - my raised young buds were taking it with large leaves.

The ceiling collapses as if it were sand, creating a mountain of sand as if it were to blend into the ground. It soon became apparent that the botanical garden flowers that were above had poured down and had blown out.


Unexpectedly, I give you an exclamation.

The ceiling part makes some sandy mountains and the plants pour down like stars. A flower fell gently over the sand.

As it were, wouldn't it wither away? When I thought about it, I was acting unconsciously.

"Angel Singing (Sanctuary)"

Then, one more thing.

"Healing Raindrop (Potion Shower)"

On this floor, plant grace!

When I used my skills in prayer, a lot of flowers dusted out of the sand that turned into mountains and changed into mysterious spaces.

And the first young bud I found was a great flower, and in the center of it was a jewel that shined red.

I gently touch it, wondering if it might be a flower that fruits gems. Salina, next door, is also peering in with a strange face.

Approximately, touch it with your fingertips……….

"This is not a gem...? It's kind of hot."

"Do you have the power of fire?... Speaking of which, Beatrice was a fairy of fire."

"Oh, sure. Could this be a testament to passing the exam............?

Even though this is still a blowout on the sixth and fifth floors. Though I thought so, I remembered that there were no strong demons upstairs from here and it wasn't particularly rough because there was just a break space etc.

When I'm worried about hmm, I get a voice from behind.

"That's the manager! It's a gem that the Fairy of Fire has. As the manager's new power, I'll give it to you. '

"Beatrice! So I passed the exam............?

"Yes, it is."

Seeing Beatrice snort loudly, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now we have a better chance of helping Ichiru and Suzuka.

"Wear the jewel on the manager's weapon."

"On a weapon?

"Yeah. You have a bow, don't you?

I snorted and took out the flower bow that Master Rig gave me, a powerful weapon capable of releasing arrows three times a day.

Listening to Beatrice's instructions, I put a gem on the patterned part of the bow... and then it got stuck as if it were absorbed.

Oh wow............!

"Hehe, now we have the power of fire in this bow!

"Really? Amazing, Beatrice! Thanks."

'It's up to me to thank you, manager. Thank you for making this dungeon beautiful. There 'll be plenty of fairies on this floor.'

The fairy is migrating...!?

Or will it increase? Existence itself is frightening, so I don't know how it is born, but if it means more, I'm sure that's a good thing.

"Then the shop will flourish!


What's wrong, Store Manager?

"Ugh. I'm just surprised my business soul is more than me."

If you get carried away by accident, Beatrice turns to you in embarrassment.

'It's an important store, so we're going to make it bigger!

"Yeah, right. I have to work harder than the Beatrices, too."

"That's what I'm trying to do, manager! Make it the best store in the world!

"Me too! I'll help you too, Hinami!

Sarina gave me a big nod as she slammed her ears and let me do my hard work.

Though I'm a brave guy and I don't feel sorry for you for helping me with my store... I'm very glad you said that.

"Hinami's recovery pills (potions) are the best in the world, so there's no way the store is going to be the best in the world!

"It's a big deal, Mr. Salina."

'No, the manager's recovery pills (potions) are the best in the world!

Next to me, they nodded yeah.

As I smile bitterly and see how it goes, Beatrice raises her voice 'Ah'. When I asked him what was going on, he said he had to finish the last one.

Store manager, put up your bow! Towards the ceiling!

"Huh? But what are you after? Ceiling………………?

Whilst wondering what the hell I'm going to make you do, I'll set up a bow, as Beatrice told me. The aim is the ceiling, so it won't mean it hits anyone.

Soon an arrow will be made with magic.

"Store manager, scream flames."


- Huh!

The moment I recited it, the bumpy enthusiasm engulfed the bow and the arrows changed to a red color.

It soon became clear that this was Beatrice's blessing. The power of the fairy has joined this bow.

'Leave it on the ceiling, manager!

"Wah, ok............ Huh!

As Beatrice said, I release a bow and arrow.

Gow, I made a loud noise, and it slammed through the ceiling - in the dungeon, I made a big hole.

"................................. Huh?

The sky was blue.

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