Miniature Garden Chemister

18. Liguris' Bow

"...... Eh, icru!!"

"Look, back off"

When I call my name, my usual flashing face returns.

Then he takes my hand and turns to shelter behind the icle. It hasn't changed a bit, it stays ickle. It's just the spirit, so it's wearing out mentally... he didn't have to worry about it.

Seeing the back of Ickle waving the stick, I'm relieved.

"I hope you don't take it personally as a master,"

Something similar to Suzuka reaches out to tangle with Ichiru. While gently deflecting it, without hesitation, Ikuru's stick hits the target - it becomes dust and dissolves into darkness.

At the same time, the place that was the hospital room returned to its original dark world.


If Ickle hadn't come for me, they would definitely have done it.

"Thank you, Ickle. Thanks............!

"Hinami is too cautious. I mean, why are you here all by yourself?"

I wish I was home alone, and Ikuru sighs heavily.

You say that, but let me tell you from me, it's bad for the two of you to make me worry! I'm done with this. Look at the two of you every day who can't wake up, how much and how much I...!

"I'm worried, I did…!!"

"! Hinami, I am"

"For days and days, I didn't wake up! You can't be worried............!

"So much?"

Pack it in an ickle, desperately trying to make me cry. But the person at the time seemed completely unconscious and decent.

... This world and reality seem to have a much different flow of physical time.

This moment, too, is only about an hour for me. But that there's a chance that it's actually been a few days.

I was somewhat prepared, but this is the world of consciousness alone.

I'm afraid you have no idea what to use as a guide.

"Whatever it is, I'm glad Ickle is safe. Are you looking for Suzuka's place?

"Sorry to bother you.... No, the master found it. But don't be a glimmer."


Between the bundles, I thought it was unusual for Ickle to honestly apologize, and soon he would look rude. I found Suzuka, but I can't wake her...... such a situation.

Are you grasping this world of consciousness alone? I think so, and I ask Ikuru to take me to Suzuka.

"… that's fine, but you shouldn't think it'll wake you up easily."

"I know!

He nodded forcefully at Ickle's words and grabbed his fist.

And then, I realize.

"Hey, Ickle. Why do you have a stick?

It's a world of consciousness alone, but isn't it impossible to bring weapons? I think so, I tilt my neck. If you can bring it, it's the only way to bring healing pills (potions) and weapons like a mountain.

She said she gave up crying and Ikuru knew how to do that?

I wish you had told me before you went anyway......

When I told him so, Ikuru once again had a flashing face.

"This is a world of will, so what you think takes shape. Hinami, if you think of the bow you always use, you should be able to manifest it."

"Oh, really? Wow, that's convenient!

"... Sure, it's handy, but I can't make it manifest unless it's something I really love. If you think about it, inconvenience is stronger."


While listening to Ikuru, then you mean that Ikuru likes that stick made by Suzuka a lot. I figured we weren't bad friends at all, and naturally I'm happy and smiling.

Wake up Suzuka as soon as possible and the three of us will have to wake up.

"…… In the meantime, Hinami should also imagine a bow."

"Yeah, I'll try!

I imagine the bow I always use, as Ickle told me. Close your eyes so that it's easy to imagine, because you have the peace of mind that there will be equals on the side.

... If Suzuka had attacked me like that again, it wouldn't have happened!

That was really scary.

I think it's a good battle with my aunt.

"…… Hmm."

"I don't need a weird mood. … or there is no indication that it will appear at all."

".................. ugh"

I imagine a bow perfectly in my head, but the real thing doesn't show up on hand. I wonder why. That's the only weapon I usually use, and more importantly, thanks to the Beatrices fairies, I was able to power it... an important treasure.

Is there any way you can't manifest that, no... there isn't!

I imagine my bow, roaring again, beside the open icle.

But, yeah, it doesn't even work with me. I thought about this time when I was fighting, wondering if it was the wrong way to imagine it.

It's important to imagine exactly how to use it!

"……… I don't think so."

"Ugh...... I don't know why not, I want so much."

"I don't have enough imagination... I don't think so. Hinami always uses it, and more importantly, that weapon you got from that god, right?

"Yeah - ah."

To Ickle's words, I was hacked.

And at the same time, another image comes to mind that I hadn't thought of.

That's Mr. Rigg.

Although this bow is also my weapon, it is also what Master Rig gave me. At a point, though.

So maybe I should think of Master Rigg rather than think of this weapon. When I thought of it, my mind calmed down.

There hasn't been that much yet.

But I can immediately think of Master Rig's face.

Always kind, to tell you that it's a toy about me - God who protects me first.

When Master Rig's gentle smile came to mind in me, I felt a comfortable weight on my hands.

"-! Hinami, it"

"…… a bow!

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