Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1004 The World Item Reincarnation Wheel, the Birth of Six Paths of Reincarnation

"However, these three hell artifact have not been fully conceived, I am afraid that it will take a while before they can really be born." The Book of Wisdom said solemnly.

In fact, the 24-pin red lotus, the Yuantu sword and the Abi sword, the three hell artifacts were just a prototype, equivalent to the embryo of a magic weapon.

If you want to complete it completely, it still takes a lot of time to conceive to be successful.

"It doesn't matter, temporarily put these three artifacts in the hell world to guard, anyway, there is no need to use these three artifacts for the time being. Xia Chuan waved his hand and didn't care at all.

After all, he has 3,000 world items on his body, and there is no shortage of magic weapons at all, so he can't use these three hell artifacts for the time being.

He is also not short of time now.

"Master, the purpose of the various punishments in hell is to eradicate the sins and ill-will of these evil ghosts. If the punishment of these evil ghosts is over and all the sins on the body are repaid, then where should these ghosts go?"5

The Book of Wisdom asked.

To be honest, the various punishments in hell are not for venting anger, but for a purpose, which is to cleanse the sins and karma of these ghosts.

When the punishment period is over, the sins of these evil spirits will be cleaned up, and then these evil spirits will be released after serving their sentence.

However, the more sinful the evil ghost, the longer the sentence will naturally be, and it is not easy to get out of prison.

"They can be reincarnated and reincarnated as human beings.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He suddenly remembered the legend of the six realms of reincarnation in his previous life. Many evil ghosts stayed in hell, and after they were released from their sentences, they had the opportunity to reincarnate as human beings.

It can be said that the whole world has formed a reincarnation, many ghosts enter hell, and then reincarnate in hell, and then reincarnate into various creatures.

"Reincarnation? Reincarnation? How should such a thing be done?

The Book of Wisdom asked curiously.

"Have you forgotten? I still have a world item on me, which is called Reincarnation Wheel."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly: "This world item contains the avenue of souls, and through this world item reincarnation wheel, all kinds of souls can be reincarnated into all parts of the world, and they can be reincarnated as human beings.

In fact, he had already thought about this matter, and he had to recreate the six-path reincarnation in this universe.

If it is in the prehistoric world, it is necessary to reincarnate after the earth to realize the possibility of soul reincarnation.

But he has the World Item Reincarnation Wheel, which can completely replace the function of the Great God of Houtu, allowing countless souls to pass through the reincarnation wheel and then reincarnate into all parts of the world.

"But if they are reborn with memories, wouldn't they live another life? This is simply a reward. How can these evil ghosts get such a big benefit?"

The Book of Wisdom felt that this was very unfair, because if these evil spirits were reincarnated with memories, then these evil spirits would probably appear in the mortal world, and they didn’t know how much chaos would be caused.

Even if the mortal beings knew about this kind of thing, they would not be afraid of death in the future. Instead, they planned to commit suicide one by one, become evil spirits, and then reincarnated.

"Naturally, it is impossible for them to be reborn with their memories. Before they are reincarnated, they must clear all their soul memories and turn them into a blank piece of paper. In this way, it is impossible for them to remember the memories of their previous lives."

Xia Chuan explained.

"I see."

The Book of Wisdom suddenly realized, to tell the truth why it is so difficult to regenerate, it is almost impossible to succeed, because the mature soul carries too many memories.

So many memories, if they overlap with the memory of the person who took the house, it will cause confusion in the memory, and even the body of the person who took the house can't bear such a huge number of memories at all.

In this way, the seizure of the house will naturally fail, and the body will explode and die.

But if all the memories of the soul are cleared and turned into a blank piece of paper, then there will be no rejection reaction with the original body, but it will be incomparably integrated, and it will be easy to be reborn successfully.

The problem is, if the original memory is lost, it is actually no different from the dead.

The reason why a person becomes an independent individual is because he has experienced different memories and gave birth to different characters, which is a unique creature.

But if you lose your original memory, it is actually not much different from rebirth, as if the previous self had completely died, and a new self was born.

It is because of this that once the sentence ends in the hell world, the memory of the body will be automatically cleaned, so it is not much different from killing this evil ghost.

And after losing all memories, it is naturally impossible to cause chaos in the mortal world, and no one will know what happened in hell.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan didn't hesitate, and immediately took out the World Item Reincarnation Wheel on her body.


In an instant, the World Item Reincarnation Wheel was integrated into the hell world at once, entering the deepest part of the hell world, forming a huge reincarnation hole.

It seems that countless souls can be transmitted to all parts of the world through this hole of reincarnation.

`By the way, there are also world props cleaning brooms, put them in front of this reincarnation, and clear the memories of all evil spirits. Xia sweated and touched his chin, and threw out the world prop cleaning broom again.


In an instant, the entire hell world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The power of the four world props, such as the Reincarnation Wheel, the Cleaning Broom, the Yellow Spring Scepter, and the Infinite Prison, are completely integrated, and it seems to form the power of reincarnation.

A huge reincarnation field spreads out, expands, expands, and continues to expand.

Immediately, the entire Xuanhuang Star, as well as the many worlds conquered by the Xuanhuang clan, were all wrapped together by the power of reincarnation, forming a perfect circle.

It seems that the hell world has become the core (Qian Ma Zhao) heart of Xuan Huang Xing at this moment, which is the beginning and end of everything, forming a huge reincarnation, covering every corner of Xuan Huang Xing.

"This is the power of the six paths of reincarnation?! 39

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a terrifying gleam, and he discovered that due to the birth of the six reincarnations, the Xuanhuang Star had undergone earth-shaking changes.

A six-path reincarnation enchantment enveloped the entire world, covering every corner. It seemed that the power of the Heavenly Dao of the entire Xuanhuang Star was instilled in these six reincarnations, and they became one with each other.

It is simply impossible for any external beings and gods to invade into the six realms of reincarnation.

They must break the barrier defense of the Six Paths of Samsara before they can invade into the Six Paths of Samsara.

Otherwise, the intruder can only stay outside Xuanhuangxing forever.

This is like the barrier barrier of the martial world, which can block the invasion of countless gods, and the barrier defense of the six reincarnations is undoubtedly stronger and terrifying than the barrier of the martial arts.

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