Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1013 Changes in the martial world over two hundred years, Observer: The Book of Wisdom

"Let the virtual universe play out naturally, I just need to be an observer. 39

The Book of Wisdom smiled slightly.

It feels that it is still suitable to be an observer and recorder, and never participates in any battles. What the virtual universe will become in the future depends on how humans choose.

Anyway, as long as it collects enough knowledge, it will be fine.

"Xuanhuangxing's temporary problem is not very big, and the biggest problem now is the martial world."

The Book of Wisdom sets its sights on the martial world.

Although the Martial World is already a world of the Xuanhuang Clan, the two have not merged. The Martial World is actually equivalent to an enclave of the Xuanhuang Clan.

Of course, the reason why the martial arts world has not been completely integrated is purely because of the particularity of the martial arts world.

Because the martial world has lost too many gods and creatures, the entire martial world is full of grievances and evil thoughts. Although the hell world is connected, it can drive away the undead in the martial world.

But even so, trying to completely eliminate the grievances and evil thoughts in the martial arts world will not work in a short period of time.

It is because of this that Xia Chuan does not want to let Xuan Huang Xing merge into the martial world for the time being. After all, this may cause the origin of Xuan Huang Xing to be damaged, and it will be greatly polluted.

Therefore, it is necessary to completely dissipate the grievances and evil thoughts of the martial arts world and purify it into a normal world, so that the martial arts world can merge into the Xuanhuang Star.

At this moment, the martial world.

Due to the death of many gods, and the fact that all the saints of the peak races were subdued and refined into puppets, the martial world was completely unified by the human race.

There is no doubt that the human race is already the well-deserved overlord race in the martial arts world, and no other race can compete with it.

One after another incense Taoist temples are located in various places in the martial arts world, and the entire martial arts world is wrapped by a huge incense enchantment, forming an endless field of belief.

Basically, all beings in the martial world have been transformed into followers of Taoist ancestors.

Of course, even so, these alien saints are not reconciled, and always want to regain their status.

"Damn, who would have thought that the dominant race in the martial arts world is the human race. It is estimated that no race could have imagined that the human race suddenly emerged two hundred years ago and became the master of this world."

An alien saint gritted his teeth, very unwilling.

Originally, it was a member of the peak race, and it was absolutely unequivocal in the entire martial arts world. No one dared to provoke it. Many weak races shivered when they saw it.

It can also make a fortune all over the world, very happy.

But now, since the human race became the overlord of the martial world, they have built incense Taoist temples all over the world, making the human race's footprints all over the world.

Basically, all races can only survive by relying on the human race's breath, subdued by the power of the human race, and the races and creatures that dare to defy the human race have long since disappeared from this world.

"Isn't it? I thought that the human race was only a vassal race of my dragon race, and it was not worth mentioning at all. I didn't expect that the salted fish would turn around. Instead, our dragon race became a vassal of the human race, and even our dragon race became the mount of the human race. It's just downright shameful.

A dragon saint gritted his teeth.

If it was more than 200 years ago, the human race is simply not worth mentioning. Basically every year, a large amount of tribute needs to be sacrificed to the dragon race to obtain the protection of the dragon race.

If the offerings make the Dragon Clan unsatisfied, the entire Human Clan will tremble and suffer annihilation.

But now, the feng shui turns, instead, the dragons need to offer sacrifices to the people, otherwise the dragons may completely disappear from this world.

Even many human races enslaved the dragon race and became some kind of dragon knight, which is a shame for the arrogant dragon race.

But in order to survive, they also had to surrender.

After all, no matter how arrogant they are, they can't resist the power of the contract. Once the contract is signed, even if they don't want to, there is nothing they can do.

"Needless to say these, in short, Feng Shui turns around, who makes a god appear in the human race, and our race has no gods, so we can only be inferior to others, this is the reality of this world, the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected."

A unicorn saint sighed with emotion: "The reason why we were able to enslave all races and become a peak race was not because of how noble our morals were and how noble our bloodlines were, but simply because we had mastered invincible power, so those weak races had no choice but to. Surrender in order to gain our refuge.

Now, the human race has the protection of gods, so we naturally cannot be the opponent of the human race, so surrendering to the human race is not a shameful thing.

It has completely seen this matter, this is the truth of the world's operation, which race has more powerful power, then who can occupy more territory and interests in this world.

This is the law of the jungle.

"And after more than two hundred years of development, the human race is not just as simple as being protected by gods. 35

A phoenix saint said solemnly: "In the beginning, there were only nine saints in the human race, but now, after such a long period of cultivation, it is said that the human race has given birth to three million saints, even saints. The number of people is also increasing rapidly at a geometric rate.

In other words, even the current number of human saints is comparable to the number of saints of all the peak races we had at the time, and even a lot more.

Even if the human race gods really left the martial world now, these human race saints can easily suppress the entire martial arts world, and no race can resist the rule of the human race. "

To be honest, the development of the martial arts world for more than two hundred years is really changing with each passing day.

Especially for the human race, it is an explosive growth. Due to the appearance of the gods trading network, the human race can exchange many medicines and treasures.

Originally, there were many legendary warriors in the martial arts world, but because it was very difficult to break through to the realm of saints, it was almost impossible for the human race to give birth to so few saints.

But it is different now. Due to the emergence of medicinal pills that can increase the probability of breaking through the saints, this also makes many legendary warriors of the human race almost 100% able to advance to the legendary realm.

It has only been over two hundred years, and the number of saints of the human race has increased to three million, which is a terrifying number that the human race could not imagine before.

Even the sum of all the saints of the previous peak races is far inferior to the saints of the current human race, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

"Hehe, it's just some low-level saints, so what's the point.

The alien saint is still very unconvinced.

"Yes, they are only low-level saints now, most of them are only first- or second-order saints, but as for our race, there are only single-digit saints.

The unicorn saint said helplessly: "And as time goes by, they will give birth to more and more high-level saints. By then, the martial world will be dominated by the human race for millions of years in the future. We don't have any A chance to turn around.

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