Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1040 The final place where the human race ascends, the ascender of billions of worlds

a few days later.

Gu Shan and other young geniuses from the martial arts world can be regarded as familiar with the school's way of life, and also began to have a certain degree of understanding of the school and the Xuanhuang world.

"Have you heard? Our Martial World is not a special world, it is just one of the many subordinate planes in the Xuanhuang Realm. People from these subordinate planes can come to the Xuanhuang Realm, but it takes a lot of effort. They call themselves ascendants. 35 There are teenage geniuses who mysteriously tell the news that they have inquired.

"I heard about it too.

Someone next to him couldn't help but nod his head: "It is said that people from other sub-planetary worlds are not like us, and they have received financial support from the clan to successfully study in the Xuanhuang Realm.

It is said that the competition in those plane worlds is more cruel. They must improve their cultivation to the extraordinary realm, or even the legendary realm, to be eligible to soar into the Xuanhuang realm, otherwise they can only stay in these low-level planes for the rest of their lives. world. "

He originally thought that the worlds of these subordinate planes were like the martial world, and they were sent by the elders of these worlds to study in the Xuanhuang world, but he did not expect the situation to be completely different.

These people are not foreign students, but immigrant, directly from these low-level 877 planes to the Xuanhuang Realm.

For these people, the Xuanhuang Realm is the ultimate dream world. After all, only by flying to the Xuanhuang Realm will they have the possibility to go further.

"This is also a normal thing. Think about it carefully, what resources are there in those low-level worlds? If they want to go further, if they just stay in the low-level world, it is impossible for them to get promoted."

"That's right, if it's just a warrior in the supernatural realm, it's fine, and you don't need to spend much resources to improve your cultivation, but it's different to be promoted to the legendary realm, and the resources you need to consume have increased more than a hundred times in an instant, and The first-order is more powerful than the first-order, and after a certain stage, the cultivation base can hardly be improved.

"Isn't it? The so-called shallow water can't raise true dragons, this is the truth, if these ascenders still stay in the original world, it will only lead to their own lifespan and death.

"And the competition of these Ascenders is also very cruel. After all, the resources in the world they live in are scarce, which also causes the warriors of these worlds to fight frantically for some kind of cultivation resources.

It was like raising a Gu, only the strongest Gu worms could survive among the numerous Gu worms, otherwise they would have to die in the process of killing each other. "

"It's no wonder that these Ascenders have such a strong murderous aura. They seem to have experienced hundreds of battles. It seems that compared with us, they are too powerful."

Many young geniuses in the martial arts world are talking about it.

They felt very shocked in their hearts. After these few days of understanding, they barely knew how powerful the super world Xuanhuangjie was.

To a certain extent, the Xuanhuang Realm is the final world, the place of ascension that all human beings dream of, and only when they come to the Xuanhuang Realm can they be qualified to pursue the path of becoming a god.

After all, only the Xuanhuang realm has the method of becoming a god.

As for the auxiliary plane worlds of the Xuanhuang Realm, they don't even know how many there are, because the Xuanhuang Realm is increasing its own auxiliary planes every moment.

The Xuanhuang people are fighting in the universe, conquering one world after another.

Therefore, these auxiliary plane worlds are also increasing wildly at the speed of geometric progression, which also makes the resources of the Xuanhuang tribe show an astronomical increase.

This is like a snowball, frantically increasing the heritage and strength of the human race.

It can be said that the current Xuanhuang clan is like a super monster that is devouring resources and energy from all over the universe at a frantic speed.

"To be honest, these geniuses killed from their respective plane worlds are really terrifying. They are all the proud sons of the heavens in their respective worlds, the sons of luck. They can stand out from countless people. It is conceivable that these people's talents and (babf) How amazing the xinxing is, it is definitely the kind of person who disagrees with ordinary people."5

"Isn't it? And although they are all common species like us, their wisdom and experience are far beyond ours. If we compete with these monsters, it will be difficult for us to win.

"Don't look at our martial arts world, it seems to be very powerful, but if you are fighting against the geniuses of billions of worlds, thinking about this kind of scene, I feel that my heart is trembling, it is too terrifying, there is no hope of winning.

"Indeed, and our competitors are not just geniuses from subordinate planes, these Xuanhuang tribes born in Xuanhuang Realm are the real monsters.

When they were born, they stayed in the Mysterious Yellow Realm, enjoying innumerable resources, being guided by famous teachers, and even fighting against the powerhouses of all races.

Basically, both cultivation experience and combat experience are superior to us. In comparison, we are simply flowers in a greenhouse, not worth mentioning. 35

"Don't underestimate yourselves. We are not bad here to grow the ambition of others and destroy our own prestige. After all, our martial world is the place where gods have fallen. There have been many places where gods have fallen, and we have also fought against all races.

Don't look at our martial arts world for a long time now, but our combat experience is good with martial arts experience, and we will never lose to any subordinate world in the Xuanhuang world. "5

"That's right, our Martial World Human Race will never lose to humans from other worlds. This is why the elders sent us to the Xuanhuang Realm to study. The purpose is to learn the knowledge and power of the Xuanhuang tribe and use it to strengthen us. martial arts.

Many young geniuses in the martial arts world could not help clenching their fists, revealing the raging fighting spirit in the depths of their eyes.

Although at the beginning, they were completely frightened by such a big scene, and even felt a burst of suffocation, after all, facing the ascendants from hundreds of millions of worlds, the competition pressure is too great.

It's like many students are admitted to universities. Although these students may be among the top students in their respective counties or cities, when they come to top universities, they are all excellent students.

Compared with each other, they will realize how ordinary and insignificant they are.

Only the top talents can truly stand out.

"Sure enough, it is correct to come to the Xuanhuang Realm. Only when I come to this final place can I truly climb to the peak of martial arts." Gu Shan squeezed his fist, he felt his body surging with blood.

In the face of such competition, he not only did not feel hopeless, but even more excited.

"But if you want to be on an equal footing with the arrogance of this world, or even win the battle, the first thing you need to do is to improve your talent and integrate into the Xuanhuang bloodline."

Gu Shan's eyes showed a hint of coldness,

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