Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1042 The power of the cosmic wonders to open the gods and create the gods

The sons of luck like Gu Shan are also distributed all over the Xuanhuang Realm, and they are all madly improving their cultivation with their own efforts and fortunes.

With the improvement of the cultivation of these children of luck, the power of the Xuanhuang clan is also constantly increasing, and the two are also complementary existences, and neither is indispensable.

At this moment, after a period of mastery, Xia Chuan can be considered to have completely mastered the power of the cosmic wonder, the divine axe, and became familiar with the various abilities of this cosmic wonder.

"As expected of a cosmic wonder, the power in it is really too powerful."

Xia Chuan held the Heaven-Opening God Axe in his hand, and he felt that the axe had a huge power coming from it, as if it contained the energy of a universe, unfathomable and unfathomable.

"It is indeed unfathomable. I think this cosmic wonder seems to be stronger than the previous cosmic wonder on the owner's body, and it contains the power of destruction and creation. 99

The Book of Wisdom is also amazing.

It felt the heart-pounding aura from this giant axe.

At the same time, this giant axe also has the supreme power of creation, it seems that it can create all things and open up the world.

It is obviously two different forces of destruction and creation, but they are so perfectly fused together, it can be said that this is indeed a miracle that the universe has nurtured.

Basically, this is a miracle item that cannot be created by living beings.

"This Heaven-Opening Divine Axe seems to be able to create the world, and the martial world is created by its instinct, and I don't know what it is like to create a world.

Xia Chuan touched his chin. He had a hunch that maybe after he created a world and succeeded, it would be of great help to him, and maybe it could help him break through the bottleneck.

"Master, maybe you can use this cosmic wonder to create the realm of the gods."

The Book of Wisdom.

"Creating the God Realm? What exactly does that mean?"

Xia Chuan asked.

"Master, don't you think that there are more and more gods born in the Xuanhuang clan? 35

The Book of Wisdom said: "In the past million years, the Xuanhuang Clan has given birth to 180,000 gods, and there is no doubt that as time goes by, the number of gods born will increase.

Now these gods basically live in the Xuanhuang Realm. The problem is that people and gods live together, and sooner or later, there will be big problems.

After all, the power possessed by the gods is really too powerful, and a single breath can cause endless storms, producing a power that destroys the world.

In this way, mortals cannot resist the power of gods at all. It can be said that where gods exist, various natural disasters will occur. After all, they can affect the power of celestial phenomena anytime, anywhere.

In fact, too many gods appeared in the Xuanhuang realm, which resulted in various consequences.

For example, the various catastrophic climates in the Xuanhuang Realm, in addition to the occurrence of nature, most of them are emanating from the power of the gods themselves.

Once the gods fight, it will definitely destroy the sky and destroy the earth, causing life to be devastated and countless casualties.

Even if there is no battle between the gods, just retreat and practice, the law power emanating from them can easily change the natural environment.

So it is impossible for mortals and gods to live together.

Sometimes gods stay away from humans, not to hate humans, but to avoid harming mortals.

Let me ask, even a wisp of aura from the gods can cause mortals' genes to be distorted and blood vessels to collapse.

It is because of this that the Book of Wisdom feels that the gods and humans are not suitable to stay together, and they must find a place to pack all these gods.

Otherwise, all kinds of disasters will definitely occur in the Xuanhuang Realm, and countless natural disasters will be born.

"It also makes sense. In the future, the Xuanhuang clan may have millions of gods, tens of millions of gods, and even hundreds of millions of gods. If they are allowed to stay in the Xuanhuang realm, it will also affect the order of the Xuanhuang realm. It seems that a building must be built. A new world will do. Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he also felt that the words of the Book of Wisdom also have a certain degree of truth.

According to the legend of the previous life, the immortals were separated, and the human world and the immortal world were separated. This is also an inevitable thing.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

The Book of Wisdom is curious.

Because it has never seen anyone create a world, not even a main god-level existence, has never created a new world out of thin air.

A small number of worlds are formed from the corpses of gods after their death.

But it is simply impossible to create a new world with its own power.

"Although it is very difficult to create a new world with my power, if you use the power of the cosmic wonder to open the gods, it will be very simple.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.


Thinking of this, his figure flashed, and he came to the outside of the Xuanhuang Realm in an instant, in a starry sky, this place is endless, there is nothingness everywhere, and there is no matter at all.

It was as if he had come to a chaotic space.

Without a doubt, this place is suitable for creating a whole new world.


Xia Chuan held the Kaitian Divine Axe in his hand, and the chaotic divine power in his body was infused into it, and the Kaitian Divine Axe suddenly burst out with a vast divine power, bursting with endless rays of light.


In the next second, he slashed towards the void with an axe, and the void was torn in half in an instant, and the star field with a radius of millions of light-years collapsed at this moment.

A terrifying void crack appeared.

And this star field has completely collapsed, all planets and meteorites are completely blocked, turned into the most primitive matter, and endless void storms are whistling.

Even if ordinary gods come into contact with these void storms, I am afraid that the divine body will collapse 1.5 in an instant, and they will be wiped out.


In an instant, all substances began to condense, condense, and condense continuously, and finally formed a singularity.

This is like a black hole, with infinite substances concentrated in it. It seems that there are countless laws deep inside, and many laws are constantly colliding in this black sphere.

From all directions, the sound of the banging of the laws colliding was crisp and sweet, just like the big bang before the birth of the universe, which contained infinite laws and mysteries.


Immediately afterwards, the black sphere began to expand, expand, expand continuously, and rapidly expand into a complete world, as if the matter inside began to expand wildly.

Vaguely, a new world is about to be conceived by infinite matter and energy.

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