Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1047 This is the God Realm of the Xuanhuang Clan, the gods are shocked


Before waiting for the gods of the Xuanhuang clan to say anything, an inexplicable law power instantly enveloped their whole body, and they hardly had any resistance.

In the next second, their true bodies left the place and were teleported to another world.

"what happened?"

In an instant, many gods of the Xuanhuang clan were stunned. They didn't understand what happened, and they suddenly found themselves in an extremely unfamiliar place.

In particular, the mighty force that had suddenly descended just now left them powerless to fight back.

You must know that they are all existences who have stepped into the realm of gods, and their strength can be imagined, but facing the mighty power just now, they are helpless and helpless.

This kind of feeling is like a mortal facing a god, the gap is really too big.

"This seems to be a different world "Eight Seven Seven", but what is going on in this world, it seems that the laws of space are so strong that we can no longer make space jumps."

It is unbelievable that there are gods.

Originally, when they stayed in the Xuanhuang Realm, or in other worlds, the space barriers were very weak, and they could escape into the void anytime, anywhere, break the space, and jump to another time and space.

But it is different now. The strange world in front of them makes them helpless, and they can no longer break through the hard time and space, which means that they can only fly honestly, and cannot make space jumps at all.

In a way, this is simply abolishing half of their means.

"It's not just that the laws of space are extremely strong. The earth here, as well as all kinds of ores, and plants are extremely strong. Even according to our strength, we can't hurt this world much."

A god widened his eyes.

He tried it just now and lightly bombarded the ground, but found that he couldn't even leave a fist mark on the solid ground, and the surrounding gravel was so hard that it was outrageous.

It felt as if he had become a mortal, and his powers were useless.

The problem is that he felt the divine power in his body, and it seems that it has not been sealed, and it is still the level of the second-order gods, which is really incredible.

"That's right, what the hell is going on in this world? Why is it so special?"

"The stones, the earth and other materials here are too hard, and even our strength can't hurt them in the slightest."

"Looking at the plants in this world, it's the same. Just now I used seventy percent of my strength to pull out a weed. It's really terrifying. When did our strength weaken to such a point."5

"No, no, it's not that our strength has weakened. In fact, our strength has not declined in the slightest, purely because this world is too weird.

"That's right, if I'm not wrong, the matter, plants, and all kinds of creatures in this world are extremely powerful, which is why we seem so weak."

"No, is there such a terrifying world in the universe? What the hell is going on?"

Many Xuanhuang clan gods were stunned, they couldn't believe their eyes, they thought they had experienced countless worlds, and they were well-informed.

But I have never seen such a strange and terrifying world.

You must know that as a god, even if it is only a lower god, it also has the power to destroy the planet, and a random blow can make many planets instantly shatter.

They can even roam the Xinghai Sea and perform space jumps, which is almost omnipotent.

But after they came to this world, they found that their strength was not knowing how many times weaker. It was as if they were mortals, and they could not cause any harm to this world.

"If I'm not wrong, we should have been captured by Daozu Lord." Some gods said their guesses. After all, they were able to capture so many gods silently in the Xuanhuang Realm, except for the legendary ones. Apart from Dao Ancestor, no one else can do it.

Thinking of this, the hairs of many gods stand up, and they feel that they have underestimated the strength of the Taoist ancestors, and they can quietly arrest hundreds of thousands of gods.

How can this be an existence that ordinary Lord Gods can compare to?!

"No, why did Lord Daozu arrest us to come to this place? Could it be that we made a mistake?"

You Shen couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, very frightened.

"Definitely not. If we really make a mistake, we will never be arrested in this place, but will be directly arrested and imprisoned in hell, which is the prison of the gods. 0"

A god said quietly.


Hearing a god mentioning hell, many gods stand up, as beings who have reached the realm of gods, it is impossible for them not to know the existence of the world of hell.

In fact, since the Xuanhuang realm began to conquer the higher world, the hell world has long been famous among the high-level bosses. I don't know how many high-level saints rely on the power of hell to fool those otherworldly gods into the Xuanhuang realm. traps, resulting in the arrest of those otherworldly gods.

The place where those gods from other worlds are imprisoned is the legendary hell.

There were even gods who went to hell once, and seeing the appearance of those otherworldly gods being imprisoned, those otherworldly gods were almost like prisoners, their whole bodies were covered in shackles and they were severely tortured.

And those otherworldly gods are like batteries, imprisoned in the world of the eighteenth level of hell forever, constantly absorbing the source power of these gods and using them to strengthen the source power of the hell world.

At the same time, regardless of the strength of these otherworldly gods, even if they are middle gods or even upper gods, after entering hell, they are actually just ants, and they cannot escape at all.

Therefore, many gods of the Xuanhuang clan are also afraid of the existence of hell. After all, they are also afraid that they will be imprisoned in hell by Taoist ancestors, and they will never be able to turn over.

"Could it be that this is the real headquarters of our Xuanhuang clan, the inner world in the legend of Biography 1.5?"

There was a movement in the heart of the gods, and suddenly he remembered many legends from millions of years ago. According to the rumors, Xuanhuangxing existed in the inner world in addition to the outer world.

The inner world is the real world where the Xuanhuang clan lives, and it contains the endless heritage of the Xuanhuang clan.

However, as millions of years have passed, they have never seen the existence of the so-called inner world, so they thought it was just a rumor.

But after seeing this strange and strange world, this rumor instantly surfaced deep in his heart.

"No way, does our Xuanhuang realm really exist in the inner world?"

The eyes of many Xuanhuang clan gods flickered.

"No need to guess, this is the God Realm of our Xuanhuang Clan.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, spreading through the depths of the consciousness of every Xuanhuang clan god.

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