Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1049 The supreme heritage of dominating the universe, pointing directly to the stone tablet

"Master Dao, Daozu, is what you said true? We Xuanhuang clan really have three thousand monuments of laws?" Some Xuanhuang clan gods couldn't help swallowing, looking at Xia Chuan in disbelief .

Although they have incomparable trust in Lord Daozu and know that Daozu must be the supreme god who leads the human race to continue to advance, but now Daozu's words are really incredible, even a bit absurd.

You must know that if ordinary gods want to understand the power of the law, it takes years and months of effort to capture the illusory law in the void of the universe.

Therefore, the gods often spend hundreds of millions of years, and they get nothing and can only be trapped in this realm. Even if their lifespan is exhausted, they are helpless.

But now, the Xuanhuang clan actually has the so-called monument of law.

And these stone tablets are engraved with complete Dao Laws, which is equivalent to what it means, that is, there is a main god-level existence, and their own Dao is engraved on the stone tablets, so that all gods can feel at will.

If such a law stone tablet really exists, then for the gods of the entire universe, it is an unimaginable opportunity, which is equivalent to a certain main god showing his own path. What kind of opportunity is this.

After all, if you open up a path by yourself, you don't know how much time it will take, and it may not be successful, and you may die on the way.

But if you follow the path pioneered by the predecessors, then the latecomers do not know how much easier it will be.

What made the gods of the Xuanhuang clan even more incredible was that if such a monument of law was only one or two pieces, it was not incomprehensible.

According to Daozu, there are 3,000 stone tablets of laws in this God Realm, which is equivalent to including the 3,000 Dao laws of the entire universe.

Does this mean that a certain great being of the Xuanhuang clan has already understood the Dao Law of the entire universe and has already stood at the peak level of the universe?!

For a time, many gods of the Xuanhuang clan were shocked, and an endless storm broke out in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if any words are used now, it is impossible to describe their shock and admiration at this moment.

There is no doubt that the great existence of the Xuanhuang Clan has no one other than Daozu.

"of course it's true.". 95

Xia Chuan said: "There will be a stone tablet on each continent, and they represent different Dao laws, but they can't allow you to comprehend at will, and you need to spend contribution points to comprehend these stone tablets.

Of course he can open it for free, the problem is that it doesn't make any sense to do so.

Because if these gods are allowed to comprehend the Law Stone Stele for free, then these gods will be immersed in their cultivation and will not pay attention to what happened to the Xuanhuang Clan.

This is of no help to the development of the entire Xuanhuang clan.

Now that contribution points are needed to comprehend the Law Stone Tablet, then these gods must work hard to earn contribution points, so that they can have more time to comprehend.

It can be said that in order to earn contribution points, these gods will definitely complete the various tasks that he has issued, so that the entire Xuanhuang clan will form a healthy development.


Hearing this, many gods of the Xuanhuang clan were ecstatic. To be honest, after they stepped into the realm of gods, they immediately found that the speed of their cultivation was extremely slow.

Sometimes in the past hundreds of thousands of years, they have not made the slightest progress, and they have never progressed as fast as before, but this is also the normal state of the gods in the universe.

But now it's different. With the monument of law, they have a reference, or a textbook, which is like a beacon, guiding them to keep moving forward.

There is no doubt that their cultivation speed will be many times faster than before.

And what is the contribution degree of mere amount? As the gods of the Xuanhuang clan, they are some existences standing at the peak of the Xuanhuang clan, and naturally they have obtained a lot of contribution points.

To be honest, when they step into the gods realm, there are very few places where they need to spend contribution points. After all, existences like them can get anything they want with their strength, and there is no need to consume precious contribution points.

It is because of this that they don't care whether they spend their contribution points at all, they just care about whether there is a way to make their cultivation even better.

"Is this the background of our Xuanhuang clan? It's really terrifying. It even has treasures that help the gods progress. I'm afraid that the six peak forces in the universe may not have them. 99

Some Xuanhuang gods sighed with emotion.

After so many years of fighting in different worlds, they naturally began to know the power structure of the entire universe.

Regardless of the countless races that have been born in the universe, there are only six peak forces standing in the entire universe, namely the Angel Race, Abyss Race, Divine Beast Alliance, Zerg Race, Monster Race, Elemental Race and so on.

And the human race is now only a first-class race, not a peak race at all.

Of course, if you add the power of Lord Daozu, you may be able to compare to the peak race.

66 `Isn't it? A monument of law like this is absolutely impossible among the powers of other peak races, and a secret treasure that can help gods to improve their understanding of the law is simply unprecedented. "

"That's true. If there were such treasures, they would have been famous all over the world, and not many people would know about them until now."

"As expected of Master Daozu, the cultivation base among them is simply earth-shattering. I am afraid that Master Daozu's cultivation base has already reached the peak level of the universe."

"(Qian Nuo is good) I think Master Daozu should have fully understood the law of the three thousand avenues, otherwise, how could he have created such a supreme secret treasure as the monument of law.""

"To be honest, there are actually three thousand stone tablets of such laws, which means that the three thousand avenues are all gathered together. If we can understand one of the stone tablets of laws, we can all control one of the laws of the avenues and step into the main god realm."

"I originally thought that after I stepped into the realm of the gods, if I wanted to go further, it was almost impossible, but I didn't expect our Xuanhuang tribe to have such a supreme secret treasure. Our Xuanhuang tribe really stands at the peak of the universe. Race."

"Wait, our Xuanhuang tribe will become the dominant race of the entire universe sooner or later, and the race that truly dominates the universe, the abyss race, the angel race and other races, can't compare with us at all. 35

Many gods of the Xuanhuang clan were talking about each other, and their faces showed a frenzied look, incomparably excited.

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