Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1070 The prelude to the unified micro-universe, the cunning king

At this moment, many Wanxing King Gods are also chatting. After all, as the unlucky people who were on the Conferred God List at the same time, they have a lot of things to chat about.

"I didn't expect the king to disappear for such a long time. As soon as he appeared, a big one came. As a result, all of us god emperors followed the way of the king." A god emperor felt extremely depressed.

Originally, they lived very happily in Wanxing Nation, and with their backs against the big tree of Wanxing Nation, they could almost do whatever they wanted in the universe, run rampant, and obtain many resources.

Basically, these god emperors are the existences that dominate a star field, no one can surpass them, and they don't know how much carefree life is.

But now, after the Yuanshi God Emperor came back, he immediately forced many god emperors to be listed on the Conferred God List. As a result, they all got the Tao, and their life and death were under the control of the Yuanshi God Emperor.

If they had known that such a thing would happen, they would have traveled as far as they could, but unfortunately, no matter what they say now, it is really too late.

"This is something that can't be helped. The country lord has obtained an earth-shattering opportunity over the years, and actually obtained the innate treasure tree of the cosmic wonders. I don't know how many times the strength has been improved. It is far from what we god emperors can compare. I didn't expect the God Emperor's perfection level to be so terrifying. Even if we go together, I'm afraid we may not be the opponent of the king.

Another god emperor said with emotion.

In addition to being depressed about this matter, it is shocking, unparalleled shocking.

Don't look at the fact that the lord seems to use conspiracy and tricks to force them to sign a contract, but in fact this is the lord's force to suppress others. If it is not absolutely invincible, the god emperor present would not be willing to submit to the lord.

It is precisely because of the perception of that absolutely invincible strength that many god emperors chose to give up their resistance and chose to sign a contract and become the lord of the country.

Therefore, it is extremely shocked by the unfathomable strength of the king. It can also be regarded as the existence of the seventh-order god emperor, but compared with the king, he still does not know how far it is.

"Yes, this is the reality of this universe. The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. The reason why we can enjoy so many resources and let so many creatures serve us is only because we are God Emperors and have absolute strength."

A god emperor said lightly.

It feels that it is no big deal to submit to the lord. The weak submit to the strong, so as to obtain the protection of the strong. This is the basic law of this universe.

If it also has such strength, I am afraid it will do the same as the lord.

"Indeed, and surrendering now isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Another god emperor opened his mouth and said: "You must know that the Lord of the Kingdom is the existence of the perfection level of the god emperor, it can be said that the Lord of the country is the strongest in the universe, and no one can match.

In fact, we also know the strength of the other eight cosmic empires. Before the country lord has not made a breakthrough, he is only on par with us. Even if it is a little stronger than us, there is a limit.

But it is different now. The Lord of the Kingdom has broken through to become the perfect existence of the God Emperor, and he is already invincible. The Lord of the Kingdom alone can sweep away thousands of troops.

Originally, our Wanxing Nation was not very united, but now that everyone has signed a contract, it is impossible to betray the Lord of the Kingdom. Wanxing Nation is unprecedentedly united.

So everyone can imagine what will happen to the entire universe next, and what kind of benefits we can take advantage of. "

It looked at the many god emperors and began to throw bricks to attract jade.

"Haha, if you look at it this way, our Wanxing Nation has a good chance to completely unify the entire universe and become the only cosmic empire in the entire universe, ruling the boundless territory. 99

"Isn't it? Over the past billions of years, the nine cosmic empires have fought against each other. The war has lasted for countless years, and there have been countless casualties. I originally thought that such a war would continue to the end of the universe, but looking at it now, maybe the entire universe The war will end in the hands of our Ten Thousand Stars.

"That's right, once our babf star nation unifies the entire universe, then there will be no more wars in this universe, and we will definitely monopolize the universe for billions of years until the end of the universe."

Many god emperors are extremely excited, they feel that they are participating in the historical process of the universe, and they are standing at an important point in the history of the universe.

If anyone is on the wrong team, they will surely die without a place to be buried.

But looking at it now, they have long been standing in the right team, and the other eight cosmic empires cannot be their opponents of the Wanxing Nation at all.

"Wait, it seems that the Lord is going to call us for a meeting.""

At this moment, a god emperor said immediately.

"Is it finally going to start? Could it be that the Lord is planning to launch a war against other cosmic empires?"

A god emperor couldn't help but ask.

"No, no, what a cunning and cunning Lord of the country is, even if you have invincible strength, you won't be able to fight more than one, but choose to be able to fight the few with the majority, and you will never put yourself in a disadvantaged position. .55

"That's true. The Lord of the Kingdom clearly had an absolute advantage before, but he still adopted the strategy of divide and conquer for us, surrendering one by one, so that we couldn't unite at all.

"Nima, it's just that the lord of the country is strong, but it's still so insidious, and it doesn't allow people to live."

"If this is the case, then why do you think the Lord of the Kingdom held a meeting this time?"

"Do you still need to ask? It must be against the other eight cosmic empires. In any case, if we face the eight cosmic empires at one time, even if we can really win, we will definitely lose a lot. 39

"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, the lord of the country should be trying to repeat the old tricks, and will use them on our tricks, as well as on the god emperors of the other eight cosmic empires.

"Could it be that the lord of the country also wants us to secretly subdue a god emperor from other countries, forcing them to sign a contract and forcing them to be listed on the list of gods?"

"Isn't this obvious? Once on the Conferred God List, then even if the other party is a god emperor, it is our own at this moment. We can completely silently develop the god emperors of the eight cosmic empires into our own people. .

"Haha, this method is not bad, it's really wonderful, maybe when the high-level executives of the eight cosmic empires find out the tricks, they will find that they are all around us. 39

"I really look forward to seeing the faces of those mortal enemies, slowly nibble away, we don't need to launch any cosmic war at all, and we can complete the replacement plan silently.

Many god emperors were very excited to discuss plans to conquer other cosmic empires.

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