Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1079 The terrifying Yuanshi God Emperor, the panic of the lords

"Damn, what the hell is this list of gods, after being listed on the list of gods, even the god emperor can't get rid of it, and he can only be controlled by the primordial god emperor.

The face of the lord of the Guangming Empire is very ugly. It can be seen from the future picture that basically 99% of the god emperors in the entire universe are controlled by this primordial god emperor, and they all become bachelor commanders.

One can imagine how terrifying the means of the Yuanshi God Emperor are.

If the Eternal God Emperor didn't know the future, I'm afraid they don't know how to die, they can only be captured obediently.

"It is said that this list of gods came from the world props contract slate, but after the contract slate fell into the hands of the Yuanshi God Emperor, it played an unimaginable role. 99

The Eternal God Emperor said solemnly: "There is no doubt that once a contract is signed with the Yuanshi God Emperor, then there is no way to get rid of the Yuanshi God Emperor's control and can only be slaughtered by others."

To be honest, when it learned about these future information, it also felt deep fear, such a method is really too weird and terrifying.

If it wasn't for the assistance of the universe, how could he know the actions of the Primordial Beginning God Emperor.

This is actually a powerful point of being able to spy on the future.

Even if there are all kinds of restrictions, even if all kinds of information can be kept secret, it is impossible for the future pictures to be kept secret, and they will always be exposed in the future.

Therefore, the Eternal God Emperor can spare the restrictions of the contract slate, so as to know the various actions of Xia Chuan.

"What's the best way to do this now? Is there any way we can stop the Yuanshi God Emperor, and is there any way to know who is on the Conferred God List, so as to find out the traitor?

The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons frowned and couldn't help asking.

Although it has some doubts about the words of the Eternal God Emperor, and does not know whether the Yuanshi God Emperor is really fictional, it cannot helplessly watch the Yuanshi God Emperor become the master of this universe.

After all, as the lord of a country, how could he tolerate other god emperors riding on his head to make a fortune.

"No way, what can be done now, after all, this is just signing a contract, and there is no special symbol on it, it can be said that now we don't even know how many god emperors are on the list of gods, we only know that not all god emperors are Being on the Conferred God List, perhaps this is the only news.

The lord of the impermanent country said helplessly, it felt deep despair, even if it knew the information of the future, but it also felt that their side was simply hopeless.

After all, the opponent's ability is too strange, the enemy did not intend to compete with him head-on, but planned to secretly calculate them and solve them one by one.

It's like playing a game of kings, where people run army lines everywhere and don't give you a chance to fight at all.

When the economic gap between the two sides is widened, they will take away themselves in one wave, and they will not even know how they lost the game.

"Yes, according to this future picture, basically 99% of the god emperors are on the list of gods, and the god emperors who are not on the list of gods are just two or three kittens, and there is nothing to be afraid of. 35

The Lord of Jiuchen Kingdom said solemnly: "Although we know the news in advance, but now we don't even know how many god emperors have fallen, this situation is really bad for us.

It also felt that this war was difficult to fight. The opponent was simply the biggest behind-the-scenes hand in the universe, secretly controlling the entire cosmos situation.

"Why don't we surrender directly, anyway, we can't beat the other party, it's better to surrender directly, maybe there is a chance to do so, the other party doesn't seem to be the kind of person who wants us to die.

The lord of Wuyan Kingdom expressed his own suggestion, saying that he might surrender.

"Shut up and surrender, it's a pity that you are still the master of a country, you haven't even started fighting yet, and you want to surrender, what the hell do you think.

The lord of the Dark Demon Kingdom couldn't help but scolded: "To tell the truth, just to survive, I let my life be controlled by the enemy at will, if I really faced such a situation, I would rather die.

It exudes determination, expressing that it would rather die than surrender to others and hand over its own life to others, which is absolutely intolerable.

"Actually, you don't need to be so nervous, we may not have no hope of winning this war.

The Eternal God Emperor looked at the gods and spoke slowly.

"Oh, is there anything you can do?"

Many country lords are looking at the Eternal God Emperor and want to know the method of the Eternal God Emperor.

"To be honest, we are not at a disadvantage right now, at most we are at odds with the enemy. Of course, if the time is a little later, then we will not be saved.

The Eternal God Emperor said solemnly: "Fortunately, the enemy still doesn't know our actions, and we don't know that we already know their conspiracy, so they should still not have any vigilance. So now is also our best counterattack. The opportunity is also the best time to defeat the Yuanshi God Emperor."

". 'What do you mean, you want to attack the Yuanshi God Emperor now and carry out beheading tactics?

As soon as these words came out, many god emperors instantly understood the meaning of the words of the eternal god emperor.

"That's right. 99

The Eternal God Emperor said bluntly: "If we are to eliminate the traitors in the team, no matter what we do, it is impossible to do it, but if we really do it, it will weaken our own strength and fall into the enemy's arms. .

But what is the real key now, in fact, is the Yuanshi God Emperor. The owner of the gods list is the Yuanshi God Emperor. If the Yuanshi God Emperor dies, then this list of gods will be of little use.

So as long as we take action and kill the Yuanshi God Emperor, then the crisis of the entire universe will be completely saved, and we don't need to worry about being murdered by the Yuanshi God Emperor.

It's like playing a game. You can't beat the opponent when you operate a line of troops, so the only plan for now is to force the team, fight at the beginning, and decide the winner.

Only those who survived the team battle were qualified to clear soldiers and eat money.

(Nord's) Other than that, they have no other way to win.

"Yes, this method is good.

"This is also our only chance. If we really wait for all the god emperors to be on the list of gods, no, as long as 60-70% of the gods are on the list of gods, then we will be completely finished."

"Time is on the side of the Yuanshi God Emperor, not on our side, so we need to strike in advance to catch the enemy by surprise."

"It is estimated that the strength of the Primordial Beginning God Emperor is not very high, so he will resort to these conspiracies and tricks. If we really do our best, then this guy will definitely be beaten to death by us.

"This Primordial Beginning God Emperor is just damn, must be removed, this guy is the biggest devil in this universe, and this guy is absolutely not allowed to unify this universe.

"Call our confidants, this time to let the Yuanshi God Emperor die without a burial place."

Many kings were murderous.

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