Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1087 Kill the Eternal God Emperor with one blow and decompose all entropy into chaos


The Eternal God Emperor was instantly stunned, his body was instantly cut open, and the eternal barrier that originally covered his body was easily cut into pieces like tofu.

In just an instant, its body was cut into countless pieces.

This is the power of the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe. With a single axe, even chaos can be split open, creating the world with ease. One can imagine the terrifying power in it.

"Exaggerated, too exaggerated, is this a cosmic wonder?"

Seeing this scene, the Book of Wisdom was stunned and shocked beyond measure.

It can also be considered to have come into contact with the two cosmic wonders, the Innate Treasure Tree and the Space-Time Ball. It is true that these two cosmic wonders do possess extraordinary abilities.

However, it is still very difficult for these two cosmic wonders to fight against the pursuit of many main gods.

"Nine-two-three" is this cosmic wonder, the God-Opening God Axe. After the power has completely exploded, even an ultimate god emperor can be cut open with such ease.

Even if the opponent understands the three thousand avenues, it is difficult to resist this axe.

Originally, the eternal barrier that was known as the Immortal Barrier was smashed into pieces by the Heaven-Opening God Axe. Such destructive power was simply terrifying.

It felt that its estimate of the power of strange objects in the universe needed to be recalculated.

Perhaps even among the many wonders of the universe, there are actually three, six, nine, and so on.

There is no doubt that this Heaven-Opening Divine Axe is a top-notch magic weapon even among the many wonders of the universe.


Without waiting for the Book of Wisdom to continue thinking, the Eternal God Emperor, who had been cut into countless pieces, actually gathered together again at this moment and returned to his original body again.

Even the power of the Eternal God Emperor is even more terrifying than before, and it seems that he has obtained a rebirth.

"Emperor Yuanshi.

The resurrected Eternal God Emperor stared at Xia Chuan: "You can't kill me, I still have a magical power of life - life rebirth, as long as there is a ray of true spirit, I can continue to be reborn.

And if you want to destroy my true spirit, it is impossible, because the power of the whole universe is in me, and now I am the incarnation of this universe, and I am an immortal existence. "

"Rebirth? It's a monster.""

The corner of the Book of Wisdom twitched, completely speechless, not knowing what to say.

Originally, this Eternal God Emperor had time and space retrospection, and could continuously recover his injuries. He was always in a peak state, and the enemy could not harm it at all.

But now, the other party actually has a terrifying life-saving supernatural power - life rebirth.

That is to say, even if it can kill the opponent in an instant and destroy the time and space backtracking, the opponent can quickly regenerate, and restore the peak state again by swallowing a large amount of the energy of the origin of the universe.

I am afraid that unless this universe is destroyed, it is impossible to kill this eternal god emperor.

It can only be said that this Eternal God Emperor deserves to be the Son of Heaven in this universe. This kind of life-saving ability is too exaggerated. In the universe, who can kill it.

"Can't kill? The giant axe in my hand is best at killing an immortal existence like you, and you are not an immortal existence. Even the universe will be destroyed, not to mention life."

Xia Chuan looked at the Eternal God Emperor indifferently, he clenched the heavenly axe, which was a strange object in the universe, and the chaotic divine power in his body was madly instilled into the opening gods axe, so that its power was greatly improved.

"Entropy solution!"

In an instant, Xia Chuan shot again, and he slashed towards the Eternal God Emperor with one axe, neither joy nor sorrow, the speed of this axe was faster and faster than before.

A black axe light tore through the void, silently.

Even the Eternal God Emperor didn't know when the blow appeared, and it was so terrifying that it was almost invisible to the universe and heaven.

"how is this possible?!"

The Eternal God Emperor was instantly stunned. He sensed that a black axe light had easily hit him, and an unimaginable force of destruction erupted on him.

This destructive force seems to disintegrate everything, disintegrate all substances, laws, and avenues, and seems to be able to return everything to nothingness and completely disintegrate.

And this is the ability of Kaitian Divine Axe - entropy solution.

It can attribute disordered redundancy to eternal extinction and chaos, which is the entropy solution.

At the same time, when the axe of the gods of the sky completely dissolves these immortal things and belongs to the eternal destruction, as the holder of the god of the gods of the sky, you can obtain power from it.0


In the next second, with the body of the Eternal God Emperor as the center, the entire barren star field, with a radius of millions of light-years, collapsed in an instant, and all planets, worlds, meteorites and other substances were completely returned to nothingness and chaos.

All matter and energy in this area is entropy resolved.

Even the Eternal God Emperor with the ability to regenerate life, a trace of its true spirit has been decomposed by entropy and completely attributed to chaos, which is like restarting the entire universe and returning it to the original chaos state of the universe.

It can be said that the Eternal God Emperor could not resist even for a second, and was instantly disintegrated.

"This, this! Eternal God Emperor is dead?"

The Book of Wisdom was completely stunned when it saw this scene. It sensed that the star field in front of it had completely turned into a state of chaos, and it seemed to have formed a chaotic region.

Originally, this star field was a desolate galaxy, where no life existed.

But now, due to the power of the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe, the entropy of this galaxy has been decomposed, and now it is not just as simple as being desolate, but even the gods cannot come to this place.

This star field has been completely transformed into a chaotic area, returning to the initial state of the universe, surrounded by chaotic airflow, and all the avenues and laws have completely lost their effect.

It can be said that if a god enters this chaotic area, he will lose all power and become a mortal, and then 1.5 will be crushed to death by the chaotic airflow.

This has become a real forbidden area for life, even a god emperor cannot survive in this chaotic area.

"Exaggerated, too exaggerated, is this the power of the Heaven-Opening God Axe?

The Book of Wisdom was stunned. It was the first time that it saw the power of the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe. It was simply too exaggerated.

Now it can be regarded as a magic weapon that knows how much the strange objects in the universe are, and it contains the power of a universe, so it is terrifying to this extent.

If the power just now, if I came into contact with it, I am afraid that it will be entropy solution in an instant, and then transformed into other energy, completely disappearing in this universe.

It had no idea that it was so close to death.

The power of this axe is too much.

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