Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1089 The Overlord of the Universe, Gathering the Faith of All Beings in the Universe

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed in a blink of an eye.

Due to the fall of the Eternal God Emperor and others, there is no God Emperor in the nine cosmic empires that can compete with the power of Xia Chuan. On the surface, there is no war in the entire universe.

But in fact, there was an undercurrent in secret, and many god emperors silently entered the list of gods.

By the time those god emperors with different intentions discovered this, it was too late. Basically, more than 99 percent of the god emperors in the entire universe belonged to the Wanxing Nation.

When all the god emperors were listed on the list of gods, the rulers of the nine cosmic empires immediately announced that they were all merged into the ten thousand star kingdom, and the master of the ten thousand star kingdom, the primordial god emperor, naturally became the master of the universe.

"Just kidding, the universe is so unified? What the hell is going on?""

In an instant, the ordinary gods of the nine cosmic empires also got the news, and they were instantly stunned, not knowing what the hell was going on.

Because this is a struggle between high-level people, ordinary people have no right to know the inside story.

"Yeah, obviously the war hasn't even started, why is the entire universe unified by the Wanxing Nation?" You Shenming looked stunned, and was simply dumbfounded.

Generally speaking, if you want to unify the entire universe, you have to go through extremely tragic wars, and you don't know how many creatures, even gods, are killed or injured to do this.

After all, if you want to unify the entire universe and eliminate the disputes between all the forces, if there is no violent means, it is impossible. If you have not experienced war, how can it be unified?

It's just like this right now. He hasn't experienced any wars at all, but he has completed the unification of the universe. Few people will believe this kind of thing.

But it is unbelievable that such absurd things happened.

"I don't know exactly what happened. It seems that when I woke up overnight, our Wanxing Kingdom became the overlord of the universe and unified the entire universe."

The gods of the Wanxing Kingdom are also very surprised.

It had been cultivating well on its own planet, but suddenly it was madly sent by friends, saying that Wanxing Nation had become the overlord of the universe, unifying the entire universe.

It's as if he didn't do anything and just lay down and won. This feeling is really amazing.

"Isn't it a good thing to peacefully unify the entire universe? If a war really breaks out, the God Emperor will not say if there is anything wrong, and ordinary gods like us must die in piles and piles.

"That's right, anyway, even if the entire universe is truly unified, those god emperors will get the most benefit. It's pretty good that the god soldiers like us can get some scraps.

"And even if the universe is unified, it is estimated that it will not change much from before. To a certain extent, it has also reduced the war between each other, which is a good thing."

Numerous gods are talking about it, and some of them feel that it is a great good thing to be able to peacefully unify the universe.

In a way, this is nothing short of a miracle.

"Hehe, to be honest, as far as I know, although not many people died in this war, the ones who died were basically god emperors. This is a war between god emperors."

A god king said mysteriously: "It is said that the god emperor Yuanshi, the king of Wanxing Kingdom, personally shot and killed 100,000 god emperors of the other eight cosmic empires one after another. It was this battle that completely shocked the other eight cosmic empires. Emperor of the Empire.

The result can be imagined. After these god emperors knew this, they surrendered one after another, and thus completed the great cause of unifying the entire universe. In fact, the war did not happen, but occurred in a higher dimension. "9

It said some information that it knew.

"No, is there a war between the god emperors? No wonder such a thing happened."

"But it's true when you think about it carefully. The situation between the universes actually has a great relationship with the god emperors. Basically, the god emperors determine the future of the universe."

"Isn't it? Don't look at us gods who seem to be very powerful, but the eternal and immortal God Emperor is the real master of this universe. If the God Emperor issues a decision, then none of us can resist."5

"It seems that the Yuanshi God Emperor, the Lord of the Wanxing Kingdom, defeated the other god emperors, so the other god emperors did not have any objections and thus surrendered to the rule of the Wanxing Kingdom.

Many gods sighed with emotion, they did not expect such an amazing thing to happen at the level of the god emperor, but only if the god emperors had an accident, such a thing could happen.

If anyone can subdue these god emperors and become the lord of god emperors, then whoever can become the overlord of the universe and rule the world.

"It is said that now the entire universe, every planet, and every world needs to build a temple about the Yuanshi God Emperor, and the other party needs the belief of all beings in the universe."

There is a god in a deep voice, saying the first change that will occur after the unification of the universe.

‘Isn’t this a normal thing? Since the entire universe is unified, it is natural to gather the beliefs of all beings in the entire universe. If it were me, I would definitely do the same.

"I don't know to what extent will you improve your cultivation after gaining the belief of all beings in the universe?"

"I don't know, but what is certain is that the Primordial Beginning God Emperor is the strongest in our universe, possessing invincible strength."

"It is said that the virtual universe was also created by the Primordial God Emperor. It is because of the emergence of the virtual universe that we can instantly contact and transmit messages even if we are at the end of the universe.""

"But aren't you worried that your beliefs will be plundered by the Yuanshi God Emperor?"

"What is there to worry about, even the God Emperor is not worried about this, is it useful for us ordinary gods to worry?

"That's true, and now we can only go with the flow.

(Nuo Mo's) Many gods sighed with emotion.

Even if they want to change the situation, it is impossible. Facing the vast general trend, if anyone wants to block it, then whoever wants to die will undoubtedly die. This is undoubtedly the mantis blocking the car.

At this moment, Wanshen Xing of Wanxing Kingdom, the palace of Yuanshi God Emperor.


I saw that the endless power of belief gathered together to form a golden ocean, no, this should be a golden universe, and it all converged on Xia Chuan.

Even Xia Chuan had never seen such an astonishing amount of the power of faith. It was so huge that it scared people to death, and it was so intense that it formed a torrent of faith.

Any drop of belief energy can be comparable to the weight of a planet.

There is no doubt that this is the result of gathering the belief power of all beings in the entire universe, and now Xia Chuan has truly become the overlord of the micro universe.

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