Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1100 The Heavenly Venerate Outside the Territory: The Eternal Desire, the Unprecedented Enem


At this time, in the void, the many angel race chief gods who had died originally had their broken bodies squirming, and then quickly gathered together.

Almost instantly, a huge angel appeared in the void, grew eighteen pairs of wings, and burst out with endless white rays of light, tearing apart this dark space-time.

A terrifying aura permeated from it, making the entire universe tremble.


Seeing this scene, Xia Chuan squinted his eyes. In fact, from the very beginning, he realized that something was wrong with this group of main gods. It seemed that they contained extremely dark power, which was not comparable to the power of ordinary main gods.

Therefore, as soon as he made a move, he wiped out all the main gods, and the purpose was to force the mastermind to come out.

Sure enough, the mastermind behind the scenes did not expect Xia Chuan's strength to be so terrifying. With just one blow, all the main gods were destroyed, which was far beyond the opponent's expectations.

"I didn't expect this remote universe to be able to give birth to a powerhouse at the level of Heavenly Venerate. This is beyond my expectations." A grand voice came from the angel's mouth, buzzing, and it looked very holy. , but the sound is extremely evil, and 957 contains terrifying pollution.

Ordinary creatures will be quickly polluted when they hear this sound, and then alienate into terrifying monsters, completely losing their minds.

"Who are you?

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he could see that this angel was just a puppet body, and the real master was a spiritual body attached to this body.

This spiritual body contains terrifying and evil power, and the opponent's power level is no less than his own. There is no doubt that the opponent is also a god-level existence.

"I am the eternal miss."

A voice came out again.


As soon as these words came out, Xia Chuan's spirit was shocked, as if he had sensed the endless messages in the dark, and the whole universe seemed to start to tremble upon hearing such a divine name.

At this moment, the power of the soul comparable to the Heavenly Venerate spread out, covering the entire Xuanhuang universe in an instant, and it seemed that his soul resonated with the heavenly way of the Xuanhuang universe.

I saw that above the barrier of the Xuanhuang universe, I don't know when a huge country appeared, and there were super cities one after another, inhabited by countless creatures, all of which seemed to be angels.

At the same time, each city has built a temple, which is enshrined with a statue of a god, and countless angel believers kneel on the ground and contribute their beliefs.

And the deity worshipped is the eternal slayer.

"I see.

Xia Chuan sensed the information instilled from the universe and heaven, and he instantly understood the origin of the Eternal Desire.

Although I don't know where this Eternal Desire came from, this Tianzun tried to snatch the Xuanhuang universe and took the Xuanhuang universe as his own, as his own territory.

It can be said that the plan to snatch the Xuanhuang universe began countless years ago. The angels are a race supported by the Eternal Desires, and the Lord they believe in is the Eternal Desires.

However, the Eternal Desire, after all, who is the alien Tianzun, has basically been targeted by the universe from the beginning. After all, even if it is the existence of the Tianzun level, it is not so easy to break through the barriers of the universe.

So it had to go step by step, support a race, and then let this race slowly grow into the overlord race of the universe and gain the luck of the entire universe.

In this way, it can steal the authority of the Xuanhuang universe and become the heavenly way of this universe.

Originally, this plan went very smoothly. It is estimated that after a while, the angel race will naturally become the absolute overlord of this universe, crushing other races.

It was at this time that a monster race such as the Xuanhuang Clan appeared, and a monster character such as Xia Chuan appeared, which shattered the plan of the Eternal Desire in an instant.

This also ruined the many years of hard work of the Eternal Desire, so it is conceivable that the Eternal Desire's inner anger was eager to smash Xia Chuan into thousands of pieces.

"Although you have smashed my plan for many years, it is not a bad thing. As long as you take away your body, then the authority of this side of the universe will naturally belong to me, and I will also have a puppet of Tianzun, which can be considered as My great chance. The Eternal Desire laughs and is very happy.

Its sound contains terrifying spiritual pollution, and it seems that just hearing such a sound will be twisted into a terrifying monster and lose all reason.


In an instant, many of the gods who were originally in the void were not the main gods, so they were not attacked by Xia Chuan and still survived.

But after hearing such a voice, they all let out shrill screams, and their souls were all polluted by terrifying evil thoughts.

In almost an instant, terrifying black energy poured out of their bodies, instantly twisting them into indescribable monsters, even more terrifying than abyss monsters, with endless black mist permeating their bodies, with infinite erosiveness. .

It can be said that even the godhead cannot resist such erosion and pollution.

"Escape, escape, this is a higher dimensional existence."

Many gods were terrified, panicked, and felt endless panic. Just listening to the sound, they were twisted into monsters. What a terrifying power.

You must know that they are gods, and they are not some kind of cat or dog, and they can't resist it.

They feel that the power in themselves seems to be too weak and outrageous, just like mortals.

"Damn, when did such a monster exist in the universe. 99

"It's fake, fake, it's all fake, how could there exist in the universe a being that is more tyrannical than the Lord God.

"It turns out that we are not the strongest existence in this universe, but just the pawns of these high-dimensional existences.

"What a joke, are we all being played by these high-dimensional existences for so many years? Everything we have is just the plan of high-dimensional existences?"

Many gods are completely crazy, and they can't believe such a fact at all.

They were the six peak races before, but they were the peak forces standing in the universe. They were extremely tyrannical and could destroy countless civilizations and worlds with a single order.

It can be said that they believe that no one in the universe can destroy themselves, and as time goes by, their strength will only become stronger and stronger.

But now, after feeling this unimaginable power, the hearts of these gods collapsed.

These so-called gods, in front of Tianzun, are just ants, and they can play with applause at will.

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