Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1208 Killing the Demon Dragon with a Sword

"It really is a frog at the bottom of a well, I only need a sword to kill you."

Xia Chuan looked at the Flood Dragon indifferently.


The Flood Dragon smirked, feeling that he was full of anger. Even if this human cultivator underestimated people, he had to have a limit. He really couldn't think of it as a stinky fish and rotten shrimp.

But at this moment, it felt a burst of heart palpitations, and at this moment, the human cultivator suddenly shot.


In an instant, the heaven and earth with a radius of 10,000 kilometers began to vibrate, and it seemed that a force of the primordial spirit domain enveloped the earth, covering every corner of the world.

It was like a certain immortal descended to earth, overlooking the world.


The Flood Dragon is like a light on its back. It feels a fatal crisis. It seems that the cells in its entire body are strongly warning itself, as if it is in danger.

It didn't say a word, and without hesitation, it immediately activated the realm of the primordial spirit in its body - the realm of the dragon.

And the battle of the ancestors of the gods is actually the battle between the primordial spirit and the primordial spirit, the battle between the realm and the realm.

It tried to use its own Flood Dragon Domain to counter the tyrannical domain power of this human monk.

"I have a sword, 10 of which are named Zhu Xian!"

Xia Chuan looked at the Flood Dragon indifferently, and took out a flying sword from his body. This was the prototype of the immortal sword he created - the Sword of Immortal Execution, although it was far from the legendary Sword of Immortal Execution.

But if it is in this place in the mortal world, it is definitely a top magic weapon, and it is only one step away from stepping into the category of immortal weapons and exerting unparalleled power.

At the moment when this Immortal Execution Sword appeared, the sword between heaven and earth vibrated, and the metal resonated, as if the king's sword between heaven and earth had descended.

It is filled with unparalleled sword energy and murderous aura, as if it is the pure killing weapon in this world.


In the next second, Xia Chuan clenched the Immortal Execution Sword tightly and slashed at the Jiao Demon Dragon with a single sword.

"Impossible! 35

The Jiao Demon Dragon was instantly stunned, because it sensed the incomparable horror of this sword, and completely locked the Qi machine in its body, no matter where it was hiding, it was useless.

But the most frightening thing is not this, but the speed of this sword is too fast.

In the depths of its brain, there is just an idea, that is, it is fast, unparalleled fast, even the speed of light between heaven and earth is nothing but that.

This sword slashed, as if it was the most dazzling light in the world, even the sun in the sky lost its color.

When it saw the instant the sword light appeared, the sword light had already come to its side, as if it ignored any spatial distance and arrived in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, its sea of ​​consciousness also poured out a second thought, that is, sharp and indestructible.

Because it is a Flood Dragon, its body's defense can be imagined, even if it is the same level of God Transformation Realm demon, it is not so simple to hurt its body.

But now, this terrifying sword light attacked, as if cutting tofu, and cut open his body with ease, effortlessly.


In an instant, the Demon Flood Dragon felt that he had lost all his will, because his body and soul were cut in half by this sword.

"No, I, I'm already dead? My dignified Flood Dragon was actually killed by a small human?" Before the Flood Dragon died, countless thoughts poured out, shock, disbelief, and remorse.

But no matter what kind of thinking it is, it cannot change its fate of death.


Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Flood Dragon fell from the air in an instant, and the huge blood poured in the air as if it didn't want money, forming a majestic blood rain that enveloped the world.

But what terrified the surrounding monsters even more was that this terrifying sword light not only cut through the body of the Flood Dragon, but also spread to an area of ​​thousands of kilometers.

Along the way, this sword light instantly cut through thousands of miles of earth, and many mountains were cut in half by a single sword, as if the earth had been split apart and turned into an endless abyss.

All living beings can feel that this abyss contains unimaginable sword energy and sword intent. If ordinary people touch it a little, their souls will suffer unimaginable heavy losses.

The lord of Nanzhao Kingdom, Jiao Demon Dragon, die!

This scene is really too terrifying, including the monks in the Shushan faction, together with the demon army, everyone is stunned, it is unbelievable.

"Just kidding, the lord of the country is dead? Was he killed by a sword from a human race cultivator?"

The great demon of Yuan Ying was stunned, completely stunned, it didn't even know what kind of thinking it should be now.

You must know that the lord Jiao Demon Dragon is the supreme power of Nanzhao Kingdom, and is also one of the supreme powers of this world. Even compared with other god-turning demons, it is a first-class existence.

In their concept, it is impossible for the Flood Dragon to be killed by a human monk, and it should be an invincible existence.

But now, he is still dead, and he was killed by weak humans.

For a time, many demons could not accept such a thing.

"Lord Jiao Molong is a demon in the God Transformation Realm. His strength is so powerful that he is already qualified to ascend to the spiritual world. How could he be beheaded by this human race cultivator now?"

"What the hell is going on here? Did we have some kind of hallucination, otherwise, how could Master Jiao Demon Dragon be beheaded by human monks with a single blow?"

"Could it be that this human race cultivator is really terrifying to such an extent? It's too absurd that even Lord Jiao Demon Dragon is not an enemy of unity."

Many demons couldn't help swallowing their saliva. Until now, they were unwilling to accept such a thing, and felt that this kind of thing was impossible to happen to the Jiaolong.

Some demons feel that they have fallen into the illusion array arranged by the human race, and they have such ridiculous thoughts.

The Shushan Sect monks in the distance were different, all of them were ecstatic.

"Haha, I have long known that the master's combat power is unparalleled in the world, and no one can match it."

"One sword, just one sword kills the so-called lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom. The sect master is too tyrannical. He is indeed a peerless sword immortal from our human race."

"Is this Jianxiu? Is this the sword fairy of our human race? Sure enough, Jianxiu is the opportunity for the rise of our human race. Alchemists cannot save the human race. Only Jianxiu can save the human race from this troubled world. ."5

"The peerless style, this is the peerless style of the Sword Immortal, just ask the world, who can be the enemy.

Many Shushan Sect disciples laughed wildly.

They felt that the Shushan faction would definitely win in this war, and the mere army of demon beasts was nothing, and it was impossible for them to win the Shushan faction.

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