Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1211 The Black Mountain Demon League was furious and attacked the Shushan faction

At this moment, the Black Mountain Demon Realm, the headquarters of the Black Mountain Demon League.

You must know that the reason why this world is called the Black Mountain Demon World is because the entire demon clan has united to form the Black Mountain Demon League, and their headquarters is in Montenegro.

To a certain extent, this alliance is similar to the United Nations, with many demon kingdoms joining it.

Normally, this demon alliance is useless and has no binding force, but at a critical moment, it can make many demon kingdoms unite and exert astonishing power.


At this time, the lords of many demon kingdoms gathered here one after another, and they were all great demons in the God Transformation Realm. All of them had an unfathomable cultivation base, and they were filled with a terrifying demon aura.

If you count the number of these god-transforming demons, there are at least more than 150, which are stronger than those in the Great Mysterious Realm. From this, you can imagine the tyranny of the Black Mountain Demon Realm.

"I believe you have also heard the news of Nanzhao Kingdom. The king of Nanzhao Kingdom, Jiao Molong, was beheaded by Taoist Taiqing, the head of the Shushan faction who suddenly rose up, and even the entire country was taken over by the Terran. This is an unprecedented event in our Montenegrin demon world for thousands of years. A god-transforming demon with a solemn expression stared at the other god-transforming demons.

When it first heard the news, it felt unbelievable, because it didn't believe that when the human race appeared a god-transforming cultivator, and it was able to unilaterally kill the god-transforming demon, which was really incredible.

But after it repeatedly inquired about the information, it had to believe that, after all, the entire Nanzhao country's demons were wiped out and slaughtered by the Shushan faction.

Even for the entire Black Mountain Demon Realm, it was an unprecedented loss.

If the opponent died in an infighting between demons, it would be fine, but at the hands of humans, this is a great shame for the demon family, and it is also a wake-up call.

"What the hell is going on? When did the human race give birth to a god-turning cultivator, why haven't I heard of it before?" A demon wrinkled and felt very puzzled.

After all, their demon clan is suppressing the development of the human race all the time, and absolutely does not allow the human race to give birth to any monks, so it feels incredible.

Why did this Taiqing Daoist step into the God Transformation Realm silently under the suppression of the demon, which simply made it puzzling.

"Hehe, there's nothing to think about. The Black Mountain Demon World is very big, and even our demon family can't say that they know the whole world. There are many hidden places in it that we can't understand. This human cultivator may be a Hiding in a certain place, he has been practicing hard, and only came out after he was promoted to the realm of transformation. 95

"That's right, it doesn't make any sense to investigate the origin of this Taoist Taiqing. Even if you know his origin, can you solve the threat posed by Taoist Taiqing?"

"Indeed, the most important thing now is to solve the Daoists of Taiqing and the Shushan faction. This is the world of our demons. Humans are absolutely not allowed to ride on our heads and pull niao. 35

"It's just a mere human race. Compared with our demons, it's just a piece of shit. Even if a god-turning monk is born, it's just an accident over the past ten thousand years. That's all, it's not worth mentioning at all, it's vulnerable.

Many god-transforming demons are very disdainful.

Even if the other party killed the Flood Dragon, it really attracted their attention, but they didn't think that the mere Shushan faction could shake the foundation of the demon clan.

After all, to this day, the demon clan is still the dominant race in this world, occupying most of the world.

No matter how they looked at it, it was impossible for the human race to threaten the status of the demon.

"Everyone, please don't underestimate the Taoist Taiqing. If you underestimate it too much, you may also follow in the footsteps of the Flood Dragon." A god-turning demon said solemnly, "This person is a peerless sword immortal, Killing Wushuang, Jiao Molong was killed by him with one sword and one sword, and he had no power to fight back.

I believe that everyone also knows the strength of the Flood Dragon. Even among the many gods and demons, it can rank in the top ten, but it was still beheaded by this human sword fairy. It is conceivable that this Taiqing Taoist is tyrannical. If we attacked rashly, we might end up dying. "

It seriously reminded many careless demons.

The one who spoke was the leader of the Black Mountain Demon League, whose strength had already reached the level of perfection, and if he wanted to, he could soar into the spiritual world at any time.

However, it has always suppressed its own cultivation, and has always kept the Montenegro Demon Realm as a blessing.

·0 for flowers..

But because of this, its prestige is very high, and many gods and demons are very convinced of its words.

"Leader, what do you think we should do?"

A monster asked.

"Do you still need to ask? Naturally, they all came out, dispatched the entire Black Mountain Demon League's god-turning demons, completely wiped out the Shushan faction, beheaded the Taiqing Daoist, and shot with thunder, absolutely not giving them any chance to escape."

The leader of the Montenegro Demon League said as a matter of course.

"This! 39

As soon as these words came out, many gods and demons were very speechless. They felt that the leader was too shameless. Obviously, according to the strength of the leader, they could solve this Taiqing Taoist alone.

However, the leader of the alliance is an extremely cautious, even a timid monster, if he does not make a move, he will definitely do his best.


It is because of this that the opponent will win every battle, and every time he uses the superior force to push the opponent horizontally, and he never plays any one-on-one duel with the enemy.

Isn't it stupid to be able to fight each other in a group, why do you have to fight the enemy one-on-one?

They managed to gain the absolute upper hand, and how could they give up their advantages.

"Since the alliance leader has made a decision, then we naturally agree."

"Jie Jie, I would like to see what the so-called Taiqing Daoist is capable of, and he can actually kill the Jiao Demon Dragon. 35

"There is no doubt that this person must have obtained some kind of adventure, otherwise, how could he silently step into the God Transformation Realm.

"This world is the world of our demons after all, even if the human race accidentally gave birth to a god of transformation, it is simply wishful thinking to shake the status of our demon clan.

Many gods and demons were murderous, and they also agreed with the decision of the leader.

"Very well, since this is the case, then after a month, we will set off for Nanzhao Kingdom to destroy the Shushan faction. 99

The leader of the Black Mountain Demon League said bluntly.

After all, it was only a month to mobilize the troops of more than 100 demon kingdoms, which was already very short.

Of course, the main combat power this time is the spirit-transforming monster.

However, to attack the Shushan faction, some cannon fodder demons are still needed. After all, no one knows what means the Shushan faction has yet to use. Bringing some cannon fodder demons can just test the virtual reality of the Shushan faction.

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