Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1213 Hundreds of millions of monsters, the decisive battle between humans and monsters

"Well, it seems that the enemy is coming."

At this moment, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he immediately sensed the aura outside the Nanzhao Kingdom. There were waves of huge demonic auras in the distance, and he didn't hide it at all.

This is a demon power that is many times larger than that of the Nanzhao Kingdom. It can be said that the demons from the whole world came out of their nests and attacked the Shushan faction.

At this moment, the entire sky seemed to be covered by boundless darkness, and even the rays of the sun could not penetrate the thick black screen, and the temperature of the entire heaven and earth dropped sharply.

Vaguely, from the depths of the void, there were bursts of howls of ghosts and wolves, as if countless unjust souls were weeping.

"Interesting, a total of one hundred and eighty-six spirit transformation demons were dispatched, as well as hundreds of millions of demon army. This is really a big battle." Xia Chuan touched his chin.

With a swipe of his spiritual consciousness, he instantly covered hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius, and he was immediately aware of the situation of the demon army, in every detail.

Of course, this is not all the power of the entire Black Mountain Demon Realm, but it is at least the vast majority of it.

Even if there are still some God Transformation Demons 10 left, but there is not much left.

"Yes, very good, if this group of demons is completely eliminated, then the demons in this world will no longer have the power to compete with the human race."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly, not surprised but delighted.

To tell the truth, his action to scare the grass and startle the snake this time can be considered a success, successfully attracting most of the demons' vitality.

If one country were to attack, one would not know how long it would take to attack the entire world.

But it's different now. As long as these demonic armies are completely wiped out, no matter how deep the background of the demonic clan is, it is estimated that they will not be able to recover in a short period of time.

In fact, occupying the site is meaningless. No matter how big the site is, if there is no population support, it is actually just a castle in the air.

Same thing.

As long as all the living forces of the demon army are wiped out, the rest of the world will be occupied by the human race, no matter when it is.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, when these monsters get a little closer, they will be wiped out and wiped out completely.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of coldness. He sat cross-legged on the ground, his heart was as calm as a pool of water, without any waves, this was the tranquility before the war.

At this moment, many disciples of the Shushan faction naturally sensed the army of demons attacking from a distance, and they immediately activated the mountain protection formation, covering the entire Nanzhao Kingdom.

As long as the great formation is not broken, then the entire Nanzhao nation is still extremely safe.

"Sure enough, as the master expected, the demons in the whole world really came out in full force. Fortunately, we worked overtime this month and arranged a great formation to protect the mountain. Otherwise, if the demon army came, the entire human beings in Nanzhao Kingdom would be killed. ."

Xu Changqing was very happy.

Before, they thought that after destroying the demons of Nanzhao Kingdom, things should come to an end, and they could relax for a while, but the master reminded them that this was just an appetizer before the war began.

What happens next is the real decisive battle, and there can be no slack.

"No way, this world is always the world of demons, they can't allow us humans to rise. Once we see signs of our human beings rising, they will do their best to suppress them."

Jiang Yunfei squeezed his fist: "According to previous historical records, there was a time when some geniuses were born in our human race, and we tried to build a human country, but unfortunately, they were all attacked by those monsters and completely wiped out, they would not allow any The birth of the human nation."

"It's no wonder that the master has not developed with great fanfare before, but was limited to this place in the land of Shushan. I am afraid that if it is too high-profile, it will attract the attention of the Montenegrin Demon League, which will cause disaster."

Ning Qinyi suddenly realized.

All the previous doubts have been answered at this moment, and she can understand why her master is still not too high-profile even if he has become a spiritual cultivator.

It is estimated that he is worried about offending the Montenegro Demon League and thus provoking the encirclement and suppression of the Montenegro Demon League. It can be said that this approach is very prescient.

"But why did the master suddenly raise a high profile?"

Bai Muya couldn't help but ask.

"Do you still need to ask? Naturally, it is because the master thinks that the current Shushan faction is no longer afraid of the Black Mountain Demon League, so he will take action brazenly, destroy the Nanzhao Kingdom, and even want to attract the attention of the Montenegro Demon League and exterminate the demons in this world. main force.

Xu Changqing's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

"No, it's true, this is the Black Mountain Demon League. It is said that there are at least one hundred demons and demons under its banner, and there are hundreds of millions of demon soldiers. The strength is terrifying. Can our Shushan faction really resist it?"

"That's right, isn't this a bit too condescending to the current Shushan faction, we are only sword cultivators in the foundation building realm, I am afraid that any Jindan demon will be enough to kill us. 99

"Don't say that our current Shushan faction only has tens of thousands of swordsmen, even if it is ten times or a hundred times more, it is estimated that it will be difficult to compete with the hundreds of millions of demon legions. 35

Bai Muya and the others were very guilty and felt that their master looked down on them too much.

"Haha, how can the master count on you, in fact, the control of this world is not determined by the low-level monks, the control is always the gods.

Xu Changqing said with emotion: "That is to say, after so many years of preparation, the master has a certain degree of confidence to deal with the entire Montenegrin Demon League and exterminate those demons that transform into gods."9

"Really or not, the 050 Black Mountain Demon League is not easy to provoke. No matter how powerful the master is, it will be difficult to deal with so many demons. 33 Bai Muya couldn't help swallowing.

"Haha, you don't know how powerful the swordsman is. The master has cultivated the swordsmanship to an unimaginable realm. The current master can resist thousands of troops. It is said that the master also forged a peerless sword formation. The purpose is to pit Kill all the gods and demons, maybe this time we have hope to see the appearance of this peerless sword formation.

Xu Changqing said expectantly.

"No way, didn't the master use all his strength to deal with the Flood Dragon before, was it just a small test?" Jiang Yunfei blinked his eyes, shocked.

"Didn't you see the battle scene before? The master is just as easy as he is. Killing the Flood Dragon is like killing a chicken. How could he be doing his best?"

Xu Changqing said angrily.

"So, if this battle is won, wouldn't our human race become the overlord of this world? Since then, the demon clan will be completely expelled from the altar?

As soon as these words came out, Bai Muya and the others' eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, as long as this war is won, then the demon clan will no longer be a threat to our human race.

Xu Changqing's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt extremely excited.

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