Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1215 The Four Swords of Zhuxian appear!

"Damn it, is this the Shushan Sect's Demon Suppression Pagoda? How powerful is it?"

"You bastard, a dog-like human, really has ulterior motives, deliberately refining a magic weapon, just want to exterminate our demon clan?"

"I can perceive the restraint effect of this magic weapon on our demon clan. There is no doubt that this is a magic weapon specially designed to restrain our demons, and its heart can be punished.""

"Even if this magic weapon can continue to grow, it is not its limit. With time, I am afraid that a single light will be able to annihilate our god-transforming demons.

"This kind of evil magic weapon must not exist in this world, it is absolutely not allowed, and it must be destroyed immediately."

Seeing this scene, many demons were shocked. They had heard about the reputation of the Demon Suppression Tower before, but they never thought that the power of this magical treasure Suppression Demon Pagoda would be so terrifying.

With just one shot, thousands of low-level demons were wiped out.

If this continues, in less than a few breaths, many low-level demons will be wiped out by the Demon Suppression Tower, leaving nothing behind.

"No, you can't let those monsters die, it doesn't make any sense to do so."

The face of a god-turning demon 050 demon is very ugly.

Originally, it wanted these low-level demons to consume the power of the Shushan faction, but it found that doing so was meaningless. With the Demon Tower in this place, even if they sent more low-level demons to die, there would be no point. effect.

Although they don't care about the casualties of low-level monsters, if there are too many casualties, it is actually not a good thing for the entire monster family.

These lowly demons can die, but they cannot die without meaning.

"No wonder you dare to fight against our demon clan because you have refined a high-level magic weapon? But trying to stop us with a high-level magic weapon is simply wishful thinking."

"That's right, since the power of the Shushan faction cannot be consumed by relying on low-level demons, then we don't need to be polite any more, and we will directly attack and destroy this formation."

"Yes, I'm too lazy to entangle with these humans, it's just a group of flies, not worth mentioning at all."

Numerous gods and demons were murderous.

Seeing the death of so many monsters, one by one, the pain is terrifying, because these same clan died in this place for no reason, for the monster family, it is simply an unimaginable loss.


As soon as the words fell, a god-turning demon couldn't sit still any longer, and they instantly burst out of their own god-turning domain, bombarding the entire Nanzhao country.

One after another terrifying energy torrent rolled over, and it was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth. It was like a nuclear bomb exploded, and a random blow could destroy an area hundreds of miles away.

Now, the attack of more than one hundred gods and demons is equivalent to more than one hundred nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. It is conceivable how terrifying the power of them is.


In an instant, the formation that was originally shrouded in the sky of Nanzhao Kingdom was instantly bombarded to the point of crumbling, and the originally transparent energy shield was now like glass, producing dense cracks.

The formation foundation that was originally buried in the depths of the earth could not withstand the aftermath of the power at this moment, and shattered one after another.

It is estimated that after being bombarded for a while, the entire formation will be completely shattered.

There is no doubt that the full force of these god-turning demons is indeed not something that this ten thousand swords golden light great formation can bear.

Even if it is the perfect formation, it is still irresistible in the face of absolute destructive power.

Of course, this scene was also noticed by many disciples of the Shushan faction, and their expressions changed greatly.

"Oops, what's the matter now, the attacks of these god-turning demons are too terrifying, and our formation foundation seems to be unable to withstand it at all. 99

"That's right, the formation plate that we originally buried at the spiritual node node has now become densely cracked because it can't withstand the attacks of the gods and demons. If this kind of attack is repeated several times, I'm afraid these formation plates can't do anything about it. Continue to work, and the formation covering the entire Nanzhao Kingdom will completely collapse.

"Unfortunately, the time we occupied Nanzhao Kingdom was still too short, which led to the fact that our formation covering Nanzhao Kingdom was not very strong, and it was unable to resist the attack of the gods and demons.

"But who could have imagined that these demons could be so fast. In just one month, hundreds of millions of demons were summoned, as if they had some deep hatred with us."

"Isn't there a deep hatred? We killed a god-turning demon and slaughtered the entire Nanzhao country. It is estimated that this is a slap in the face of the Montenegrin Demon League. They have long been inseparable with us. 99

"If the formation is broken, then the entire Nanzhao nation will face the wrath of the demons. This kind of thing must not happen, we must support it."

"Don't worry, the head will definitely have a solution, we just need to do our own thing well.

Many disciples of the Shushan faction were talking about it.

Although they are in the formation, they can also feel the horror of these god-transforming demons, and each god-transforming demon is like a moving natural disaster.

If it wasn't for the protection of the formation, they would have been slaughtered by these terrifying monsters long ago.

But even so, they still did not plan to retreat, because now it is considered a last-ditch battle, and they actually have no way to retreat.

If they hadn't resisted the attacks of these monsters in Nanzhao Kingdom, then no matter where they retreated, it would be a dead end, and there was no one who could protect them.

At this moment, Xia Chuan, who was sitting in the middle of Shu Mountain, naturally knew about this change.

"Interesting, it's just the beginning, are these god-turning demons already unable to hold back? Can't even bear a little loss? It seems that these demons' ability is just like that."

"If this is the case, then there is no need to continue playing and let this war be completely over. 99

"If this group of god-turning demons is wiped out, then this world will be the world of the human race."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and his body was filled with terrifying killing intent.


In the next second, the four flying swords on his body flew out instantly, suspended in mid-air, they were the Immortal Execution Sword, the Killing Immortal Sword, the Trapping Immortal Sword, the Jue Immortal Sword and so on.

I saw that these four flying swords seemed to have been waiting for a long time, as if they were beasts with open fangs, and they did not hide the endless killing intent on their bodies.

With their appearance, all the spiritual meridians of the entire Nanzhao Kingdom trembled, and the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged in, all converging on the sky.

Vaguely, under the traction of the four swords of Zhuxian, these heaven and earth auras condensed into a golden flying sword in an instant, and the depths of each flying sword contained dense runes.

They exude terrifying sword intent and killing intent, as if they were born from the murderous intent between heaven and earth.

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