Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1220 Seal the Well of Gods and Demons, and the demons in the spiritual world are furious!

Don't think that the monsters under the gods are nothing special, and even if they enter the human world, they can't set off any storms. This kind of thinking is simply a big mistake.

Because the monsters born in the spiritual world are far more powerful than the monsters in the mortal world. Even if everyone has the same cultivation level, their combat effectiveness is simply worlds apart.

After all, the spirit world demons received too many resources and teachings, just like citizens of developed countries, when it comes to wisdom and knowledge, they don't know how much smarter they are than people from primitive tribes.

The two are basically not at the same level, and any one that appears at random can go to the primitive tribe as a prophet.

The same is true now.

The most important thing is that there are too many gods and demons in the spiritual world, and they are not comparable to those in the mortal world.

It was as if the Montenegrin demon world could cultivate two hundred god-transforming demons at the same time, which was unimaginably proficient, but for the spiritual world, two hundred god-transforming demons were just a small number.

If the other party is willing, they can send tens of thousands of god-turning demons to them casually.

With the advantage of numbers alone, the spiritual world can completely crush the mortal world, and they can be killed by the number of people.

"It seems that it won't take long before what happened in the demon world of Montenegro will be passed on to the spiritual world 063, and it is impossible for the demons of the spiritual world to give up this void passage. 35

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He had exchanged some knowledge of various worlds before, and he also knew that a channel like the Well of Gods and Demons that could connect the spiritual world and the human world was actually extremely rare.

Even if you look at the entire mortal world, there are not many similar void passages.

You must know that if the spiritual world wants to go to the mortal world, it is almost impossible to do it, even if the other party is a monk who has crossed the catastrophe, it cannot do it.

But if they rely on the well of gods and demons, they can go down to the mortal world at will, and even send their own men into the human world to collect various resources.

Although the resources of the human world are not comparable to those of the spiritual world, and the two are not on the same level, it does not mean that the human world has no value, on the contrary, the value is still extremely large.

Because the human world is really too big and boundless, giving birth to an unknown number of mortal worlds.

Even if a mortal world does not have many resources, but if thousands or even millions of worlds add up, such resources are so huge that people are frightened to death.

In addition, the world of the human world may occasionally give birth to some treasures that even the spirit world cannot obtain, so no one would be willing to give up such a passage that can enter and exit the human world so easily.

Undoubtedly, if the upper realm demons knew this, they would definitely attack with all their strength.

At that time, the enemies that the Shushan faction will face will not only be as simple as the monsters in this world, but also the monsters from the upper world, and even the endless army of monsters.

"It's a bit of a hassle now, even if I really leave this world, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the human beings in this world. Otherwise, the Shushan faction will be destroyed when I leave this period of time, so it doesn't make any sense.

"That is to say, this well of gods and demons must be sealed, and the demons from the upper realms are not allowed to descend and enter this world, so as to completely end the threat of demons."

"No, no, if it's just a seal, it's actually a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause. After all, no matter how strong the seal is, it will be broken sooner or later. It's like managing a flood.

"If this is the case, it would be better to directly arrange a huge formation around Montenegro to form a realm of gods and demons, so that the demons who enter this world through the well of gods and demons are all bound within the formation.

Human beings in this world can also use the power of this formation to deal with these monsters, grow continuously in the battle with monsters, and even quickly improve their own cultivation by devouring the flesh and blood of monsters. This is the way to grow. road.

"But if these monsters escape, it may cause huge damage to the world, so a babg palace space formation must be arranged so that these monsters can only be bound in this space labyrinth and cannot escape at all. go out.

"That's not enough. After all, if you enter too many monsters, you may also be shackled by the space formation, so you must suppress the strength of these monsters, and you need to set up a sealing formation to seal the strength of these monsters. They don't have one-tenth of their combat effectiveness."

"In addition, this formation must exist forever, even if there is no spiritual stone as the energy source of the formation, it must continue to operate, so it needs to be bound with the spiritual veins of this world, and use the spiritual veins as the formation. The source of the law. As long as this world is not destroyed, even the formation will not stop running, and even the damaged formation can be repaired automatically.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He fell into thinking about the formation. For him, a similar formation is also a huge project, and it takes a certain amount of time to explore and arrange it successfully.

It didn't take long for the demons in the spirit world to get the news of the Montenegrin demon world for the first time, and the news of the collapse of the entire Montenegro demon alliance. Suddenly these spirit world demons were furious.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? Isn't it said that the humans of the Black Mountain Demon Realm have already become worms? They don't know any cultivation methods at all. How could they have such strength to destroy the Black Mountain Demon League? Joke? 35

A demon was furious.

Because it knows how important the Black Mountain Demon Realm is. This mortal world is one of the fixed locations for the demon clan to contact the mortal realm, and it cannot be missed.

If the Black Mountain Demon Realm is lost, then the channel that represents their connection with the Human Realm has completely disappeared, which is an unimaginable blow to the Spirit Realm Demon Clan.

After all, the resources they get from the human world every year are incomparably huge, and they don't allow this path of wealth to be cut off by the humans in the lower world.

"I don't know, maybe this Taiqing Daoist is not an indigenous human being from the Black Mountain Demon Realm, but from another world, or even a spiritual cultivator who has descended from the Spirit Realm. Otherwise, it is impossible to break through the blockade of the Black Mountain Demon Realm, thus making his own cultivator impossible. In order to quickly ascend to the realm of deity.

"Damn human beings, it's a crime that deserves death for actually ruining the great event of my demon clan. Immediately dispatch the army of demon beasts to the demon world of Montenegro to completely retake this world, and it is absolutely not allowed to be controlled by humans.

The Tribulation Realm Demon was furious and let out a roar.

"Yes, my lord. 35

Many demons were awe-inspiring, but it was impossible for these overly powerful demons to come to the human world, so they could only send those god-turning demons over.

But no matter how many gods and demons die, they have to completely snatch the Montenegrin demon world back.

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