Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1223 Suppressing the Well of Gods and Demons, the Taoist Taiqing who is about to ascend

At this time, Xu Changqing, Jiang Yunfei, Ning Qinyi, Bai Muya and others also gathered together. As the first-generation disciples of the Shushan School, their strength and cultivation have also risen to the realm of Nascent Soul Consummation. Can step into the realm of transformation.

After three hundred years of cultivation, their progress has been extremely rapid.

Of course, this also has something to do with their amazing aptitude and understanding.

To a certain extent, they are the children of luck born out of this world.

"I really didn't expect that we can really see the day when the human race will become the master of this world. Who would have thought that three hundred years ago, our human race was only the ration of the demon clan."

Jiang Yunfei said with emotion.

Although the time of three hundred years is fleeting, he still has a fresh memory of what happened three hundred years ago, when human beings were in extremely difficult times.

If it wasn't for the birth of his master Taiqing Taoist, I'm afraid the situation of the human race would not be so good.

"Isn't it? The world is completely different now. It is already a world controlled by our human race. Every corner of the world has built our human cities. At the same time, every city has a space teleportation array. Once there is a problem somewhere , Our Shushan faction can immediately go to rescue."

Ning Qinyi also agreed with this.

She felt that in the past three hundred years, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the human race has risen rapidly. Over the years, the number of swordsmen cultivated by the Shushan faction is simply countless.

It can be said that even if the original demons make a comeback, they can still compete with the original demons with the strength of their Shushan faction.

Today's Shushan faction is no longer comparable to what it was three hundred years ago, and its strength has increased by many times.

"But our human race is still not really safe, because the well of the gods and demons may invade a large number of demons at any time, and they are still demons from the upper realm, which are a great threat to our world."

Xu Changqing's face was very serious.

Even if the human race is now the master of this world, it does not mean that they can really relax, because there is still a well of gods and demons in this world.

This place can communicate with spirit world demons, and spirit world demons can also send a large number of demons into this world at any time, thus posing a huge threat to them.

Although their master Taiqing Daoist had set up a forbidden formation near the Well of Gods and Demons for a long time, which blocked the way for these demons to enter this world, it would not pose too much threat for the time being.

But if one day these prohibition formations fail, then life will be ruined, and it won't be long before the situation that the demons dominated the world 300 years ago will be repeated.

It is because of this that in the past three hundred years, the disciples of the Shushan faction have been going to the realm of gods and demons to hunt down these demons that have descended from the spiritual world, almost one after the other.

Even if the suppression of the formation technique reduces the strength of these spirit world demons, if one is not careful, they may still be killed by the demons.

Over the years, there are not a few disciples of the Shushan faction who have died in the realm of gods and demons.

Of course, if you can survive such a tragic fight, the benefits will be great.

In fact, it was the constant hunting of these spirit world demons that allowed Xu Changqing and others to rapidly improve their cultivation.

"Yes, the Well of Gods and Demons is too dangerous, but this is a naturally formed void passage, even a cultivator cannot harm this void passage in the slightest, so we can't destroy the Well of Gods and Demons. Fortunately, the master is proficient in arrays. To a certain extent, it is not necessarily a bad thing to be able to temporarily seal this place and treat it as a battlefield for our human race to hunt demons.

Bai Muya said in a deep voice.

After three hundred years of fighting in the realm of gods and demons, she can be considered to know these demons very well, and she does not know how much she has gained in combat experience. She is already a powerful sword cultivator.

"Don't worry, the Well of Gods and Demons can't cause much harm to us humans, as long as the master is here, even if there are many gods and demons, they are just here to die.

Jiang Yunfei said solemnly.

He is full of confidence in the strength of his master Taiqing Taoist. His master is definitely the number one cultivator throughout the ages. Even the demons who descended from the spiritual world are just ants in front of his master, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

"Indeed, if the master is still in this world, then there will naturally be no problems in our world, but what if the master leaves this world?

Xu Changqing's eyes showed a glimmer of light.


As soon as these words came out, the other three were taken aback and looked at Xu Changqing in disbelief.

"Eldest brother, did you know something? Is the master leaving? 55

Jiang Yunfei couldn't help but ask.

"Actually, you have already noticed it. The master's cultivation base has long been raised to the realm of perfect spiritual transformation. If you want, you can fly to the spiritual world long ago."

Xu Changqing said solemnly: "It's just that the master is not worried about our world and wants to protect our world temporarily, so he has not ascended to the spiritual world for the time being.

But now, three hundred years have passed, and the Shushan faction has grown up temporarily. I think the master will soon ascend to the spiritual world.

"How is this good?"

Bai Muya was very worried, because they were used to growing up under the protection of their masters, even if the sky fell, they would be supported by their masters.

Once their master leaves, the responsibility of sheltering this world will fall on them.

None of them could imagine whether they could take such a big responsibility.

"To be honest, we can't stop this, and we shouldn't stop it."

Xu Changqing swept the crowd: "After all, the master has done too much for us, cleaned up the demons in this world, taught us the method of cultivation, and made great contributions to the whole world, we can't always rely on the master, we also need Grow up and become the pillar of the world.

And the master should also pursue his own things, and should not limit himself to this world. If he continues to stay in the mortal world, it is not a good thing for the master. According to the master's cultivation base and aptitude, he should go to a bigger stage.

He was ready for his master to leave this world.

"Senior brother is right, even a spiritual cultivator has a lifespan of only three thousand years. It is impossible for the master to continue to stay in this world and spend his lifespan with us in vain. He should ascend to the spiritual world and continue to pursue a higher realm. After all, this world has to be guarded by our juniors, and the master has done enough."

Jiang Yunfei and others nodded, and they also agreed with this.

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