Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1226 The end of the third reincarnation, rich rewards

On this day, Taoist Taiqing, the head of the Shushan faction, ascended to the spiritual world and celebrated with the faction. Xu Changqing, the second head of the Shushan faction, succeeded him.

Since Taiqing Taoist had no directors for a long time, basically the chief disciple Xu Changqing handled various affairs of the Shushan faction. Therefore, Xu Changqing's succession did not cause too much turbulence. Instead, the Shushan faction was safe and sound. continue.

After all, Xu Changqing can be regarded as the heir recognized by all parties.

The demon clan was overjoyed when they learned that the Taoist Taiqing had ascended to the fairy world, thinking that they had found an opportunity, so they attacked the Shushan faction, trying to destroy the demon tower and rescue the demon imprisoned in the tower.

But as soon as these demons came to Shushan, they were strangled by a large array. Even the demons that transformed gods were severely injured, and many demons were once again detained in the town demon tower.

After this battle, the remaining demons no longer dared to act rashly. Even if the Daoist Taiqing had already ascended to the spiritual world, the current Shushan faction was no longer something that the demons could shake.

At this time, Xia Chuan also quickly returned to the reincarnation space.

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The sound from the reincarnation space was also transmitted directly to the depths of his brain.

"The reincarnation evaluation has been settled."

"You are the master of the rejuvenation of the human race. For this world, the human race has created a prosperous world that has never been seen in ten thousand years. You have eliminated the demons in this world, overturned the rule of the demon family, and helped the human race become the overlord of this world. Countless races surrendered to the human race. Under the rule of , the people of later generations will call you the ren-zu Taiqing sage.

Your reputation has spread all over the world, even if people are preaching it after countless years, and even your reputation has spread to the demon clan, and you are regarded as the powerful enemy of the demon clan that has never been seen in ancient times, and the enemy that will kill you. "

"You created the Shushan School in this world and became the ancestor of the school. For this world, the human race opened up a way of swordsmanship. Since then, swordsmanship has become the mainstream profession in this world. As you continue to move forward on the path you have opened up, Jianxiu begins to shine because of your appearance."

"You cleared the stronghold of the spirit world demons in the human world, and destroyed the plans of the demon family for hundreds of millions of years. Your reputation began to spread to the spiritual world. The demon family listed you on the wanted list. You will become the nemesis of the demon family. When the demon encounters you, it will cause fear and panic."

"You created the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, slaughtered countless demons in the spiritual world, you defeated the powerful enemies from the spiritual world with the body of the mortal world, and you created an unprecedented feat. Some achievements. With the power of a mortal, you resisted the invasion of the power from the spiritual world, and you are a hero in the human world.""

"You ruled the entire Black Mountain Demon Realm, the power of the human race spread throughout the world, you changed the fate of the entire world, and the world changed its name accordingly. From now on, the name of this realm is no longer the Black Mountain Demon Realm, but the Shushan Sword Realm, the power of the human race. Therefore, there is another human world.

"You have gained the attention of the world and the favor of the world. What you have done has completely promoted the development of the entire world, making the Shushan sword world have the potential to ascend to the spiritual world. You have gained the gratitude of the heavenly way of the Shushan sword world. Become the son of destiny of the Shushan sword world, you will be noticed by Heaven when you arrive in any world.

"This evaluation: sss level.

"Rewards: 457,563 reincarnation points, and the number of reincarnations increased by 15 times."

"You have obtained three world fragments, which are gifts from the Heavenly Dao of Shushan Sword World. 99

"You have acquired a drop of world origin.""

"You have won the title of Demon Buster, Peerless Sword Immortal."

"Because of your outstanding evaluation and the outstanding contribution you made in the Shushan Sword World, your authority in the reincarnation space has also been improved, and your authority has been upgraded to the fourth-order authority.

"It seems that this time the reward is good.

Xia Chuan touched his chin and felt very satisfied. The gain of more than 400,000 reincarnation points was simply earth-shattering. This was a huge gain that other reincarnations could never imagine.

Even if other reincarnations reincarnate thousands of times, they may not be able to obtain so many reincarnation points.

But now, just once, he got so much. If it spreads out, he doesn't know how many reincarnations will be scared to death. This is really incredible.

But this is also a matter of course.

If an ordinary reincarnator entered the Black Mountain Demon Realm, it would be extremely difficult to survive in such a perilous place as the Black Mountain Demon Realm.

Once you want to change the status quo of the Montenegrin demon world, you will immediately encounter the attack of the entire Montenegrin demon league, facing hundreds of millions of demons and hundreds of demons.

·0 for flowers......

Even if the Montenegrin Demon League was really destroyed, the spirit world demons followed, and the number of demons appeared one after another.

This is really hitting the young, the old, the old, and the old. In short, once you dare to make trouble in the Montenegrin Demon Realm, it will be a steady stream of trouble.

If the ordinary cultivator entered the Black Mountain Demon Realm, and he acted as boldly as Xia Chuan, he would have died a long time ago, and he would not be able to change the situation of the entire world.

Only a special existence like Xia Chuan can do such an earth-shattering event.

Not only did it destroy the Black Mountain Demon League, but it also blocked the passage of the demons from the spiritual world. This was an unprecedented change, so it would naturally get the highest evaluation.


For any one person, it is estimated that this can not be achieved.

Basically what Xia Chuan did, it was basically the limit of the mission, and it couldn't be done better.

"Actually obtained three world fragments, it seems that more space spar can be produced."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Originally, the fragments of the world were extremely precious treasures, but now he actually got four of them. If he said it, he would be shocked by how many samsara's jaws would be shattered.

With these four world fragments, I am afraid that more space spar can be bred, and at the same time, it can further expand the independent space that he has.

"The origin of this world is not simple."

Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes. He saw a transparent drop of water floating in the air. According to the introduction of the reincarnation space, it was the essence condensed from the origin of the world, and it was extremely precious.

The supreme treasure that even immortals long for.

Just a drop of the world origin can help one's cultivation to break through quickly, and even improve one's aptitude and understanding. Even a mortal, after obtaining the world origin, will evolve into a peerless genius.

It can be seen that the preciousness of the origin of the world is absolutely priceless.

If it was sold, it would be worth at least millions of reincarnation points.

Of course, no one would be foolish enough to sell this drop of world origin.

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