Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1234 Five Elements Dao Talisman, the terrifying Five Element Dao soldiers of Changchun Sect

"It's no wonder that I was able to successfully advance to the Golden Core Realm. It turned out that it was not my luck, but the light of the Changchun Sect." Daoist Qingfeng suddenly realized, and instantly understood why he was able to step into the Golden Core Realm.

You must know that his aptitude is not very good, it is only the appearance of the middle man of the three spiritual roots.

Don't look at him in seclusion for 100 years, but he is also very bad.

Basically, there are immortal cultivators like him in every era, but very few can successfully be promoted to Jindan, but this time he can successfully be promoted to Jindan.

Before, he thought he was lucky, but now, if it wasn't for Changchun Sect's transformation of the spiritual veins of the entire world, and to improve the spiritual energy concentration of the world in an all-round way, I am afraid that he would not be able to successfully enter the Golden Core Realm.

There is no doubt that it must be the prosperous world of immortal cultivators now. With such an amazing cultivation environment, even immortal cultivators with five elements of spiritual roots can easily step into the foundation-building realm.

"However, this fellow Daoist, I think you are only a mortal, and you don't seem to have spiritual roots. Why do you seem to have mastered the combat power as much as an immortal cultivator?"

Taoist Qingfeng asked curiously.

To be honest, he felt that there was no cultivation base in Li Chenzhou in front of him, but he could sense a faint sense of threat from Li Chenzhou.

Even if he is the real person of Jindan, it seems that he cannot underestimate the other party too much.

"You're right, I don't have spiritual roots in me, so I can't embark on the path of cultivation.

Li Chenzhou nodded: "But I joined the army and obtained the Five Elements Daoist Talisman from Changchun Sect, and integrated the Five Elements Daoist Talisman into my body to become the Taoist soldier of Changchun Sect. So even if I don't have any spiritual roots, I can rely on the Five Elements Daoist Talisman. With the power of the Dao Talisman, my combat power can match that of a cultivator in the late stage of Qi training." 5

"No way, what exactly are these Five Elements Dao Talismans? How can a mortal be able to have a cultivator that rivals the late stage of Qi training?" Daoist Qingfeng simply couldn't believe it.

You must know that ordinary immortal cultivators have spent tens of years, or even hundreds of years, in their arduous cultivation before they have the opportunity to advance to the realm of the late stage of qi training.

But for an ordinary person, who actually merged into a five-element Taoist Talisman, he actually possesses the power to rival the late stage cultivator of Qi training, and few people would believe it.

"This is naturally also the handwriting of the sect master, and it is also the method of Taoism invented by the sect master. 35


Li Chenzhou said proudly: "With the help of the power of the Five Elements Dao Talisman, we Taoist soldiers can easily control the power of the Five Elements and exert the power far beyond the ordinary qi training period of immortal cultivators.

Even due to the continuous flushing of the five elements of spiritual energy in our body, our body is free from diseases and disasters, and at least we can live to a hundred and fifty years.

What is even more powerful is that if we gather together, we can form a five-element battle formation in an instant, and if ten soldiers gather, we can defeat a foundation building.

If a thousand Dao soldiers gather together, they can defeat a golden pill. If ten thousand Dao soldiers gather together, the power they exert is no less than that of an ordinary Nascent Soul.

If we can gather millions of Taoist soldiers, then we can also fight against one of our ancestors. It is with the strength of our Taoist soldiers that immortal cultivators in the world do not dare to be presumptuous and underestimate us mortals.

There was a proud look on his face.

Obviously, it is precisely because they have mastered the power that they will not lose to immortal cultivators, so they are not afraid of immortal cultivators.


Hearing this, Daoist Qingfeng was shocked. He now knows why the Changchun Sect can suppress the world and become the absolute hegemon of the entire world. This must have a great relationship with the Five Elements Daoist Talisman.

Because the number of immortals is limited, but the number of mortals is unlimited.

Before, mortals could not master extraordinary power, no matter how many mortals gathered together, they could not be the opponent of a foundation-building cultivator, and any foundation-building cultivator could slaughter a city of mortals.

If Jin Dan, Yuan Ying cultivator made a move, it would not be necessary to say, it is absolutely invincible.

When mortals face immortal practitioners, they are just ants.

But now, the sect master of the Changchun Sect has invented the Five Elements Dao Talisman to refine ordinary people into Five Elements Dao soldiers, and even ordinary people can exert extraordinary fighting power.

As long as you master the number of millions of soldiers, I am afraid that you can crush a god.

And the number of mortals in this world is estimated to be at least 10 billion, or even more.

If these mortal soldiers take action, they may be able to slaughter the cultivators.

Now Daoist Qingfeng can understand why he feels fear and great danger to Anqing City, probably because of the terrifying Daoist soldiers stationed in this city.

Those monks who have been in seclusion for a long time and do not know the changes in the world, if they want to loot when they see the wealth of Anqing City, I am afraid that they will be killed by the Taoist soldiers in an instant, and they will die without a whole corpse.

"But fellow Daoist Li, from your appearance, you seem to know a lot about other places. Have you been to other places too? Daoist Qingfeng asked curiously.

He felt that Li Chenzhou's knowledge was also very broad, and it seemed to be even broader than his own, an immortal cultivator.

66` of course. "

Li Chenzhou said proudly: "Although we are Dao soldiers in Anqing City, we will have seven days off every month, and we will also go to other cities to play during the vacation.

Now basically every large city will build a teleportation array. As long as we take the teleportation array, we can teleport to all parts of the world. Before, I took the teleportation array to the Endless Sea. It was the first time I saw the ocean. It was extremely beautiful and worthwhile . "'"

He said that due to the vigorous construction of Changchun Zong, every city has now built a teleportation array.

And the teleportation array and the teleportation array are also connected to each other, basically in an instant.

A distance that would have taken years to fly can now be reached in an instant.

It can be said that now the whole world seems to be shrinking, as long as you have money, you can travel around the world.

It is because of this that (Wang Hao) they also have a very clear understanding of the whole world.

"Teleportation Array?!"

Hearing this, Daoist Qingfeng was shocked. He had only heard of the teleportation formation from ancient books. It was said that the teleportation formation had long since been lost in ancient times.

No one knows how to build a teleportation array in this era.

But now, Changchun Sect actually reappeared the teleportation array in this world.

No wonder Changchun Sect was able to rule the whole world.

After all, if there is no help from the teleportation array, the world is too huge, even if it is invincible strength, it is difficult to control every city in the world.

But if they can arrive in an instant, even if the monks of Changchun Sect live in the most remote corners of the world, they can reach any place in the world in an instant.

So if any part of the world tries to rebel, if you want to betray Changchun Sect, you will be completely wiped out at the first time, so that these people have no chance to make trouble.

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