Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1240 Destroy the Gorefiend Army and directly enter the Gorefiend Realm


Without waiting for these blood demons to think of any way, the power of the entire Wanlong Guihai Formation was crushed, which brought together the power of the spiritual veins and the power of luck in the entire world, the power of which can be imagined.

This is equivalent to the power of these Gorefiends in the face of the entire Great Mysterious World, not to mention ordinary Gorefiends, even the Gorefiends in the God Transformation Realm are useless.

dong dong dong!!!

One after another terrifying golden thunders fell from the sky, and they instantly covered the entire Northern Territory, seemingly turning the land into a boundless sea of ​​thunder.

You must know that these gorefiends are dark creatures. Usually, they are most afraid of the most masculine power. Thunder is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying masculine forces in the universe, which is equivalent to the nemesis of demons.

Countless golden thunders fell, like tracking missiles, aiming at every monster on the ground, erupting terrifying destructive power.


In just one breath, these Gorefiend Legions let out a shrill scream involuntarily. Facing this terrifying Thunder Sea attack, they simply had no power to fight back.

This is like a group of unarmed people, facing the bombing of missiles, no matter how clever they are, they can't actually play any role.


Under the witness of many cultivators, millions, even tens of millions of blood demon warriors were all killed by the golden thunder, and their entire bodies were wiped out, the kind of ashes.

In just three minutes, these tens of millions of blood demon warriors sent from the blood demon world were all wiped out by the terrifying sea of ​​thunder, and not even a single demon could survive.

"My God, tens of millions of Gorefiends died like this? In a flash?"

A god-turning cultivator couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, his eyes showed a shocked look, as if he couldn't believe that such a large number of blood demons were eliminated like this.

Originally, he thought that the killing of so many demons would definitely cause the Great Mysterious World to suffer unprecedented heavy losses, and it might even cause countless casualties to the cultivators.

But now, just by starting the formation, countless demons have been wiped out, and they are just watching the show, and they don't need to do anything at all.

"Just kidding, the sect master has no last resort, there is no absolute certainty, how can you dare to attract these blood demons? There is no doubt that this is the power of the Wanlong Guihai Formation, and this is the power of the formation.

The other cultivator was very excited. He was a master of formations and had a deep research on formations, but the research on formations in this world was too superficial.

Even the Great Xuan Dynasty in ancient times was like this.

But now, he clearly saw the power of the formation displayed by the sect master.

If a formation master arranges the formation, then it is invincible and invincible, and no immortal cultivator is the opponent of the formation master.

"It's terrifying, this is the real power of our human immortal cultivators, fighting against the enemy single-handedly, isn't this the strength of self-denial and the weakness of the enemy? Only with the help of the power of heaven and earth is the real strength of our human immortal cultivators. way out."

"That's right, fighting with real swords and spears against the enemy is really too stupid. A true immortal cultivator should take the head of the enemy thousands of miles away, sit thousands of miles away, and destroy a world.

"Lord Sect Master is right, knowledge is the most important thing for us immortal cultivators. With enough knowledge, we can be invincible and invincible. The mere blood demons are just reckless men, not worth mentioning. 99

Many god-turning cultivators were very excited, they were deeply touched, they felt that they had all lived in vain before, and they had no idea what a real immortal cultivator looked like.

A true immortal cultivator should use the power of heaven and earth for his own use. The individual is small, and it is not comparable to the vast world, even if it is a powerful monster.

Life is incomparable to heaven and earth.

Only by mastering the power of heaven and earth, this is an extraordinary immortal.

"(babg) Sure enough, the source power and luck of this world are on the rise.

At this moment, Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

He sensed that after he had destroyed thousands of demons, the corpses of these demons merged into the earth, thus enhancing the source power of the Great Mysterious World.

For the Great Mysterious World, no matter how many living beings in this world die or give birth, they will not actually increase their origin. After all, they are all born from it.

But if outsiders die in this world, it is equivalent to plundering the source power of other worlds, and at the same time plundering the power of luck in other worlds.

The competition between the world and the world, in essence, is the competition between the living beings and the living beings.

Vaguely, he felt that he was the protagonist of the world's luck, and it seemed that due to the rise of the world's luck, the luck of his body was also rising.

Even the speed of his practice is constantly accelerating, making rapid progress.

"As long as all the demons in the Gorefiend Realm are wiped out, and the source of the entire Gorefiend Realm is devoured by the way, then the Great Mysterious World will definitely be able to ascend to the Spirit Realm. 35

"It seems that the next step is to kill the Gorefiend Realm and kill the demons inside.

"It's not too late, if it's discovered by those monsters, it's probably too late."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.


Thinking of this, he immediately issued an order to let the Dao soldiers from all over the country come over in the teleportation array and enter the Gorefiend Realm.

"What? The Sect Master ordered us to counterattack the Gorefiend Realm?"

"Haha, do you want to counterattack the Gorefiend Realm? I didn't expect that one day we would be able to enter another world."

"Isn't this a good thing? Is it only possible to allow monsters to invade our world, and not allow us to invade the world of monsters? I think this is really great.

"But this is the Gorefiend Realm after all. We are not familiar with the place of life, and it is easy to capsize the ship. If we are ambushed by the demons of the Gorefiend Realm, we are afraid that we will suffer heavy losses. 35

"Yes, in the Gorefiend Realm, we don't have any formation to support us. If we face the siege of countless demon beasts, I'm afraid it won't take long for us to be wiped out."

"It is because of this that we need to enter the Gorefiend Realm as soon as possible. In this way, we can arrange the formation in advance, occupy a stable base, and then slowly plan it."

"That's right, the Sect Master wants to annex the entire Gorefiend Realm, and now it's just the beginning.

"Once we succeed, our entire Great Mysterious World will be able to directly ascend to the spiritual world, and then we will be able to advance to a higher realm. 35

Numerous cultivators were talking about it and were ecstatic. Once the Gorefiend was successfully captured, the human cultivators in the entire world would benefit greatly.

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