Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1246 Nine-fold world-destroying robbery thunder, the unique law of heavenly punishment in th

At this moment, the Great Mysterious World, the headquarters of the Changchun Sect.

"It's almost time. Years

Xia Chuan sat cross-legged on the ground, his primordial spirit covered the entire Daxuan world, and now the aura on his body was completely integrated with the Daxuan world.

As long as his thoughts move, his Primordial Spirit power can gain insight into every corner of the profound world.

Ordinary cultivators cannot do this.

But now he is the sect master of the Changchun Sect, the unique overlord in this world. He has gathered the infinite power of qi and spiritual veins in the Great Mysterious World, and can be called the Son of Heaven in the Great Mysterious World.

Basically, he is the spokesperson of the Great Mysterious World, the Son of Heaven in this world.

Therefore, his every move, every word and deed, affects the veins and luck of the whole world.

With the help of the power of luck shrouded in his body, the power of his primordial spirit can expand infinitely, covering the entire world of the profound profound world, which also greatly improves his strength.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the laws of the human world, I'm afraid he would have been promoted to the Void Refinement Realm, or even a higher realm.

At this time, he felt that after ten years of time in the Great Mysterious World, he finally completely digested the source energy that devoured the Gorefiend, which also brought the changes in the Great Mysterious World to an end.

Unless he devours some more worlds in the future, if the Great Mysterious World wants to change, it will be calculated in billions of years.

After all, it is common sense for a world to remain unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. As it is now, in just ten years, the world map has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is too rare and can be called unprecedented.

"Since the fusion is almost over, let's start to ascend to the spiritual world."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

In the past ten years, it is not that he has not done anything. After all, even if the origin of the profound world is raised to the level enough to ascend to the spiritual world, he still needs to go through a catastrophe.

Therefore, the preparation time for these ten years is basically preparing for how to fight against the catastrophe of the world's ascension to the spiritual world.

After preparing for such a long time, he also felt that he was finally ready. In this case, he naturally did not intend to waste time and directly let the world start to advance.


In an instant, under the control of Xia Chuan's mind, the entire Great Mysterious World began to vibrate, and the energy of the world's origin was increased by a geometric progression.

At this moment, the Great Mysterious World seemed to resonate with the laws of the spiritual world, as if drawn by the laws of the spiritual world, and began to soar into the spiritual world.

At this moment, the entire human world began to vibrate, buzzing, and endless clouds of robbery began to gather around the Great Profound World, instantly wrapping the Great Profound World.

At this moment, the entire Great Profound World was enveloped by the boundless black robbery cloud, causing the world to fall into boundless darkness, with no sunlight at all.

"What's the matter? Why did the sky suddenly darken, and what happened?"

Immediately, countless human beings were stunned in an instant. They had no idea what was going on right now, and even the night had not fallen into such a dark situation.

"Don't worry, now our world is facing the catastrophe of ascending to the spiritual world. After the catastrophe has passed, the catastrophe clouds covering the entire world will dissipate immediately, and you can wait in peace.

A god-turning cultivator said that he had received a notification from Xia Chuan, and he had long known that today was the day when the Great Mysterious World would rise through calamity, so he had already made preparations in advance.

This news, like a hurricane, quickly spread to all parts of the world and was known by countless cultivators.

"It's starting, our world is finally going to begin to rise through calamity.

"My God, are you finally going to start the calamity? I can feel that there are countless tribulation thunders in the sky, and it seems to be filled with a terrifying aura of calamity. Can our world really survive the calamity?

"Don't worry, Lord Sect Master has long been preparing for this moment, and I believe that our Changchun Sect has already made complete preparations.

"That's right, the mere calamity is nothing, it's impossible to stop our Changchun Sect.

"Once the calamity is over, we will be able to directly ascend to the spiritual world. At that time, all of us will be souls in the spiritual world."

"When the sky falls, the tall one should bear it first, or leave this matter to the Sect Master and the others. Now we can't do anything, we can only wait with peace of mind."

Many monks were talking about it.

Naturally, they are also very worried about this catastrophe. If the calamity fails, the whole world will be severely damaged.

But they are only ordinary monks, unable to make any response to the overall situation, they can only wait and pray now, hoping that they will not fail.

·0 for flowers·

"It turns out that this is the nine-layer world-destroying robbery thunder!""

In an instant, Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he sensed the message of the tribulation thunder instilled by the will of the world.

The first stage of tribulation thunder will erupt with thousands of tribulation thunders, and ordinary spiritual cultivators will be instantly smashed to death and wiped out.

The power and quantity of the following tribulation thunders will be doubled compared to the previous tribulation thunders.

If it reaches the ninth level of tribulation thunder, even the power and quantity will be ten times higher than that of the eighth level of thunder tribulation, and even the monks who have crossed the tribulation realm will be slashed to death in the face of this world-destroying tribulation thunder.


It can be said that this is enough to kill ordinary immortal tribulation thunder, and its power is terrifying.

Back then, the Blood Demon Realm had clearly raised its origins to a level sufficient to ascend to the Spirit Realm, but it never dared to hold the Ascension Ceremony because it was afraid of the terrifying thunder calamity in the human realm.

In the face of this ninth-level world-destroying robbery, even if the spirit world demons come out from their nests, they may not be able to resist.

It can be said that countless creatures have an instinctive sense of fear for the catastrophe, just like their own nemesis.

"As expected of a world-annihilating tribulation thunder.""

Xia Chuan squeezed his fist and was amazed. He felt that there were terrifying cracks in the depths of the void, and from the depths of the space-time gap, the power of divine punishment seemed to flow.

The power of each thunder of divine punishment contains a destructive aura.

If an ordinary cultivator takes a hit, he will surely die, and the ordinary magic weapon will be destroyed in an instant.

This is the unique law of divine punishment in this universe.

Only after overcoming the punishment of heaven and overcoming the tribulation of thunder, can there be a further possibility, otherwise, the dust will return to the dust, the earth will return to the earth, and it will completely disappear in this world.

Because the immortal cultivator himself is walking against the sky, only by experiencing the punishment of the sky can he be recognized by the heaven and the earth, and can continue to exist in this world.

"But fortunately, I have made a lot of preparations in advance."

Xia Chuan stared at the thick tribulation clouds above the sky, densely packed, like a dark night of thousands of meters, as if the tribulation thunders of the human world were pulled over.

The entire Great Mysterious World is facing extinction.

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