Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1253 The malice of the spiritual world powers, the crisis faced by the mysterious world

While Xia Chuan was cultivating with peace of mind, the news of the Great Mysterious World's ascension to the spiritual world was like a hurricane, spreading all over the top worlds of the spiritual world.

After all, the movement caused by the Ascension of the Great Mysterious World to the Spiritual World is really too great, it is simply hype, the laws resonate, and any immortal cultivator with a little cultivation can perceive such movement.

Even if you want to hide it, it is impossible.

Of course, Xia Chuan didn't plan to hide anything either.

At this moment, in the spiritual world, many monks from the Mahayana realm, and even the tribulation realm, gathered together to discuss the matter of the ascension of the profound world this time.

"I believe that you have also heard about this. There is a world in the human world called the Great Mysterious World. It has recently passed through the catastrophe and was able to ascend to the spiritual world."

A tribulation cultivator said.

"Interesting, how did this profound world do it? This is a grand event that the spiritual world has not seen in hundreds of millions of years, and it is truly incredible that the mortal world actually ascends to the spiritual world. 35

Some monks were shocked.

To be honest, it is not uncommon for ordinary cultivators to ascend to the spiritual world, but it is extremely rare for all beings in the whole world to ascend to the spiritual world together.

They have only seen similar things in the classics.

"Yes, I originally thought it was the blood demon world ascending to the spiritual world. After all, the Gorefiend family has planned for hundreds of millions of years for this matter. It can be said that it is inevitable. .

"Haha, this thing is interesting. In fact, the reason why this profound world can ascend to the spiritual world is that it devoured the resources of the entire blood demon world, so that it can ascend to the spiritual world and accumulate enough resources.

"Is there still such a thing? Isn't it that the plans of the Gorefiend clan for hundreds of millions of years are all in vain, and all of them have made wedding dresses for other people? It is really interesting."

"That's right, the Gorefiends are in a rage right now, they have vowed to find the Great Mysterious World, and they will completely destroy the Great Mysterious World and wash away the shame of the Gorefiends. 39

"Okay, it's really well done. The Gorefiends have been very arrogant and domineering recently. They thought they had the support of immortals in the immortal world, and thought they would be able to run wild in the spiritual world.

"After this battle, the Gorefiends have suffered heavy losses. It has been accumulated over many years and destroyed in one fell swoop. It is said that the Gorefiends responsible for this incident have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years. 35

Many Tribulation Transcendence Realm cultivators talked a lot and became curious.

They didn't think that the reason why the Great Mysterious World could ascend to the spiritual world was actually annexing the Gorefiend Realm, swallowing up the billions of years of accumulation of the Gorefiend family.

It is conceivable that the Gorefiends are so angry right now, they just want to rip apart the Great Mysterious World.

"However, the blood demon clan is so terrifying, possessing unimaginable resources and background, normally speaking, the mere mortal world is impossible to resist, how does this profound world achieve this? Devouring the Blood Demon Realm?" Some tribulation monks were very curious about this.

"Well, the detailed information on the Gorefiends has not been leaked, but some key information cannot be concealed. According to the descriptions of the elders of the Gorefiends, the reason why the Great Mysterious World can defeat the Gorefiends with the support of the Spirit World, It is Xia Chuan, the sovereign of the Changchun Sect, the ruler of the Great Mysterious World, who has obtained a powerful immortal weapon."5

A Tribulation Transcendence cultivator explained: "It is precisely because of this powerful immortal weapon that the Gorefiend clan fell short, no matter how many cultivators descended to the mortal world, they were all beheaded by cultivators in the profound world.

That is, because the loss of the Gorefiend family was too great, they were simply reluctant to send the God-Transforming Gorefiend down to earth again, and in the end they could only watch the Great Mysterious World annex the Gorefiend World. 35

He said what he knew.

"No way, if it's true or false, there are also immortal artifacts in the human world. How did the sect master of the Changchun Sect get it?" Some people were very curious.

"This is not very clear. After all, everyone has their own opportunities. Maybe this fairy artifact was passed down from the fairy world to the human world."

"Even if there is a fairy weapon in hand, it is not so simple to defeat the Gorefiends. No matter how powerful the fairy weapon is, it is only a tool. The key is the person who uses it."

"That's right, I can only say that this Changchun Sect Sect Master Xia Chuan is indeed incredible. He is absolutely amazing and talented. Even if he ascends to our spiritual world, he must be an existence that will stir up the situation in the spiritual world. 35

Many Tribulation Realm cultivators were talking about it.

There is no doubt that Xia Chuan's reputation, the lord of the Changchun Sect, began to spread to the ears of many bigwigs in the spiritual world, and the name of the Changchun Sect began to resound throughout the spiritual world.

After all, this is the first world in hundreds of millions of years that has risen from the human world to the spiritual world. It is a unique existence, and it is impossible not to attract attention.

"To be honest, I don't care about these things at all. Right now, I only care about the Great Mysterious World. According to historical records, any world that ascends to the spiritual world will be rewarded by the origin laws of the spiritual world, making this world the darling of heaven. , so that the world has nurtured countless treasures of heaven and earth."9

There was a greedy gleam in the eyes of the cultivator of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and he coveted the treasures of heaven and earth in the profound world.

"Yes, every ascended world must be a holy place for cultivation. If such a good world is occupied by our sect, I am afraid it will greatly enhance the potential of our sect. To be occupied by a mere human sect is really a waste. 99

Another monk couldn't help but agree with this 080 point.

He wants to find the Great Mysterious World and occupy this Ascension World.

In fact, this is not just his idea, almost every tribulation cultivator will have a similar idea.

"And I am also very interested in the immortal weapon in the hands of the Changchun sect master, and I don't know how powerful it is. If I can get it, I am afraid it can protect my sect's luck for millions of years. 99

"Jie Jie, poor Changchun Sect, maybe they thought they could sit back and relax when they ascended to the spiritual world, but in fact this is just the beginning."

"Let this Changchun Sect see the horror of the monks in the spiritual world. Even if they really ascend to the spiritual world, the so-called Changchun Sect is only a mortal sect. .

"It's innocent and guilty. The mortal sect wants to occupy a holy place for cultivation. It's just an idiot talking in a dream."

"However, the spiritual world is endless, and it is not that simple to be attacked by the Great Mysterious World."

"This problem is not very big. The movement caused by the ascension of the profound world is really too big. I have already locked one of the areas, and it will not be long before I can find them. 35

Many cultivators were discussing, and their eyes showed a hint of coldness and killing intent.

It can be said that the spiritual world is a more cruel jungle society than the human world, and weakness is the original sin.

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