Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1256 On the side of Qing Jun, I help Prince Su to rebel

Ching-kun's side?!

As soon as these words came out, including Meng Tian and other generals, they did not expect that Ying Fusu would dare to say such a thing.

On the surface, it is the Qingjun side, but in fact it is a rebellion.

It can be said that there is no turning back when the bow is opened. Once the Qingjun side starts, if the emperor is not pulled off the horse, it will not end, and the two sides are simply endless.

They did not expect that Ying Fusu, who was originally generous and righteous, would dare to make such a decision. Could it be that they were thoroughly stimulated by Emperor Qin's will? Have they finally made up their mind?!

"General Meng Tian, ​​what do you think? Would you like to help me?"

Xia Chuan said.

He was proficient in the Book of Hope, and in an instant he saw that the luck of these people was connected to himself. It could be said that these people were all loyal generals.

Even if they tell their plans, these people will not tell them, and they will even obey his orders.

It is a pity that the predecessor Ying Fusu did not know that there were such a group of loyal generals around him, willing to go through fire and water for himself, but he committed suicide-death, which is a pity.

"Excellent. 35

Before Meng Tian could say anything, a general next to him was extremely excited: "His Royal Highness, we have been waiting for His Highness to say these words for too long, His Majesty is now incompetent, deceived by villains, and bewitched by demon concubine, Caused the court to go up and down the dog and dog restless, I waited to see it in my eyes, pain in my heart.

Before, His Majesty actually cut the cost of our frontier army directly in order to build a palace for that demon concubine. As a result, our frontier army had no food for half a year, and the brothers were almost starved to become thieves and robbed their homes everywhere.

Doesn't Your Majesty know that the safety of the frontier is finally everything? If something goes wrong with us, the demon clan outside the Great Wall will drive straight in and slaughter the land of our human race. "

He was simply furious, and he hated Qin Huang's incompetent behavior.

However, since he was only a general, he had no choice but to bury his anger at this kind of behavior in his heart, and he did not dare to show it, otherwise, it would be a big crime to destroy the nine clans.

But now it's different. The one who wants Qing Jun's side is Ying Fusu, the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty.

In the eyes of these generals, he was actually the next emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

If Qing Jun succeeded, Ying Fu Su would definitely be able to ascend to the throne, then these generals would immediately obtain the merits of Conglong, which can be said to be a step to the sky and a step to the sky.

Even with the righteousness of Ying Fusu, the generals in various places will not resist, and may even help.

"That's right, His Royal Highness, His Majesty's actions over the years are simply burying the years of hard work of our soldiers.

"Pampering the demon concubine, Ren Xiaoren is simply an omen of the country's subjugation, and His Majesty cannot continue to do whatever he wants.

"We are all His Highness's sword. If His Highness's blade points where, then we will go."

Many generals have shown their loyalty one after another. It can be said that the world has suffered for the Qin Emperor for a long time.

Obviously, these frontier warriors are also very angry about what the current Qin emperor has done, especially the suspension of their food and wages for half a year.

After all, even if they were Predator, if they had no food, they would starve to death.

Qin Huang is literally killing them, and they can't blame them for wanting to rebel.

"I am willing to rub the ground for His Highness's liver and brain, and then die."

General Meng Tian also knelt down on the ground and pledged allegiance to Xia Chuan. No doubt, he had long known about his subordinates' thoughts, and even thought the opposite.

Before, he had hinted that Ying Fusu wanted to rebel, but unfortunately, Ying Fusu was too timid and loyal before, and he had no such idea at all, so he had nothing to do.

After all, even if he was General Meng Tian, ​​one of the top generals of the Qin Dynasty, if there was no righteousness in him, he would not have succeeded in the rebellion.

Fortunately, this time the emperor ordered to kill Ying Fusu. This incident completely changed Ying Fusu, aroused Ying Fusu's killing intent, and wanted to start a rebellion against the Qing Jun.

It can be said that this is simply the right time and place.


Xia Chuan blinked his eyes, this is when the arrogance of tyrannical tyrants is on, all the wise officials and generals will bow their heads and bow down?! It's too useless to win and help Su, obviously he has such an appeal, but he doesn't know how to use it properly. , It is a waste of time.

No, no, it's not just that, maybe it has a lot to do with the title Son of Destiny he won.

After having this title, no matter which world he goes to, he will be like a duck in water, get the favor of heaven and earth, and everything he does will turn bad luck into good luck, smooth wind and water, and be happy.

·0 for flowers·

You must know that if it is another reincarnation person, if you want to be reincarnated in the identity of Ying Fusu, you don't know how many reincarnation points it will take to do it.

But he didn't need to use any reincarnation point, and directly reincarnated into this Ying Fusu, who had an amazing and prominent identity, this was the treatment of the title of Son of Destiny.

It is simply not comparable to other reincarnations.

Vaguely, he sensed that the fate of the entire Shang County human race was converging on him, which was already the huge fate of one of the princes, and it seemed that a black dragon appeared above the sky.

If he can completely unify the entire Qin Dynasty, he will definitely be able to condense into a golden dragon of luck, become the son of destiny in this world, and rule the entire world.


At this moment, many monks in Shangjun suddenly noticed something and couldn't help but look at the sky.

"what happened?"

A beggar lying on the side of the street was originally very leisurely, watching the pedestrians on the street with cold eyes, suddenly his eyes widened: "Isn't Ying Fusu about to fall? Said that Ying Fusu did not commit suicide, but made up his mind to rebel? 35

He was surprised.

Originally, according to his previous calculations, Ying Fusu must have been hanged to death, the entire Qin Dynasty was exhausted, and then the cycle of the next dynasty would begin.

But now, due to Ying Fusu's transformation, the qi of the whole world has become extremely chaotic, the secrets of heaven are chaotic, and it is impossible to see the future at all.

But he quickly calmed down.

"Sure enough, I'm still not good at learning, and the secrets are unpredictable. I didn't expect such a change to happen. It seems that the Daqin Dynasty will soon usher in a drastic change, and Yingfusu is not dead. I am afraid that other sects have calculations It's not that simple."

The old beggar smiled slightly.

He seemed to have thought of something, but instead felt that such a change was a good thing, and would completely disrupt the calculations of other sects.

And at this time, the whole world and the monks from all over the world were shocked because of this change.

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