Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1275 The rise of the dynasty

At this moment, the remaining elders of the five sects, including the Puppet Sect, the Yin Yang Sect, the Demon Sect, the Five Poison Sect, and the Shennong Sect, gathered together, their faces extremely solemn.

"I really didn't expect that our five major sects joined forces, and the major sect masters and elders were all dispatched, but they could not solve the Fusu, but instead led to the annihilation of the elites of our five major sects, and the losses were heavy."

A Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect sighed with emotion.

Originally, they did not take the so-called Great Qin Dynasty in their eyes at all, it was just a secular dynasty, how could they possibly shake the domination of the five major sects?

Who would know that Fusu was born, and with the power of one person, all the fighting power of the five major sects was solved. This power is really terrifying.

"It's useless to say so much now, failure is failure, and regret is useless. Now our five sects should think about what to do next. I believe you all know that according to the idea of ​​Emperor Fusu, we will definitely be sent to you. The five major sects rushed to kill them. 99

The Supreme Elder of Yin Yangmen stared at everyone: "It can be said that now is the moment of life and death for our five major sects, if we are not careful, we will disappear into the long river of history.


Hearing this, many cultivators couldn't help clenching their fists. They were very unwilling and simply gnashed their teeth.

Once upon a time, their five major sects ruled the world, and if they wanted to change the dynasty, they would change the dynasty.

But now, this mortal dynasty has suddenly risen, and instead, it has killed the five major sects, forced the five major sects, and made them feel like they are about to be exterminated.

Such suffocation is simply unprecedented for them.

"Could it be that this Fusu is really that powerful? Our five major sects rely on geographical advantages, can't they all compete with each other?" The puppet sect elder was very unwilling.

After all, if it is possible, who wants to give up the foundation that has accumulated for countless years, who wants to give up their original sect, this is an unimaginable loss.

It is really too difficult to make such a decision to abandon the ancestral foundation. It can be said that no one can make such a decision at the first time.

"Hehe, do you still have luck?"

Hearing this, the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect sneered: "Think about it carefully, how many sects of fusion powers, how many illusory elders, and how many cultivators have been dispatched this time when the five major sects joined forces, but the result was that ( babg) that Fusu was killed with one punch, as simple as crushing an ant.

You don't really think that with the formation of the sect, you can really resist the power of Fusu, don't be too self-aware, if you can do it, Fusu will have been killed by our five sects long ago. , where still need to wait until now.

There are many rumors outside, saying that Fusu has obtained the inheritance of the immortals, so there will be such an earth-shattering cultivation level. If we dare to resist, it will definitely be a dead end.

Of course, how you decide is up to you. Our Demon Sect is different and will not die with your four major sects. This is not the style of our Demon Sect. The so-called stay in the green hills will not worry about no firewood, if it dies, it will be a hundred, and even the inheritance of our five sects will disappear in this world. "

He looked at the elders of the other four major sects with disdain, and felt that these people have not been able to distinguish the situation until now, and they simply do not know whether to live or die.

Now the times have changed, and it is not the era when the five major sects dominate the world.

"You are right."

The Supreme Elder of the Five Poison Sect couldn't help nodding his head: "As long as the people are still there and the inheritance is still there, then our mountain gate will come back sooner or later. The so-called "preserving people and losing ground" means that all people and places will be preserved; Lost, this reason should be understood by all of you.

It's like those sectarians, they were also big sects in the ancient times, standing in this world, but unfortunately they couldn't compete with our five major sects, and they were all destroyed.

But even so, those sects still exist in this world, even if the population withered, but the inheritance has never been extinct, as long as they are given a chance, they can also rise again, and the same is true of our five sects. ""

He was persuaded by the Demon Sect and felt that he should not fight head-to-head with the flourishing Qin Dynasty.

"That's right."

Shennongmen Taishang Elder also agreed: "This Fusu is really powerful, it can't hold our five sects up, we old antiques are not opponents at all, we can only avoid their edge.

The problem is that no matter how powerful Fusu is, there will be a day when his lifespan will be exhausted, and even if the other party becomes an immortal, he will soon disappear from this world and ascend to the immortal world.

When our five sects make a comeback, then the world is still under the control of our five sects, and sooner or later, the previous order will be restored. ""

He also made a decision not to confront the Qin Dynasty head-on and avoid its edge.

As long as that Fusu dies, or ascends to the Immortal Realm, they will come out to make trouble again.

Anyway, as long as Fusu is still in this world, they can't be born.

"However, it is not so easy for Fusu to win the world. After losing our five sects, he will soon encounter the pressure from the demon clan outside the Great Wall. Without the obstruction of our five sects, I would like to see How the hell is Fusu blocking it?" The Supreme Elder of Yin Yang Gate gritted his teeth, very unwilling.

"That's right, this Fusu treats us as the worms of the human race and will kill us all, but without the desperate fights of our five sects, human beings have long become the food of the demon race, how can they be safe and sound today, these mortals are really I don't know how to be grateful." The Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect also agreed.

Although they murdered a lot of lives, they also saved more lives indirectly, and they felt that they actually had a role to play in the world.

It's just that mortals are ignorant and can't see this clearly.

"Hehe, our five sects are hidden, and we can just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If Fusu is killed by the demon clan, then it happens that our five sects will come out again, regroup and dominate the world."

"The best thing is to lose both, then our five major sects can benefit.

"But what if Fusu wins?"

"It's even better to win, to solve the big problem of the demon clan's confidant. When Fusu has risen to the top, we will divide this piece of fat again."

"The mountain gates of our five major sects will be given to Fusu for the time being, and we will first let the Qin Dynasty take care of them. Sooner or later, we will all come back, and then we will give priority to the glory of the five major sects.

"That's right, the inheritance is immortal, the sect is immortal, and the mere dynasties in the world want to exterminate us, it's just a joke.

The elders of the five major sects were talking a lot.

They have already made a decision to immediately withdraw from the mountain gate, hide in the deep mountains and forests, and not confront the Daqin Dynasty head-on.

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