Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1281 The world shakes, the despair of the five sects, this is the immortal in the world

At this moment, the cultivators of the five major sects naturally also learned the news of the victory of the Daqin Dynasty. They were also shocked, and they did not expect such a thing to happen.

"How is that possible? Are those demon kings trash? They were slapped to death by Fusu's palm like this, and they didn't even struggle. When did the demon clan become so useless."

A yin and yang sect supreme elder was shocked and angry, and was simply angry.

He originally pinned his hopes on the demon clan, and felt that even if the demon clan could not destroy the Daqin Dynasty, they would at least hit the Daqin Dynasty heavily, or at least lose both sides.

But now, not to mention the heavy damage to the Daqin Dynasty, that is, the Daqin Dynasty can't even be hurt by a hair, but the main force of the demon clan was destroyed by the Daqin King-chao.

There is no doubt that the monsters are completely finished, even if they escape the danger of extinction, they will not be able to recover for at least thousands of years, and they will not be able to pose too much threat to the human race.

It can be said that the demon clan is completely abolished.

How could he not be angry because of this, he really hated that iron could not become steel.

"I can't blame those demon kings. Even our five major sects joined forces and were completely wiped out by the Fuso. What's the point of the mere demon clan alliance? It's not unimaginable to have such a result."

The Demon Sect Taishang Elder said helplessly.

Naturally, he also wanted to see the Daqin Dynasty and the Yaozu lose both, but unfortunately it backfired. Even if they were not reconciled, they could only accept such a result.

"To be honest, the reason for such a result probably has a lot to do with us. It is said that after Fusu obtained the secrets of our five major sects, he immediately created the five immortal arts, and his strength increased to a higher level. Perhaps the strength can be compared to the cultivator of the Tribulation Realm." 5

Shennongmen Grand Elder said quietly.

"Five Immortal Techniques? It is said that one of the Immortal Techniques that shined this time is the Great Puppet Technique from the Puppet Gate. Once this technique is used, it can refine all things in the world and refine the corpses into immortality. The puppet that was destroyed, and it has the strength of the previous life. To be honest, when did your puppet door hide such an immortal art."

A monk asked curiously.

"Hehe, if there is such an immortal technique in our puppet door, do you think it is still the five major sects? My puppet door family has long been the dominant one."

Puppet Sect Taishang Elder said angrily: "It can only be said that Fusu is a genius, obviously we have already taken away the core secrets of Puppet Sect, but I didn't expect that he still used the many materials left by Puppet Sect to create a A supreme immortal art, this talent is really incomparably terrifying.""

He was shocked.

If he had known that this Prince Fusu had such a terrifying talent, he would have recruited Prince Fusu long ago and became a disciple of the puppet sect, but unfortunately no one noticed this puppet prince.

After now, this Fusu has become a climate, and must be the number one person in the world.

"It's not just your puppet door. It is said that Fusu also obtained a lot of information from my yin and yang door. As a result, he created the supreme immortal art, the great yin and yang art. It is said that it was this immortal art that killed him with one palm. Jiuyou Baihu and other demon kings, this immortal art contains the power of the yin and the sun, and whether it is formidable or intentional, it far surpasses my ancestors of the Yin-Yang Sect in all dynasties.

The Supreme Elder of Yin Yang Gate sighed with emotion.

To be honest, he never thought that the Yin-Yang Sect's technique was so terrifying. Although this great Yin-Yang Sect came from the Yin-Yang Sect, it was above all the Yin-Yang Sect's techniques.

It can be said that in comparison, the techniques of Yin-Yang Gate are only a small path, and only the Great Yin-Yang Technique is the real Dao, which directly points to the supreme immortal realm.

"It is said that there are still three immortal arts that have not yet been displayed. Those three immortal arts are the Great Poison Technique, the Great Harvest Technique, and the Great Heart Magic. The power of these three techniques is no less than the previous two.

A monk said mysteriously, directly telling the information he knew.

"I have also heard about this. This great poison technique seems to contain infinite toxins in the world, which makes the poisonous mist give birth to spirituality and can continue to evolve. Once it is used, it can poison hundreds of millions of living beings, and even Even if an immortal is caught in this technique, he may be poisoned to death.

Even this great poison technique can be reversed, fighting poison with poison and using poison to save all things. It can be said that this has already reached the realm of poison, and the use of poison has been superb.

"This great harvesting technique is not simple. It was born out of the secret cultivation technique of Shennongmen. As soon as this technique is used, it can harvest the energy of all things, smash it out, harvest the energy of soul and body, harm others and benefit oneself, and strengthen one's own body. It is said to be the first killing technique in the world, and it does not have huge side effects like Shennongmen.95

·0 for flowers ·.....

"If you want me to say that the most bizarre of the five immortal arts is the big heart magic, this is from the various secret books of the magic door. It is said that once this magic method is used, it can control the inner demons in people's hearts and control the enemy silently. At the same time, it is silent, invisible and invisible, and it is difficult to detect at all. When it is detected, it will be too late.

"Damn, our five major sects have also obtained the most core secrets, why can't we create the five major immortal arts, why is there such a big gap between people and people."

"No way, this is a peerless evildoer who can become an immortal, and we can't compare with it."


"That is to say, our five major sects have actually become the food for the Emperor Fusu, and after eating the materials of our five major sects, his cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the point of shocking the past?!

"If that's the case, can we get revenge?"

"It is estimated that this life is impossible."

The elders of the five major sects were silent, and they also knew that in the face of such a world-class figure as Fusu, they were already immortals in the world to a certain extent, and they would have no way to take revenge no matter what.

On the contrary, they still need to be careful, if they are discovered by the other party, they will be a dead end.

"To be honest, there is no way to get revenge, but this is also a good thing. After all, Fusu is such an evildoer, he will definitely not be able to stay in this world for long, and sooner or later he will ascend to the Immortal Realm."

"That's right, once we ascend to the Immortal Realm, our five major sects will make a comeback sooner or later. 35

"And these five immortal arts will fall into our hands sooner or later. If we can also get the five great immortal arts, I am afraid that we are also qualified to fly to the immortal world and be promoted to a higher realm.

"Wait, as long as Fusu is still in this world, we can't take the lead, we can't take the lead even in death.

"Whoever survives longer is the winner."

Numerous cultivators were talking about it, and they had already made a decision. If they were beaten to death, they would be turned into tortoises, and sooner or later they would have to survive.

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