Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1286 The Dark Demon Cauldron from the Immortal Realm, the Conspiracy of the Immortals from t

At this moment, the Xianyang City Palace, this is the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.

"Interesting, is this the Jiuding that covers this world? It really is a fairy.""

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

After a hundred years of practice, and taking a drop of the energy of the origin of the world, his cultivation has been promoted from the initial stage of the integration state to the perfect state of the integration stage.

Just one step away, he will be able to break through to the Mahayana realm.

The reason why the cultivation speed is so fast is that in addition to the assistance of the source of heaven and earth, the most important thing is the blessing of the luck of the entire Qin Dynasty.

This is equivalent to opening a plug-in practice, which makes him progress rapidly.

Therefore, within a mere hundred years, he has raised his cultivation base to the realm of perfect integration. If it is an ordinary cultivator of integration, I am afraid that even after cultivating for ten thousand years, he may not be able to reach the realm of perfect integration.

Of course, during the past hundred years, he was naturally not just addicted to cultivation, the most important thing was that he used the power of the Qin Dynasty to find the nine immortal cauldrons that were suppressed everywhere in the world~.

Each immortal cauldron is buried in the source of the spiritual veins of this world, and absorbs the power of the main spiritual veins in this world-.

The nine immortal cauldrons add up to form a nine cauldron array, suppressing the world, and at the same time connecting with the luck of human beings.

It is because of this that, after hundreds of millions of years, this Jiuding Great Array still shelters the entire human race.

Even the monks of the five major sects and the big demons of the demon clan knew about the existence of the Jiuding, but they were helpless to the Jiuding, let alone destroying the Jiuding, even if they were close to them, it was impossible.

Once approached, it will be destroyed by the immortal aura that spreads out of the nine cauldrons, and it will vanish into ashes.

"But this is not as simple as a fairy weapon. To a certain extent, it is a magic weapon."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light. After a period of exploration, he already knew what the names of these nine immortal cauldrons were. It was called the Dark Magic Cauldron, which was a magic weapon from the fairy world.

These nine Dark Demon Cauldrons are distributed in all corners of the world, like a black hole, constantly swallowing the origin of this world, and then transmitting it to the fairyland.

That is to say, the immortal who descended to the mortal world was also uneasy and kind. The purpose of his descending to the mortal world was not to protect the mortals, but to devour the origin of the spiritual world.

Once it can devour the source of a world, even for immortals, it is a great benefit. It can greatly improve the cultivation of ordinary immortals and help immortals break through to a higher level.

The secret books and secret techniques of the five major sects actually came from the Dark Demon Cauldron.

In the ancient times, there were humans who had seen these nine dark demon cauldrons, and then had some understanding, so they created a magic technique and a book of special monastic secret books.

It is because of this that the immortal cultivators in this world will go astray, and all kinds of methods and techniques are like magic, constantly harvesting the lives of mortals.

It is estimated that this Upper Realm immortal who left the Dark Demon Cauldron is not a good thing.

"It's no wonder that the will of this world will reincarnate me on the body of Prince Fusu, I am afraid that the Heavenly Dao of this world is also aware of the great danger he is facing, so he subconsciously asks me for help.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He has the talent of being favored by the world, so no matter which world he goes to, he will be favored by Heavenly Dao and favored by Heavenly Dao, and he will naturally acquire the status of the son of luck.

The world is facing a huge disaster, so I also ask myself for help.

After all, if the nine Dark Demon Cauldrons are swallowed like this, the origin of this world will only become less and less, and then it will become a barren world and enter the era of the end of the law.

"Sure enough, the five major sects are nothing at all, but they are the enemies of the novice village, and this upper realm immortal is a real big trouble.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of cold light: "Once the forbidden formation of the Dark Demon Cauldron is touched, I am afraid that the immortal from the upper realm will be disturbed immediately, and it will also completely offend the immortal.

But who am I, how could I be afraid of offending this little immortal, and even if I am separated by a world, even a top-level immortal cannot interfere with me.

The most important thing is that this dark magic cauldron is a good thing. Although it is full of magic, it is still a fairy weapon. If it is refined, it will definitely gain endless benefits. This benefit cannot be missed.

Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate and started to do it.


In an instant, he slammed into the core of the Jiuding Immortal Formation with one move, even if it was a formation from the Immortal Realm, he couldn't hide it from his eyes.

He saw the flaws of this Immortal Formation at a glance. The power from the perfect fusion state broke out, which is simply destroying the world. The power of it has surpassed that of ordinary monks in the Tribulation Realm.

·0 for flowers·

Kacha Kacha ∼∼

Immediately, the Jiuding Immortal Formation covering the entire world seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and there were extremely astonishing cracks in the lines of many formations, and there was a crackling sound.

So easy to destroy.

In addition to the fact that Xia Chuan's formation attainments have reached the pinnacle of this world, more importantly, this formation has existed for too long.

Due to the changes in the geographical environment and the changes in the world, this formation has already begun to corrode.

Of course, without the power of Xia Chuan, this formation could continue to be repaired, and even if hundreds of millions of years passed, it would not collapse.


But now Xia Chuan stepped in, it was like a bone minnow effect, which directly accelerated its collapse.


In an instant, the whole world began to vibrate, roaring, and the nine Dark Demon Cauldrons covering the whole world let out an earth-shattering cry.

As if the nine dark demon dragons were roaring with rage, waves of terrifying demonic energy rose into the sky, as if a great demon was born, covering the sky and the sun.

Immortal cultivators in the whole world could feel this astonishing vibration, the sky and the earth were torn apart, like the end of the day.

The old antiques that were originally hidden all over the world are also awakened at this moment.

"Sure enough, Human Sovereign Fusu also found out that Jiuding is tricky.

"Isn't this a matter of course? Human Sovereign Fusu is a rare genius, how could he not find it?

"It's a pity that the emperor Fusu didn't know what he had offended. This is the handwriting left by the immortals from the upper realms. In history, I don't know how many great masters wanted to do it, but unfortunately they all fell into the sand.

"Before, there were several times when cultivation was flourishing in our world, but because they touched Jiuding, they were silenced, and the whole world was wiped out. This was also regarded as taboo by our five sects, and we never dared to touch it again. "

"I didn't expect that the emperor Fusu would be so stupid, yet dare to touch Jiuding, isn't this self-defeating?"

"Just wait and see a good show, if Fusu falls, then we can be reborn.

Many old and antique discussions have entered.

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